The prophecies of the Seals, as I open them and reveal the contents to you, will also prove that I am speaking to the world through you the 7th Angel, the 7th Messenger. You will feel a strength and courage, which will surprise even the most meek amongst you. My dearly beloved daughter, you are at the cusp of an explosion, which will see My Mercy pour out over the world in an event, which will change the face of the earth. No man knows the Truth of the real contents of the Book of Revelation. I desire to take all of you loving children who know and understand My Love for you, into My beautiful, New Paradise on Earth. This copy has all messages and all prayers that were on the original website including the last heavenly message of March 4, 2015. For then you will have arrived home into the Welcoming Arms of the King, the Messiah, who made a great sacrifice for your salvation. Great searchable resource for the archived messages: And so we shall recite this Crusade Prayer given to Maria Divine Mercy from Jesus Christ: Victory of the Remnant Church Crusade Prayer: Jesus, King and Saviour of the world, to You do we pledge our honour, our loyalty and deeds, to proclaim Your Glory to all. Therefore, we must consume the Truth Contained within the Book that reveals It, as It Is revealed in what we unworthily consume in the Eucharist, Who Is the Truth in Flesh. The message of The Divine Mercy is simple: God loves us - all of us. add to cart. Be thankful for the Crusade Prayers, for they bring with them great Blessings. When something is UNQUESTIONABLE it leaves no room for any DOUBTS. 4.30 avg rating 23 ratings published 2012. Knightslite: Maria Divine Mercy .. False Prophet? Without sacrifice nothing is achieved, whether it be materially or spiritually. He was treated with contempt and looked down upon by those who were in charge of the temples and the synagogues. Thank you My little ones for accepting My Intervention. Self-gratification does not lead to God, or the Truth. When they hurt you, they insult Me. To reject such messages as out of hand places us in great danger just as those who rejected John the Baptist and, subsequently, Gods only begotten Son Himself. It is because you are a prophet, the end time prophet. Do not allow yourselves to be denied the Gift of His Salvation, the last act of His Mercy on earth. Only for the Divine Assistance given to you, you would flee in terror. Your Call from The Truth-Reflections on Deeper Meanings, Hidden Agendas, and Signs of Our Time including fulfilled prophecies to Maria Divine Mercy. They have been given to an ordinary married woman, a Roman Catholic who lives in Europe, by the Holy Trinity and the Immaculate Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, on a daily basis since 09 November 2010. Get the OFFICIAL Divine Mercy and Mary Apps complete with an interactive Chaplet and Rosary! I was given a very special role in His Plan to save all of His children and today, in my role as the Mother of Salvation, I call out to all of His children. The speed of this Mission, which has taken the world by storm, is being fuelled by the Power of the Holy Spirit. The Second Coming of Jesus Christ will be witnessed by this generation according to the Book of Truth given to Prophet Maria Divine Mercy. Go, My children, and do not fear., Blog Post (3/2/17): They gave Pope Francis four years to make the Church over again. Heres how hes tried a short introductory post with link to article on LifeSiteNews, The Book of Truth: A Critical Review by Michael Shimpert Never do I desire revenge, no matter how evil the deeds of men are. When something is ABSOLUTE it cannot be RELATIVE. around the sick in the world and around all the dying in the world; around all the elderly and abandoned in the world. To see how the evil one has corrupted their souls is a constant torment to Me, their beloved Father. Message from Sunday May 18 2013 given through Maria Divine Mercy The Book of Truth. We don't know. Accept them with love, and I will envelop you in My Holy Arms. Every attempt will be made to trick you into responding in the hope that you will trip yourself up through your lack of knowledge. For Audio Use: Litany and Crusade Prayers (arranged order document) Audio Use Available in more than 43 languages. I blasphemed against the Laws of the Church, they said, and violated the Sabbath by conducting the Paschal Meal on a different day to the one they deemed to be correct. The contents of this Book, makes for difficult reading because it foretells the final betrayal of Me, Jesus Christ, by those who claim to govern My Church. All messages and prayers (PDF) Messages on this site, which were receieved by Maria Divine Mercy, are contained in The Book of Truth, foretold in the Book of Daniel. around all your faithful prayer warriors. WHO IS MARIA DIVINE MERCY? When they surrender their free will to Me, I can do what is necessary to draw them to the Love of God. My Remnant has been formed. Prophets have been given different Missions. This mission is protected by the Heavens and cannot be destroyed. I never seek to ruin a mans reputation when he is the cause of much destruction in the world. Their words live forever. So, as My Presence becomes less revered by so many, what chance does the world stand against Satan? But if you block the final plan of salvation by ridiculing openly and gathering believers of My Church to consistently proclaim the Voice of the Holy Spirit to be false and evil, you will suffer eternal damnation. On November 8, 2010 at 3:30 pm, an unknown visionary and seer from Europe by the name of Maria Divine Mercy received the first of what are now well over a thousand messages and prophecies given from God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ and His Holy Mother in the Holy Spirit. They will be fooled into believing, instead, in the false prophets and as there are so many of them wolves in sheeps clothing they will be drawn to those who will say all the things they want to hear. That is why Christ came into this world. He has been receiving heavenly messages since 1993 after a pilgrimage to Medjugorje, Bosnia & Herzegovina. Until that happens there can be no peace on Earth. His simple demeanour meant that few could accept the fact that he was the Son of God. Divine Mercy - YouTube Here you will find a series of divine messages a European woman, known as Maria Divine Mercy, says she has received from God daily since 8th November 2010. Here is information from the original website on the visionary and the Book of Truth: The messages contained on this website are not of human origin. It is for every single one of you, no matter how blackened or pure your souls are, but you must prepare and be alert, for every demon from Hell roams the Earth at this time, and through others will try to stop you. Friday, July 13th, 2012 @ 23:05. You must remain silent if in doubt about any Divine message given to the world and pray for the seer. Divine Mercy @DivineMercy_Official 337K subscribers The Divine Mercy Home Videos Shorts Live Playlists Community Channels About 0:00 / 0:00 We Intercede For You 61,467 views 1 year ago. Your loving Father in Heaven God of the Most High. If you deny the gift of prophecy you, too, will be forgiven. Pray and follow your faith and continue in your ways of honouring God. I am with each of you standing beside you, just waiting for the day when you will finally surrender to My Call. I do not imply or try to infringe on any copyright on such works by them, but I do propagate their works as my Christian freedom and right to testify to their good fruit in my life. Given through Maria Divine Mercy on Thursday, January 17, 2013, Well over 150 Crusade Prayers have been given to Maria Divine Mercy. As always for the Word of God, It can be discussed but It must be read to be understood and prayed to be changed by. Please accept this great Gift. Like my Son, those who remain true to Him will be resurrected in body as well as in soul on the last day. Now take My Gift of the Truth along with all the other Gifts, given to you through this Mission, and accept them with gratitude. Jesus has now sent his final prophet into the world to help prepare humanity for the New Era of Peace "I wish to bring over 7 billion of God's children home, final, to their eternal Paradise" - Jesus 02 April 2013 The Truth will be distorted and many will be forced to swallow the doctrine of darkness, which will shine brightly, like a dazzling star. They will declare these messages to be in contradiction to the Word of God. VIDEO: The Raising of the Antichrist Part I ~ HD, Wise As Serpents Crash Course in Symbols, VIDEO: The History of the Occult Decoded, Sympathy for The Devil God Loves Satan, says Catholic Apologist, VIDEO: Catholic Churches Welcome Gaia and Krishna, ISIS, the ANTICHRIST, the CROW, the WITNESSES, and the ABOMINATION, New World Order the Triangle, New Age Religion, the Logos, the Secret Societies, Christ's Messages to Actors, Singers, Celebreties, and Other Entertainers, NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM and the NOVUS ORDO MISSAE, Unmercifully Deforming Christ With Jubilee, Lucifer In The Vatican Father Malachi Martin, VIDEO: Advent of Paganism Father Malachi Martin, Is Pope Francis the False Prophet? Then you will, My children, join in unison with My Holy Will. My dearly beloved daughter, the Power of My Voice, through these Messages, has reached so many nations in just two years, that millions of souls will now help to save the souls of their brothers and sisters. Maria Divine Mercy - The Warning - 12 July 2012 JESUS: "My dearly beloved daughter let no man underestimate the impact that The Warning will have on the whole of humanity. I created this blog to spread THE TRUTH. This is why I reveal to you the Truth of what is to come, so that I can prepare you. Very few were prepared to listen to Him in His own community. Thursday, November 13th, 2014 @ 23:20. You will be ignored in many quarters of My Church on earth. Throughout history, Gods prophets have been rejected; the most glaring example being Gods Only Son who was crucified by the very people He came to save. THIS is God's plan for you and for me here, on this speck of dust on which we live as invisible atoms in an infinite Universe that is nothing but God's Right Eye Pupil. St. Thomas Aquinas confirms, saying: "There being . Any man who claims to be Me, or any man who tells you Jesus walks the Earth in human flesh, is a liar. The evil one is careful, cunning and devious and so, when his agents present a new approach to My Teachings, you can be sure that it will be dressed up in an admirable way that will be seen to be just. 170 Crusade Prayers were also dictated to Maria Divine Mercy by God the Father, His beloved Son Jesus Christ and the Blessed Mother of God, the Virgin Mary who has asked the world that she be known as the Mother of Salvation through these messages. We have lost The Way and The Way Leads us to The Cross. You do not understand the meaning of the messages yet. Click here for 2012 Messages Book of Truth These messages comprise The Book of Truth. Were they ready? The messages reveal Gods plan to a world in the days leading up to the Second Coming of Christ. EVERYTHING WILL BE DONE TO CAUSE DISRUPTION TO YOUR PRAYER GROUPS The Book of Truth (Volume One) by Maria Divine Mercy | Goodreads Many miracles involve the . The official website for the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Mercy Province in the United States of the Congregation of Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary. Call on Me always to help you; to give you courage, strength and the ability to treat your enemies with the love and compassion that is needed if you are to become a true disciple of Mine. I am not working for Maria Divine Mercy. Time must never be squandered when you are preparing to welcome Me. The further away they remove themselves from God, the less they know of My Promise. Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska: Divine Mercy in My Soul - eBay We unite ourselves in body, mind and spirit within Your Sacred Heart. It is very important that you do this. Every word they uttered was thrown back in their faces. Most of Gods prophets were despised, mocked and considered to be heretics. GOD THE FATHER: RISE NOW AND ACCEPT MY SEAL, THE SEAL OF THE LIVING GOD Go in peace and understanding My daughter. These Messages will be the last given to you before the Great Day when I come to Judge shelved 613 times. They will do this through ignorance, for many of them assume that they already know the prophecies I Am still to reveal to the world, before My Second Coming. Because of this I do not want to lose one soul. Polish Divine Mercy Shrines Divine Mercy Shrine of Krakw | Official Website; Divine Mercy Shrine of Pock | Official Website; Excerpts of the Diary of Sister Faustina Kowalska: Divine Mercy in My Soul; Devotional organizations Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska -; Faustinum Association of Apostles of the Divine Mercy Not one of you is loved less than the other. Because My Divine Presence, My Body and My Blood, is contained in every Tabernacle in the world you have been able to fight sin. INSTRUCTIONS: How To Translate Downloadable Documents, Books And Booklets, On This Blog Into 90 Languages Go in love and peace and know that I live in your hearts. 9 things you need to know about "Maria Divine Mercy" - NCR Made up tales. I will come again on the last day. Even those who do not accept My Existence are being sought out by Me every day. Please continue to pray My Divine Mercy Chaplet every day. Without the Cross we become vulnerable to the seductive power of the false doctrines taught by the false prophets who are sent by their false father: the father of lies What are we going to do, you and I? They not only misunderstand Me, they out-rightly rejected Me because they were not prepared to welcome the True Messiah at that time. Click here for more info. Live the Word of God. You, My beloved followers, must understand that that the only objective of private revelation is to save souls through conversion. Subscribe The Divine. They are Mine, My cherished Creation. The Messages of Maria Divine Mercy -A confirmed fraud The messages reveal Gods plan to a world in the days leading up to the Second Coming of Christ. In our soon to come persecution, we must remember the following words: "Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. Reject them as nonsense and you will rue the day you turned your back on the Truth promised to you as Gods cherished children. It is because you are a prophet, the end time prophet Available for iOS and Android. What is Divine Mercy? The Image | The Divine Mercy We must remain faithful from this very moment, which is already gone as you now read the next word written by my small self, until the eternal now when darkness will no longer be. The Seal of the Living God The Book of Truth - ChristoGifts There will be not one country left untouched by My Holy Spirit through the Book of Truth. The prophets were hated because they prophecised in the Name of God and because they told of future tragedies, which were to befall humanity because of the stain of sin. Without the Book of Truth, you, My disciples, would be like lambs being led to the slaughter, as you must know that your faith in God will be challenged and many efforts will be made to wipe out all traces of Me, Jesus Christ, off the face of the Earth. The answer is yes. My dearly beloved daughter, by the Power of the Holy Blessed Trinity, I declare that I have given you the Truth. The Church will, just as they did during my Sons time on earth the first time, reject His word as He prepares for His Second Coming. I will never desert you. $14.95. Maria Divine Mercy - The Book of Truth - The WILD VOICE WHO ISMARIA DIVINE MERCY? My Mission is not to give you a new Bible, for that could never be, as My Fathers Book contains the whole Truth Maria will let you know what is expected, soon., Summary Of Preparation For End Times In The Book Of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy) Although she had no knowledge of the Bible or religious matters in any great detail, the messages are littered with numerous biblical references, codes and secrets. Maria Divine Mercy personal letter to JTM Prayer Warriors - 3 July 2021 My Task, in a world, which has plunged into paganism, is to remind you of the Truth on the one hand, and on the other, is My Desire to prepare your souls, for the time of My Second Coming. Explaining the Faith Series: Understanding Divine Mercy. Brothers and sisters from all over the World and in Christ Jesus: Hope and Faith in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit will be the Sword through which Our Lord will cut the head off the Beast. When I ask you to pray I simply ask you to confide in Me, in your own simple words. Amen. I try to draw them to Me. In these messages the Voice of the Holy Spirit is being poured out to save mankind from eternal damnation. Then John the Baptist gave them the Word and warned them to prepare. around all believers in the world; and around all unbelievers. Only I, the Lamb of God, have the authority to reveal what they contain. For all their knowledge of Me, they will still refuse to accept that God is intervening and preparing them through His prophet. The worse the persecution against any Mission of God, you can be sure that Satan is very angry. I console you in these times, dear Father. To see how the evil one has corrupted their souls is a constant torment to Me, their beloved Father. According to her web site, she is "a Roman Catholic married mother of a young family living in Europe [and] says she has been receiving from the Holy Trinity as well as by the Virgin Mary.". Rejected, ridiculed, cast aside and deemed as eccentric, just as I was during My time on earth they still delivered the Word of God. She writes anonymous, stating, "The woman wishes to be known . Now it is up to you to spread the Truth. Indeed, as I was writing the words here above "We must remain faithful to this One God" I decided to check if there was a new message on The Warning Second Coming as of today, Sunday May 18 2013. I promise you that the persecution will be swift and that you will be protected. My Power will surge through you with this Seal and no harm will come to you. The authentic missions, which I bless today and those I blessed over the centuries always suffered, because of opposition. Come to Me and I will protect you. It is like a sword piercing My Heart, which will not go away. Now the time has come for my Son to come again and only those who recognise His voice, because of the Gift of the Holy Spirit, will follow His instructions. The following is a preliminary application of the norms for evaluating reported private revelations (established by the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith, November, 1974) to the reported messages of the woman who refers to herself as "Maria Divine Mercy." ***, Also see this page for instructions: An example of this was done in Scripture by St. Paul who confronted Pope St. Peter, writing about the encounter saying: "And when Cephas (Pope St. Peter) came to Antioch, I opposed him, before everyone, to his face because he clearly was wrong" (Galatians 2:11-14). PROPHECY Reflections On Amoris Laetitia - From the Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy) PROPHECY 2013 Prophecy about the Abomination of Desolation from Our Lord Jesus Christ; . However, when you reject the Holy Spirit and publicly blaspheme against it this is an eternal sin and only a miracle, sanctioned by God the Father, can save your soul. 2010 Messages - Book Of Truth - Maria Divine Mercy Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska: Divine Mercy in My Soul, Revised Edition at the best online prices at eBay! Go now, My daughter, and never fret when hatred is shown to you in this Mission, for you and all those who hear My Call will then be in no doubt Who it is that they oppose. After continuing to study the MDM messages to compare them with Catholic beliefs and Sacred Scripture, I am even more convinced now than ever that they are . And then there was John the Baptist, sent to prepare Gods children for the coming of the Messiah, the only Son of God, sent to redeem them in the Eyes of God. Many were cast into the wilderness and tormented, all because they were messengers sent by God. It is unnecessary, they will say. Available for iOS and Android. You can DOWNLOAD/PRINT the SEAL OF THE LIVING GOD in all languages by clicking here, VIDEO: THE SEAL OF THE LIVING GOD CRUSADE PRAYER 33. They deny prophecy because they do not want to listen. You must, children, always remember that my Son could never contradict His Church on Earth for He is the Church. Therefore, if we wish to enjoy Eternal Life in Glory, we MUST obey God's Laws and Will at all times in joy and peace while loving all those men and women who are going to persecute us. EXPLAINING THE FAITH DVD. The Book of Truth will also reveal to you, My beloved followers, the Plan of My Father to help you to make the proper preparations needed to enter the New and Glorious Paradise on Earth. (This blog,, is not associated in anyway with ChristoGifts. I beg you to protect me and my loved ones with this special Seal and I pledge my life to Your service forever and ever. The Truth will, no matter how difficult it is for you to digest, set you free. With this you will escape the notice of those who will cause hardship in your countries. When I say something will happen and when it does, they will still deny that the prophecy came from the Words uttered by My Lips. Every action you take comes from Me. Shall you and I deny the Words contained in this Holy Book, our souls may perish in an abyss of darkness so unfathomably deep that our minds would instantly be incinerated were they allowed to perceive it. Wednesday, February 12th, 2014 @ 23:00. Divine Mercy @DivineMercy_Official 345K subscribers 2.8K videos The Marians are a Congregation of more than 500 priests and brothers in 19 countries around the world. Indeed, we are the publishers of St. Faustina's diary, Divine Mercy in My Soul , in many languages . This has been foretold, but will they listen? Always remember that Satan will never stop tormenting this and other missions, which are authentic, for they come from God. You may believe that God would not need to send another prophet that mankind was released from the stranglehold of Satan, after My death on the Cross, that you have been given the Truth through My Teachings already, and that the Truth is contained in My Fathers Book, the most Holy Bible. The only fruit within the barren desert will be the Voice of God., 12 Prophecies That Indicate Trouble Ahead for Papacy AND HOW TO RESPOND IF POPE FRANCIS IS THE FALSE PROPHET By Dr. Kelly Bowring, The Book of Truth (Daniel And Revelation) The Two Witnesses (Elijah The Prophet) Maria Divine Mercy By a soul The Flame of the Holy Spirit will guide you every step of the way. Or did he believe that I would not warn him at all? My loyal sacred servants, who remain true to My Word, will rise and guide you By doing so, they are denying the Holy Gospel of God. I refer also to those who practice their faith; to those who believe in Me, but who do not visit Me and to all those who remain loyal to the Truth. In your world today do you think it will be any different? It was reinforced through all those chosen souls who were enlightened by the power of the Holy Spirit down through the centuries.
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