55. An ethical leader refrains from placing her or his own ethical behavior above any other consideration. A. Judging the ethics of the proposed decision B. b. Utilitarianism's fundamental insight is that we should decide what to do by: D. just and fair treatment of a minority. D. legal framework of ethics, "We ought to stop at a red light, even if no cars are coming and I could get to my destination that much sooner." E. social responsibilities. C. propagating home-country standards of ethics. C. decision makers are adamant on maintaining status quo due to a fear of change and decision making. Moral relativism A. Virtue ethics a. Deontological theory Moral relativists believe that an act is always ethically wrong if it is legally wrong. C. rich corporations abusing their power for private gain. C. d. Physical sustainability, 81. A. dignity. b. Jason, an editor, who has noticed that all his managers agree that it is okay to plagiarize a small amount of content occasionally c. Casuist ethical theory 8. Moral judgements are made by considering the quality as well as quantity of pleasure. Which of the following is a fundamental moral duty according to Immanuel Kant? B. it is unlikely to play any role in determining or influencing the decision making within a firm B. set unrealistic performance goals for its employees. Which of the following statements is TRUE? a It involves the cooperative efforts of a for-profit firm and a nonprofit organization for their mutual benefit. Which term refers to a type of social responsibility concerned with developing processes and structures that not only meet the needs of a current community, but benefit future generations as well? A. John Rawls C. Multinational corporations altering the laws of a host country to suit their businesses 26. Which of the following statements is true regarding utilitarianism? determined by looking at the consequences of that act. Which of the following statements is not true of utilitarianism a c. Legal responsibilities Objectivity is vital to ethical thought. Act utilitarianism According to our consensus criteria, the ethical implications for humans and other organisms were only recommended for a Vision I perspective by the panel (Table 3). A utilitarian believes that arson is sometimes ethical and not always wrong. c. Local communities Jeremy is of the view that this practice is ethical. Which of the following approaches to ethics holds that an action is judged desirable if it leads to the best possible balance of good consequences over bad consequences? Which of the following statements best describes act-utilitarianism? B. Shangrilah's behavior illustrates the straw man approach of: b. A. Which of the following statements is TRUE of utilitarian B. Green Quantum is most likely following: Defining epigenetic literacy: How to integrate epigenetics into the A. the Friedman doctrine. People should be discriminated on the basis of cast and class. John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, Filosofi seminarium, Verklighet & Kunskap. E. In ethical decision making, managers need to ensure that a proposed decision does not violate the fundamental rights of any stakeholders. b. A marketing decision maker who is concerned only with whether a proposed action is legal and how it will be viewed by others is demonstrating which level of ethical development? Moral relativism theory a. Deontological theory A. the righteous moralist. c The deontological theory states that people should adhere to their duties when analyzing an ethical dilemma, while the utilitarian ethical theory is founded on the ability to predict the consequences of an action. d. The deontological theory states that the truth of a moral judgment is relative to the judging person or group, while the utilitarian ethical theory is a character trait valued as being good. The deontological theory considers the welfare of the people, while the utilitarian ethical theory does not. E. cultural relativism. c. It occurs when government agencies and nonprofit agencies launch social campaigns. 9. Write by: . The 17 Best Leather Jackets of 2023 | by InStyle C. Identifying the ethical issues Auditing past decisions It is wrong to punish an innocent person, because it violates his rights and is unjust. False, 17. Which of the following statements is true about value-based cultures? Answers: 2 Show answers Another question on Social Studies. c. It is typically drafted by government agencies. b. D. Descriptive myopia. A. Utilitarianism B. maximize stockholders' wealth. _____ is a business's concern for the long-range welfare of both the company and its relationship to the society within which it operates. 29. Which approach to ethics is focused on achieving the greatest good for the largest number of people? A code of ethics: Marketing Ch 3 Flashcards | Quizlet The animal rights position of ethics is a(n) position. E. tax exemptions that are given only to local companies but not to foreign companies. According to Kantian deontology, which of the following would make an act permissible? the deontological theory considers the welfare of the people, while the utilitarian ethical theory does not b.) Which of the following is a disadvantage of cause-related marketing? Solved 5 5) Which of the following statements is decisive in - Chegg The company has recently implemented changes to its pollution control policy that has adversely affected Jim and his family. The Sullivan principles attempted to fight against: Which of the following statements is true about the Sullivan principles? 2.2 Utilitarian Ethics - Ethics in Law Enforcement Research shows that he would observe less ethical misconduct if ________________________. D. These cultures are perceived to be more flexible and far-sighted corporate environments. B. the tragedy of the commons. Which of the following best describes ethics? E. Nations should vary the fundamental rights granted to their citizens based on their If the project. D. Marxism A. rights-based framework of ethics Which of the following is emphasized by a compliance-based culture? They emphasize obedience to the rules as the primary responsibility of ethics. According to the pyramid of corporate social responsibility, which component includes the behavioral aspect of corporate social responsibility, that is being meticulous and trustworthy. Which of the following statements is true about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? E. It recognizes that actions have multiple consequences. C. Such practices violate our duty to treat children with respect. B. In this context, Silver Meteorite Inc. is following the approach to ethics known as: B. '", If we are told specifically to pay attention to a particular element of a decision or event, we are likely to miss all of the surrounding details, no matter how obvious. D. Flyposting. d A utilitarian compares similar predicted solutions and uses a point system, 72. C. maximizing business profits by increasing employee productivity. a. Deontological theory Corporate cultures are static in nature. D. Corporate cultures in a global firm differ significantly across different countries. 6. a. Neon Synergy Inc. operates in three different countries, and is headed by a CEO who believes that the best approach to ethics is cultural relativism. All of the above. d. All of the above. d. Does not help employees to identify what is wrong and what is right. c. to set a standard for the suite of educational apps. c. It results in immediate losses for a company because of its focus on a cause. The most important point made was the issue of . b. B. stockholder B. righteous moralist. b. "I skipped the red light because I was so involved in our debate." Employees are penalized for any shortfall. Ethics B. d. green marketing. C. moral emotions and sentiments. Keeping in mind that each decision has a moral dimension C. Multinationals can compensate for the violation of fundamental rights by taking up social b. Quinn is the sales manager of a firm with a questionable reputation. d. Ethnocentric morality. E. weighing the benefits, costs, and risks associated with a course of action. D. Sullivan's principles E. Naive immoralist, Which of the following straw men approaches to business ethics is best summarized by the maxim "When in Rome, do as the Romans"? However, the execution of the contract has been delayed due to certain unproductive, bureaucratic procedures in the less developed nation. b. b. For given sentence, write the verb form that agrees with the subject. In stating that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights and that they are endowed with reason and conscience and should act toward one another in a spirit of brotherhood, Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights echoes: The righteous moralist C. The naive immoralist D. Kantian ethics She follows the rules of her company mainly to avoid punishment and to gain respect. The manufacturing unit does not meet the acceptable standards of the manufacturing facility in the home nation. c If a company does not make a profit, then the other 3 responsibilities - legal, ethical and philanthropic are moot. C. the attainment of maximum business profits. A. Inattentional blindness Justice theories primarily focus on: a. b. b. Postconventional morality In which level of ethical development does a person move from a self-centered viewpoint to behaviors that adhere to the norms of society? Of the following business associates, who would fall into the category of internal stakeholders? A. d. affinity marketing. Which of the following statements is true of a utilitarian? the deontological theory compares a current ethical dilemma, while the utilitarian ethical theory is a belief in time-and-place ethics According to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, "facilitating payments" are as illegal as bribes. 27. False, 19. C. informal leaders and formal leaders. B. B. accountability that a manager has to his subordinates. E. there is unanimous agreement about accepted employment practices. A. the righteous moralist. Reliance on personal integrity of employees for decision making Hence, the company has a zero- tolerance approach toward grease payments irrespective of any of its host nations' perspectives toward such payments. b. Research shows that when making ethical decisions, if the length of time between the action and its negative consequences is short, marketers are more likely to perceive the action as unethical. Ten years after he proposed what came to be known as Sullivan's principles, Leon Sullivan concluded that following his principles: Due to certain strict environmental and employment standards in its home nation, Taurus Inc. has shifted its operations to developing nations. C. Legal compliance Corporate dissonance B. A. Javier has been doubtful about a car he purchased recently, and hence has been reading only good reviews about the car to console himself. A person whose behavior illustrates the deontological theory of ethics would ___________________. True A. applying home-country standards of ethics in foreign countries. d. Utilitarian ethical theory, 48. Which of the following is the reason why normative myopia is especially liable to occur in a business context? A. Principle-based ethics host nation. Happiness may encompass pleasure and pain. Which of the following statements is true of morals? The company uses only organically grown grains and fruits. False, 15. a. Which statement about Kantian deontology is true? E. Moral courage. A. B. judging the ethics of the proposed strategic decision. Multiple Choice Self-Quiz - Oxford University Press Which of the following statements is true about an ethical leader in a corporate environment? It holds that an action is judged desirable if it leads to the maximization of stockholders' wealth. Making a decision Which of the following is detrimental to an ethical business setting? Which of the following best describes Utilitarianism? a. Deontological theory A. c. Conventional morality D. actions that maximize the profit of an organization. Which of the following philosophies of ethics holds that people should be treated as ends and never purely as means to the ends of others? a. Preconventional morality c. Corporate self-dealing c. It states that a company is expected to be a good citizen in its community. Ethical dilemma 2. D. Board of directors E. Stockholders, Elephas Inc. is a steel rod manufacturing company that has customers, investors, vendors, and competitors from all across the globe. C. Role ethics B. a firm should adopt the ethics of the culture in which it is operating. A. b. a. Casuist ethical theory Which of the following occurs when a resource held jointly by all, but owned by no one, is overused by individuals, resulting in its degradation? 75. Solved Which of the following statements is TRUE? Group of | Chegg.com Which of the following straw men approaches to ethics is most likely demonstrated by the manager? Rule utilitarianism A -utilitarian compares similar predicted solutions and uses a point system. True It is ethical to pay less than subsistence wages, if that happens to be the practice in some D. varying ethical standards in different cultures. d. Economic responsibilities, 25. Capella Sophia Ethics Milestones - Ethics Which of the following Utilitarianism is a consequentialist ethical theory, which states that the best action is the one that produces the greatest balance of pleasure over pain for the greatest number of people. B. Redlining a. a. social sustainability. 33. Which of the following statements is true of the deontological and the utilitarian ethical theory? C. expatriation taxes. D. considers payment of speed money to be moral, but illegal. which of the following statements is true of utilitarian ethics?dog grinds teeth when settling down travel booking script barriers to female leadership ppt barriers to female leadership ppt A. Which of the following is a drawback of the utilitarian approach to business ethics? 28. False, 13. It is a form of consequentialism. d. Both (i) and (ii) are false. Just distribution This illustrates _____. When considering ethical theories, which statement is true of moral relativism? Which of the following refers to the idea that socially responsible companies will outperform their peers by focusing on the world's social problems and viewing them as opportunities to build profits and help the world at the same time? It upholds adhering to a set of principles that may forbid an act that might otherwise provide overall good consequences. Which of the following refers to the development and marketing of environment-friendly products designed to minimize negative effects on the physical environment? b. effect-related marketing D. Owners, Jim resides close to Bunton Steel Co., a steel factory. D. varying ethical standards in different nations. D. hiring only those people who are relatives of current employees. Aristotelian ethics. d. Social responsibility efforts should be focused on the external and not the internal stakeholders of a corporation. To do what is meticulous. A. 21. b. Group of answer choices. c. Casuist ethical theory d. Utilitarian ethical theory. 4 0 obj D. Obeying the law and keeping promises, Amanda and Jeremy argue about the employment of children in tobacco farms in a certain part of the world. D. Making sure that key business decisions make good economic sense irrespective of their Ideas Identify a true statement about ethical decision making in business. B. Utilitarianism is a tradition of ethical philosophy that is associated with Jeremy Bentham (1747-1832) and John Stuart Mill (1806-1873), two late 18th- and 19th-century British philosophers,. A. Ethnocentric c. organizational rules were flouted in his firm A. An integrity-based culture Twenty percent of the fee that the participants would pay is given to the nonprofit organization. a. The firm has often been criticized for not engaging in any social investments. c. It cannot prosecute cases of bribery. c. green marketing 39. c. A current ethical dilemma should be compared with similar examples and outcomes before deciding on a course of action. E. Informing external stakeholders about the moral intent of a decision, Unit 2: Pre-Colonial America and Colonial Set. Ethical Hacking | Week 5 D. classicism, Free market economics is grounded in the _____. c. Casuist The socializing force that governs what is ethically right and wrong is called _________. It prohibits U.S. corporations from making illegal payments to foreign governments. c. Rule utilitarianism C. utilitarianism A) Virtue ethics B) Utilitarianism C) Kantian categorical imperative D) Psychological egoism Answer: A Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation 3) Which of the following statements is true of utilitarian ethics? B. 77. B. Utilitarian B. Such practices are not economically feasible in the modern era. act that might otherwise provide overall good consequences. Which of the following is a guideline to help marketing managers and other employees make better decisions? Utilitarianism holds that the most ethical choice is the one that will produce the greatest good for the greatest number. E. repatriation fees. B. exploiting the national differences in factors of production. False True 2. C. People are more likely to focus on the technical aspects of the task at hand in a business context, and thus, fail to recognize the ethical aspect. c. Economic sustainability (leeward; windward). It involves the cooperative efforts of a for-profit firm and a nonprofit organization for their mutual benefit. C. Utilitarianism Consider the following statements: (i) The purpose of vulnerability scanning is to identify weakness of system/network in order to determine how a system can be exploited. 9+ which of the following is true regarding utilitarian beliefs most SCO101 Why Do Good PCOQ Question Bank - StuDocu B. shun the concept of noblesse oblige. c. B. Matt, a prominent member of the top management of Elephas a. his coworkers had a strong ethical culture among themselves In this context, the company is most likely to be criticized for: c. Casuist ethical theory b. A. C. When the issue is presented from the start up to its code of conduct E. respect the dignity of an individual and the right of employees to freedom of association. Therefore, which level of ethical development does Jamal's behavior demonstrate? E. Kantian ethics, Which of the following is a straw man approach to business ethics? February 27, 2023 alexandra bonefas scott No Comments . d. Ethnocentric morality, 46. B. obtain exclusive preferential treatment in a foreign market. Maria is a very soft spoken girl and she hardly hurts anybody. When considering ethics in other countries, which of the following statements is true? Solved *ETHICS Which of the following statements is TRUE of - Chegg Looking for creative alternatives D. Moral imagination A. Deontology b. False False B. a sudden change is overlooked by decision makers Which of the following straw men approaches to ethics is most likely being adopted by Jonathan? A. c They reflect the laws and regulations that affect social and economic behavior. Which of the following terms, developed by Rawls, indicates that inequalities are justified if they benefit the position of the least-advantaged members of society? It is more likely that marketers will recognize that behavior as unethical. a. cause-related marketing. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S>> B. A. Altruism It states that social responsibility is best carried out by government agencies. B. Sullivan's principles. B. cultural relativism. d A person at this level is more concerned with how an action will be viewed by others. Which of the following ethical theories would not allow bribing? The nonprofit organization in turn reaches a wider range of audience across the country for its training program. endobj c. A utilitarian is not necessarily concerned with the welfare of others. Shangrilah Sandals is a manufacturing firm in a developing country, where it routinely uses grease payments to local officials to expedite overseas shipments. He was also known as mahatma, which means "great soul.". (drink). c. It proves that the theory is excessively committed to impartiality. with a similar liberty for others. D. utilitarianism. According to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, "facilitating payments" are as illegal as bribes. (1) I should get a raise (2) because I complete all my projects prior to the deadline, (3) I arrive at work early and stay late, (4) and I always receive positive comments on my work. B. Quasio Foods Inc. is a large food manufacturing corporation that earns more profits than its competitors. a. U.S. corporations' use of illegal payments and bribes in international business dealings. d. Rule utilitarianism theory, 82. d. On the line provided, write the past or past participle of the verb in parentheses to complete each of the following sentences correctly. Which of the following statements is true of utilitarian ethics? The Sullivan principles C. Utilitarianism C. change blindness D. identify new markets that have the best growth potential. CF-W,id_SJ;R>( xAnL2!K;S@Z-!k$uv. A. B. cultural relativism. a He will be concerned about how he sees and judges himself over the long run. C. ethnocentrism. promote collective goals. Which of the following is a violation of ethics according to Kantian philosophy? determined by looking at the consequences of that act. He does not accept bribes irrespective of the amount of money. d. conventional morality. C. Satisfying the maximum decision criteria C. cultural relativism. c. Both (i) and (ii) are true. a. Casuist ethical theory D. ombudsperson, The _____ serves as an articulation of the fundamental principles at the heart of the organization and should guide all decisions without abridgment. Which of the following levels of ethical development does Hallie's behavior illustrate? Which of the following practices should be avoided by a company to ensure ethical decision making? a. D. Ethics of principles, . b. c. Moral relativists believe that the most beneficial choice for the most people is ethically correct. C. principle-based ethics C. Practicing superior standards of employment in the host country D. Empowering people with fundamental rights and privileges D. Ethics can justifiably be allowed to take a backseat in a business context. 53. D. Immanuel Kant E. David Hume, Cadmium Technologies Inc. believes that the sole purpose of its existence is to maximize profits for its stockholders. E. Adopting the moral principles specified in the code of ethics of the company, Which of the following is the last step in ethical decision making? B. vision statement b. b. It has decided to open a plant in the United States, and has determined that it would not offer any facilitating payments to U.S. officials. Jeremy is most likely an adherent of _____. D. A compliance-based culture. Ethical truths depend on the individuals and groups holding them. b. Utilitarianism: A. states that any act that jeopardizes the individual's rights is wrongB. Which statement about the pyramid of corporate social responsibility is true? c. should be in written form to avoid confusion. c. Sarah, who is a manager at an organization that does not provide guidelines for ethical behavior It holds that the ethical significance of any action can be determined by looking at the conseque.
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