These arent exactly the most concealable guns out there. One near each upstairs door and one near the basement door. The 43 chambered for the 9x19 cartridge, along with its immediate predecessor the .380 caliber Model 42, were not the . My point is that I see no benefit in limiting my defensive options. As someone from MS you gotta tell me where this full auto shoot was. Carried chambered until the kids came. It still works now, so long as the comment page is more than three years old. Glock 22 Gen 3 (Photo: Gunprime) The full-size Glock 22 was made to fill the gap between .45 and 9mm. I keep hearing the words with proper training, like that is the Holy Grail! So lets just say its a personal choice and your way isnt better than mine, but I will never accidently shoot my leg or foot. Hire someone who did it on other blogs. Youd figure Colt would have gotten with the program by now and made the SAA with a transfer bar. Unlikely. Ive carried in condition one for nearly 25 years. That may be true but it is also irrelevant, since the *actual* cause of the negligent discharge is*negligence. So in 2019, are you telling a revolver carrier to carry only 4 bullets instead of five?? Carry chambered? | Glock Talk uncommon_sense: I would hope that, by now, you know whether or not the handgun you actually OWN has a firing pin safety. Its common for someone to quickly raise a gun and try to shoot, just to realize the safety was in the on position keeping it from working. There are advertisements for trigger jobs on striker fired guns to make them with an even less pull weight!! Agree with the author 100%. Stop all AR-15 and AR-10 calibers with this RTS Tactical level 3+ Armor Kit. Let's dive into the depths of insanity when it comes to concealed carry myths. If I have to carry a compact, its a DA only with no safety or one with the safety off. Even in that highly unlikely scenario, the gun would likely kill them anyway, even without going off, by blunt trauma alone. Some militaries wanted to normalize carrying a pistol or rifle with a loaded chamber for obvious reasons, but they ran into some of these same issues on old guns. The answer is "yes." Milliseconds count. I will say this again: If other blogs can do it, then it can be done. OFC, most people would rather just follow the herd, but that isnt reasonable, logical, nor wise. I am pretty tired of people telling me how to handle my weapons. CC with the Glock 26. How safe? - USA Carry Glock then redesigned the weapon as a striker fired weapon because they knew the average low I.Q. But the real benefit is in the noise. I'm not exactly a diehard with pistol-caliber carbines but I definitely enjoy them. Not carrying a round in the chamber does indeed provide you a 100% chance of not having the gun go off in the holster. Now youve introduced a firearm where one might not otherwise have been involved, not to mention triggering the bad guys own sense of self preservation. . I got them after watching the best experts I know of, champions, and their green light review. Do you carry with your Glock chambered? | Glock Pro Forums The engineer who designed a take down system whereby the slide has to be forward and you have to pull the trigger must have on that day tripped out on LSD. Have you ever failed to yield the right of way when making a left turn? Length: 7.3. As for the replicas, these are hit-and-miss when it comes to carrying on an empty chamber. If all you do at the range is stand there at the bench, pick up your gun, lock the slide, insert the magazine, and press the slide stop to send the slide forward, then get on target to shoot, you're not training yourself right. Cocked and locked . Also thank goodness I dont even have to make THAT choice. I carry my Jericho the same way. Carrying a Glock loaded concealed vs unloaded | Firearms Talk As if every act of negligence is a deliberate act. The Glock trigger is too light and too short to be safe. OMG I love those old Fractured Fairy Tales shows! The anti-GLOCK crowd and they are nothing if not noisy also raised the objection that since a striker-fired pistol is so easy to discharge (a simple pull of a relatively light trigger) then its inherently dangerous to have those guns in a home with small children. I would like to carry at the ready, but doing so really gives me the heebie-jeebies. Because they have no external safety, Glocks are quicker to draw and fire. A few weeks went by & I realized I was safe. Yes. You've only seen one page. An insignificant cretin crying for attention in a world that has left him far, far behind. The are a couple videos out there showing issues with holsters (kydex included) where bending or twisting caused a discharge. 21 foot rule gets those people every time. Glocks are awesome little handguns. When I carry a semiautomatic pistol for self defense, the chamber is loaded and the safety is on. when I was in the Harris County, Texas courts, I saw many LEOs that had semi-auto pistols with one in the chamber and the hammer cocked and the holster strap between the hammer and the slide. Glock dominates the handgun market in both the United States and around the globe. Um. As stated above, Glocks are safe. If waking up to a noise or shadow, I want the piece in my hand as simply and easily as possible, meaning it lays in the headboard. Im still getting comfortable with carrying, and Ill take an unchambered gun over one at home in the safe any day. Carrying with an empty chamber was John Waynes great advice, applicable to old, single action revolvers. The firearm entered Austrian military and police service by 1982 after becoming the top performer in reliability and safety tests.. Glock pistols have become the company's most profitable line of products, and have been supplied to . Many revolvers also changed; whereas the firing pin was once integrated with the hammer . Empty chamber is one option, but there are others. You are not going to change my mind. This pistol gained [] 1 - 20 of 30 Posts. Its your right to self defense. Want to vent about something? I recommend RTS Tactical for reliable, rifle-stopping options, Youre worth it. Consider this, if everyone carried a weapon in condition 3, how many mass shootings would there be? No thanks. Yeah, me too. Come on, Gov, you know better than that. Five years ago I reviewed the Glock 43, the second pistol in Glock's "Slimline" series of thin grip pistols. Glocks can be dangerous When they tumble and fall and the natural instinct is to catch. I have had cops point shotgunms and Rvolvurs at me, made me nervous, now their pointing Glocks at me, and that frightens me to the point of shaking. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'guntradition_com-leader-2','ezslot_6',115,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-guntradition_com-leader-2-0');All this comes from an old incident within the New York City Police Department. Carry without one in the pipe for a while to get used to it. So when does your Glock actually have a likely chance of discharging in those two most common klutz behaviors while handling a firearm? Glock .40 Caliber Breakdown and Buyer's Guide - Pew Pew Tactical The most likely time a kid will get their hands on my gun is if it somehow gets knocked loose from my [high-quality, proper-retention] holster during movement in tight spaces while I am wearing it. Conceal. They are built using the patented Safe Action System which prevents unintentional firing. None of those things make any difference at all. Glocks are for professional that carry OWB at 3 o'clock where it is possible to see All the way around the holster While holstering the gun. She had the edge, rock steady hands of a brain surgeon. Keep your chin up, youll get it eventually. A loaded Glock is a little more dangerous than a striker with a heavier trigger and when you carry a missile behind the hammer and like a lite trigger , like I do , I advise people to carry a thumb safety , like I do . But do suggest they make more of them and lower the price for us plebes. Is it just something one has to get used to? Just do what you are comfortable/confident with and what is best for your individual personal situation. If you cant respect the power and danger of an automobile why would you think you could be trusted with a firearm at all let alone one without a safety? My Glock 23 is fully loaded, and no problems at all, even with the 3.5 connector in it that lightens the trigger pull a bit. For those afraid of carrying cocked and locked or striker-fired guns, the XD-E is a better choice than chamber-empty carry. I submit extremely unlikely. Ok revolvers. Nope. 1; 2; Next. Not only that, but the holster allows you to "re-holster" off body which also greatly reduces the odds of clothing or something getting caught in the trigger guard. I'd recommend a Hard Kydex holster like a comp-tac infidel. Two is one, one is none. In a way, the GLOCK trigger is similar to a double action revolver trigger. about carrying or keeping a gun with a round in the chamber. And so it is when carrying a Glock as well. And an unloaded weapon does you no good if/when you need it. Because they have no external safety, Glocks are quicker to draw and fire. Brain farts are a universal malady that effects 100% of all humans and the Glock and its clones are probably the least idiot proof handgun ever invented. Discharge during take down? I never carried a gun before my G27. In fact, it uses S&W Shield Plus magazines. I once had a grim laugh when one Jethro Bodine (after emerging from his out house) told me he bought a Glock because he could not stand the worry of carrying his 1911 cocked and locked. It's a little bullet with a decent velocity, but will it actually fill the freezer? But in my house, in the middle of the night, what do I care about 50 yard accuracy or the ability to knock over a steel plate or knock a bowling pin off a table? Only, dumb guys wouldnt understand that. People that just cant accept what someone else wants to do compared to what they feel is best for them smacks of their insecurity.. It degrades my ability to respond and limits my choices, but is still far better than some choice words. Glock claims that this translates into longer pistol longevity as well as better accuracy overall. As in mentally deranged. You can get a lockbox for $50 or less from Amazon or from most hardware stores. And that is the key to any methodology, simply having the proper training. The full magazine has ten rounds, and the "+1" is the round that is in the chamber. Few indeed even care about SA revolvers anymore, or even know they exist, or care about the firing mechanism. A round in the chamber | Glock Pro Forums Dont you dare break the three rules of safe gun handling. Seems more in line with your abilities. Thats all Colt added to the series 80, the internal firing pin block. I could be ELI2016 if I wanted to. Are Glocks safe to carry chambered? - Quora
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