The African Union has shifted focus from supporting liberation movements in the erstwhile African territories under colonialism and apartheid, as envisaged by the OAU since 1963 and the Constitutive Act, to an organization spear-heading Africas development and integration. It is nonsense that I have to learn German or French to work in laters countries. Together we are able to come up with solutions to our problems. Internal conflicts would be brought about but by rotating leadership with a period of a year for every countries best interest and using federalism this subsides. The OAU provides the arena within which common African policies are forged, or disputed, and where the tensions of inter-African relations can be released. I agree with you lekki. The laws they do have aren't always strictly enforced. This change is not only in the economic sector. This task would go to the (Home Guard), They would be the ones to respond to (national emergencies, natural disasters, civil unrests etc). In 1994, South Africa joined the OAU after the fall of apartheid. New system of govt where president are fire and hire not by election. It brought us all together to argue or agree. An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in the global arena. We can only unite without Egypt,Algeria,Tunisia, and those Arabic countrys .if Africa unite it would only take 20nto be one of the most powerful countrys in the world . It does not tolerate inhumane acts such as genocide, war crimes, and terrorism. It is dedicated to giving strength to people centred within the Union through active communication of the programmes of the African Union, the branding of the Union and engagement of Member States and other stakeholders in defining and performing the African agenda. As the Peace Conference progressed, more nations ratified the Treaty of Versailles and joined the League of Nations, the embodiment of President Wilsons fourteenth point. I am an Ethiopian American who migrated to the U.S.A many years ago. Maintain that and your language. Change stops only when time stops (Premise two). The continental body should be empowered to act against any party that violates core values centred on human dignity. Lets undo the Berlin treaty. Everyone would have equal treatment under the rule of law, ensuring that you are tried by a Jury and not the police. Not forgetting that, United Lands industries will all be fully or mostly Privately owned. H.E. Therefore, If the law of nature tells us that living things do change, and history shows us as time goes by, nations have changed, I dont see no reason why Africans cant change. My question to those who against unification. It sad to read that some africans are against such endeavor. The African Union works closely with diplomats from the United States, European Union, and United Nations. And thinking like that is the reason why your continent will always be a shithole. Would u shake hands th a country with 70% of its population being in poverty while yours is under 1%. Albinos are great because of us why can we also be great because of ourselvies(pan-africanist signing out). Yes, there are lots of procedures required to get all the ingredients together, they are possibly all found in different places but with one motive and intention, we will and shall get all ingredients in place and mix them for our delicious bread. The African Union should revisit its Constitutive Act to address principles that limit its ability to intervene in conflicts in member states territories. It is way past time for africa to be united only thing missing is a fearless leader. I can look at life in many angles and make wise and informed decisions. It is the strategic framework for delivering on Africas goal for inclusive and sustainable development and is a concrete manifestation of the pan-African drive for unity, self-determination, freedom, progress and collective prosperity pursued under Pan-Africanism and African Renaissance. Here the African Union has no control over their growing presence because they come through bilateral agreements between member states and foreign powers. Things Fall Apart is a perfect novel to study colonialism as it deals with the perspectives of the colonizer and the colonized. It makes no sense to suggest they all adopt a unilateral administrative pattern different from what they have known for thousands of years. ONE CURRENCY The African Union supports agricultural projects. Division amongst African nations due to sovereignty 3. Before the scramble and partition of Africa in Berlin (1885), every African tribe lived within their own space with peculiar values and customs. He counts forty five (45) provinces and thirteen (13) regions and divided in three (3) climatic zones: Sahelian zone in the Northern part, Sudano-Sahelian zone located between 11 3 and 13 5 latitude north and Sudano-Guinean zone in the south as shown in the figure 3.2. Tourism and immigration are promoted, as well as better uses of energy and the protection of Africa's precious natural resources such as gold. Espresso vs Coffee: What Are the Differences? leisure exploration checklist occupational therapy; aboriginal flag emoji copy; pwnhealth login covid; can a first offense dui be dismissed; love island game lucy Each state was to have equal powers and in most ways was to be independent of the other states. Depending on the manufacturer, between 20% to 50% of the value of the supply chain is imported from the EU ( Sky News ). Having been colonized repeatedly in the 1800s, Africas structures have changed due to colonization and were faced with challenges as many of the natural resources, which had provided income and structural support, were taken away. Since member states or countries have different official languages, it sometimes makes communication quite difficult. Portfolios of the Commission1. (accessed March 4, 2023). Today we are talking about these difference because we were told so. The advantages of a customs union: Customs union eliminates the requirement for a few regulations and customs checks at the border. This is evident in the level at which post-independence African leaders have grossly abused power. This hypothetical national wouldnt be called the USA instead The United Lands of Africa (ULA). The African Union has improved stability and welfare, but it does have its challenges. Some conflicts have been raging for decades. Look: United Africa will not happen through politics. We thrive on diversity. Unrealistic goals and ambitions set by African leaders. The racist bastards dont want to be a part of it as it will bring them back so that just leaves eastern western and southern. A myriad of non-tariff barriers to cross-border trade, characterised chiefly by long delays at border crossings and legal and illegal payments which increase transaction costs, is a major obstacle to expansion of intra-African trade. Africans can only be respected if United. Why Join The African Union. The Protocol establishing the PSC is in the process of ratification. We propose the elimination of borders a single currency and a single passport. There will be many civil wars and a second rwanda situation will occur. Majority being Nigeria ethiopia egypt Drc south africa kenya and Tanzania. For the colonizer, it is a civilizing mission; to the colonized, it is exploitation. It also wanted to promote peaceful solutions to conflicts, ensure sovereignty forever, and raise living standards. Conflicts orchestrated by non-state actors accounted for over 75% of conflicts globally. This leaves other EAC Members with the dilemma of signing the agreement individually and abandoning the EAC Customs Union, or themselves abandoning the agreement with the EU. I understand that inorder to recreate new structures we have to destroy existing ones and every one who prides themselves of their color and heritage will not be afraid of what will happen next. Chris Changwe Nshimbi receives funding from the European Commission (Erasmus+), Department of Science and Technology/National Research Foundation (DST/NRF, South Africa), The Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES). Another example of failure has been in Libya, where the AU has been seen to be wringing its hands while deadly conflict escalates and external actors make it their war theatre. If Malema wants Africans to reject English and French because they demean their identities, then he should not be guilty of the same.. Divided government is the opposite, it occurs when one party controls the white house, and another party controls one or more houses of Congress. This internal dynamic appears to have been ignored from the outset. So each Bloc would have its own Parliament and have unique laws within the laws of the One African State. At a young age, we have been taught to never put our heads down in front of anyone even when facing death. Put in more . On 9.9.1999, the Heads of State and Government of the Organisation of African Unity issued a Declaration (the Sirte Declaration) calling for the establishment of an African Union, with a view, inter alia, to accelerating the process of integration in the continent to enable it play its rightful role in the global economy while addressing multifaceted social, economic and political problems compounded as they are by certain negative aspects of globalisation. We believe in our weaknesses and think we cant do better without the hands of westerners.African people dont copy with modern laws and regulations. Advantages And Disadvantages Of The African Union 965 Words | 4 Pages. Published by at February 16, 2022. Additionally the majority will have power over the minorities. Two years later he was dead. This would be an agency of the Department of Justice that would investigate all crime ranging from the Federal to Local gov and also civil based crime. We should not look for united africa for economic reason being our main purpose, our main purpose should be restating our identity? Often, those who have strong feelings of nationalism share a common language, common culture, and common history, as the text says on page 532. Also in unified government, filibusters would not be needed. A main disadvantage the South had was resources. Mr. Paul Kagame, President of the Republic of Rwanda, was appointed to lead the AU institutional reforms process. I agree 100% with everything you have said here. Richard, Katherine Schulz. It tacitly countenanced the coups in Egypt in 2013 and Zimbabwe in 2017. This leaves the AU constantly in dire need of funds to carry out its work. You are extremely right the foreigners know Africa would be too powerful to control if united.I believe the author of this article is against the rise of an African power. The OAU was formed in 1963 when many African leaders wanted to accelerate the process of European decolonization and gain independence for a number of new nations. The document outlined 54 practical steps that needed to be taken. The central, or national, government had very limited powers. ECOSOCCThe Economic, Social and Cultural Council, an advisory organ composed of different social and professional groups of the Member States of the Union. Africa covers a staggering 11.7 million square milesalmost three times the size of Europeand it is deeply pluralized. Its goal of integration has fostered one identity and has enhanced the political, economic, and social climate of the continent, thereby giving hundreds of millions of people a healthier and more successful future. INEC: The Flop in Nigerias 2023 Presidential Election, Britain must Withdraw from Mauritius Chagos Islands. Among others, it represents the Union and defends its interests; elaborates draft common positions of the Union; prepares strategic plans and studies for the consideration of the Executive Council; elaborates, promotes, coordinates and harmonizes the programmes and policies of the Union with those of the RECs; ensures the mainstreaming of gender in all programmes and activities of the Union. Therefore, he or she might refuse to pass laws that are too liberal or conservative in order to keep the moderates happy. Morocco's tension with Western Sahara continues to strain the entire organization. UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL!! We need to start pushing and standardizing our own languages and making them more academic. However, trade unions do try to develop close relationships . They know I can make their home look better and work better. Prominent conflicts by non-state actors include the Tuareg separatist and jihadist insurgencies in Mali, Boko Haram in Northern Nigeria, jihadist and militia insurgencies in Burkina Faso, al-Shabaab in Somalia, and the ethnic war in the Central African Republic. This should be the norm. However, at the same time, unified government can prove to have disadvantages as the president's ultimate goal is to be reelected which would mean appealing to the moderates. Such bottom-up solutions, based on intimate knowledge of local areas, are key to success. Equally, neither federalism nor confederalism would likely work. Box 3243, Roosvelt Street W21K19 We build our infrastructure and return home richer and reinforce them while staying militarily more powerful. And how they were able to control the colonies. Fax: +251 11 551 78 44, African Leaders Urge Continent to Strengthen Political Will Toward Achieving Continental Nutrition Targets, Pan-African Network Conference on Fighting Illicit Financial Flows in Africa Theme: From Words to Actions, Invitation to JLMP Priority End of Project Learning Event & Launch of JLMP Lead Theme: African Labour Migration: Emerging Issues and Policy Response, The Chairperson of the AU Commission congratulates H.E Tinubu for being proclaimed winner of Nigerian presidential polls, Workshop on the Communication Strategy of the AU-EU-UN Partnership Project for Enhancing the AU's Compliance and Accountability Framework for its Peace Support Operations, Africa Environment and Wangari Maathai Day, Joint Statement on the Post-Electoral Phase of the 25th February 2023, Nigerian General Election, Signing of Negotiated Agreement for the African Games in Ghana, The AMHEWAS Situation Room for Disaster Risk Reduction receives its first visit by an African Head of State, South Sudan Requests AUC Support on Sustainable Environment and Climate Change Adaptation, Economic Integration & Private Sector Development, Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy, and Sustainable Environment (ARBE), Economic Development, Trade, Industry, Mining (ETIM), Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (ESTI), Political Affairs, Peace and Security (PAPS), Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development (HHS), Programming, Budget, Finance & Accounting, Other Mission and Special Liaison Offices, Key Transformational Outcomes of Agenda 2063, Constitutive Act, Charters, Privileges & Immunities, Agriculture & Environmental Management Treaties, Treaties on Trade, Economic Integration & Development, Treaties on Refugees, Migration, Labour & Employment, Treaties on Education, Science & Technology, Executive Council Decisions and Declarations. Instead, I kept mine and learned new way of life. If we set out mind to it, we can do all things and nothing is impossible. The United lands would have a local, state and federal lvl government. But this highlighted the AUs double standards. #AfricaUnite, We will have our own USA I mean the United states of Africa amen.The first step is to take action stop talking, China and India are often referenced as good replicas for Africa in this regard, but both countries owe their success to shared ancestral language among their people. They threaten interstate and regional stability. University of Pretoria provides funding as a partner of The Conversation AFRICA. Who will lead us? because we are one people, Your email address will not be published. Our diversity is our strength. The main objectives of the OAU were, inter alia, to rid the continent of the remaining vestiges of colonization and apartheid; to promote unity and solidarity among African States; to coordinate and intensify cooperation for development; to safeguard the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Member States and to promote international cooperation within the framework of the United Nations.Indeed, as a continental organization the OAU provided an effective forum that enabled all Member States to adopt coordinated positions on matters of common concern to the continent in international fora and defend the interests of Africa effectively.Through the OAU Coordinating Committee for the Liberation of Africa, the Continent worked and spoke as one with undivided determination in forging an international consensus in support of the liberation struggle and the fight against apartheid. Some of the major problems or challenges facing the African Union include the following: Language barrier problems: The issue of language barriers has proven to be one of the biggest challenges of the Africa Union. The colonialists came and told us that there is six to ten separate Nguni languages (Zulu, Xhosa, Swati etc) Which is not true, it is one language with different dialects. The statutes determining the functions, powers, composition and organization of the Economic, Social and Cultural Council have been prepared and will be submitted to Maputo Summit. China had various languages and dialects. ONE PASSPOST Whereas, imposing an alien language on a group, is an attempt to erase their identity. P.O. The ULA would provide freedom in such a case that everyone could have free passage throughout the lands of Mama Africa. Unfortunately, Africa still is under the drip of those oppressors. I believe that if we focus on our strengths (like ample natural resources, arable agricultural lands and a plentiful supply of labor) we can achieve beyond our wildest imaginations. From the advertisements of malnourished, African children to our education, or rather lack of education, about African countries in the American school system, the concept of Africa as an impoverished continent has been engrained into our minds. There are preferred modes of administration peculiar to each tribe and country. (Strategies, advantages, disadvantages, for the North and South) This is a big deal because the North show more content The Confederates economic was a disadvantage, they didn't have a lot of money or troops. document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a0d337fd0b4b622aa3a3af10d0ee05fa" );document.getElementById("g8636a28f8").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Ibrahim Anoba is an expert in the African Political Economy and Editor of, While Egypt says it fights fake news, critics see new crackdown on free speech, Why Africa has just one profitable airline. It also includes, cultural political and psychological changes. In July 1999, the Assembly decided to convene an extraordinary session to expedite the process of economic and political integration in the continent. Africas traditional partners in the West tend to view its relationship with China with some concern and scepticism regarding motive and outcome. As a result, under the Articals of Cofederation, the national government consisted of a lawmaking body called Congress. The African Union has succeeded in developing cooperation and unity inside Africa as a whole, taking into consideration its efforts towards reducing conflict and improving democracy. We now use english because of colonialism. The African continent is working towards not only in peace as well as security, but is also blooming in areas such as culture; education; trade both in and out the African continent and continuing to place importance on the growth and empowerment of women. Years later, Libya's leader Muammar Gaddafi, a strong proponent of African unity, encouraged the revival and improvement of the organization. The AU has clearly had reasonable achievements through its direct contribution and partnership with the international body to resolving and decreasing conflicts in some of the regions hotbeds. There are preferred modes of administration peculiar to each tribe and country. Wish some great black minds can come together for this. I dont blame it on our colonizers only however this doesnt change the fact. To some extent, Malema is right. Factor s kicking away unity should be delt with accordingly before uniting . The ULA gov would invest heavily in uniting the country through road,rail and air. In conclusion, If I can move from Africa thousands of miles away to the U.S.A and not only live but thrive, I dont see why a Kenyan man or a woman cant move to any other African country and be able to live. However, at the same time, unified government can prove to have disadvantages as the presidents ultimate goal is to be reelected which would mean appealing to the moderates. It will soothe the existing states to ratify the United States of Africa much easier than basing on tribalism. HUMAN RESOURCES, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (Education, Information Technology Communication, Youth, Human Resources, Science and Technology)6. Colonialism integrated Africa into international labor division. The most notable civil wars are those in Libya, South Sudan and the one waged by Anglophone Ambazonia separatists in Cameroon. Nigeria and the African Union (AU) are good examples. The Armed forces would be called the (United Forces of Africa), they would be tasked with defending the Lands from outside invasion. The end result would be an insufficient representation of interests, which often result in calls for secession. As a scholar, I would think you would look at the worldview and history before arriving at conclusions. And yet, sixteen of the worlds poorest countries were identified as being in sub-Saharan Africa as of 2013. Its leaders try to improve educational and career opportunities for ordinary citizens. Pan-African ParliamentA Pan-African Parliament, and organ to ensure the full participation of African peoples in governance, development and economic integration of the Continent. The advent of the African Union (AU) can be described as an event of great magnitude in the institutional evolution of the continent. Conversely, a strong company culture, where individuality encourages new thoughts, ideas, and collaborative efforts and collaborative efforts can move the organization forward. At the time, it wasnt my desire to leave my beloved county. But he is fundamentally wrong about the prospects of Africa as a country. India was unify not because of language. We need to stop hating each other ,hating anything African , looking down our own old customs and beliefs Africa is too diverse to be united. Members of the Commission. ONE LANGUAGE (broken English) Burkina Faso is bordered in the North and the West by Mali; in the South by Cote dIvoire, Ghana, Togo and Ghana and to the East by Niger. I suspect you white, If we use one currency as Africans we speaking the same language and most definitely will get along. Financial practices like free trade, customs unions, and central banks are planned. More so, rotating the office of the Head of State among each tribe without problems is almost impossible as we have seen in the old Sudan, Rwanda, the Central African Republic and Nigeria. I have seen we have some africans who are good for nonthing according to what they say. They ranged from adequately funding the African Standby Force for deployment, to stopping rebels or insurgents and their backers from accessing weapons. This is due to the fact that gov owned industries are always corrupt and not profitable for the common good.. My brothers and sisters,we are blessed.Our continent is full of minerals,oil, Rivers, Lakes,Oceans, Forests,wild animals,cool climate and many more benefits.But why is it like being born in Africa is a curse especially in rich-land Congo?why are the westerns benefiting from our land and not our or its children?infact the West should depend on us,not us to depend on them.They use our minerals to create missiles, nuclears and other atomic bombs and restrict us from creating armaments.They use our oil to run their industries,to fuel their rockets,to manufacture goods and sell back to us.The worst thing is that they use free minerals,free oil and free anything else they need from Africa.They achieve this through choosing their own leaders for Africans, deceptive aids which comes through neo-colonialism and mainly keeping Africa divided and always in civil wars.The only way out is a United Lands of Africa.Boundaries were set up by them, different languages french,English,Spanish,Italiano,,,these languages can not be barriers to unification,they were established by them, different economic activities isnt a problem.Infact that is what we need for employment for millions of children of the land.The greatest weapon against these people is our mind.
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