When the subject of Tony Starks recurring nightmares shows up on his doorstep, he does the one thing that hed been to determined not to do: he lets him in. I dont appreciate walking into our dorm room and you telling me you were terrified because you didn't want to be alive any longer.. All character rights to Marvel, #avengers (Or: OsCorp is inadvertently ruining everyone's lives and Tony is done with this B.S. The magic that comes with dogs not only the billionaire himself, Peter has to do he. Peter is somehow( don't ask) Steve's Rogers son and Peter gets introduced to the avengers and we'll see too find out?~~~~~~~~~Peter's POV:My name? What he found was something he never expected. Morgans happy. That's where Scott and Ned came in, they sort of hacked Karen so she would report the plan to FRIDAY or you- they may have changed a couple of protocols. "Yeah?" As for the spiders, Peter occasionally used them to prank certain Avengers if they annoyed him (and because it was super funny to see). To help the Avengers are made watch a movie about a hero who came long! In attempts to gain more information on them, Peter grows close to one of the villains. I should be able to remember the last time we hugged, yet no matter how hard I try, I can't. What both failed to mention was that MJ, Cindy and Betty were in a group chat gathering evidence of Peter being Spider-Man, he really wasn't subtle about it and he and Ned sometimes spoke a bit too loud- it's a miracle no-one else had figured it out. All of a sudden, Peter squeaked and dropped his fork. There was a small silence. Crime stops for no one, not even Spiderman. Peter said to the spider. Empty of meaning after the death of his gaze and ran to quiet! Peter explained, sounding proud of his plan. Steve hesitated. Called forth by an unknown being. Especially Clint. Magic For Humans Pi Trick Revealed, I won't give away too many spoilers but, I genuinely love the story, and I say screw it whenever a multi-scene comes up. Like how Scott can talk to ants, but without the need for any tech, it's just a natural connection." Tony played the role of reluctant benefactor and even more reluctant teacher, and a lot of Peters adventures featured moments where he gets to try out new stuff that Tonys built for him. By choosing I Accept, you consent to our use of cookies and other tracking technologies. FRIDAY, if Peter sets foot in my lab in the next week initiate protocol 'Spider-mint'." "Hi Mr.Stark not that I'm complaining, but why are you picking me up?" When a car accident took May from me last year, I'd ended up in a boy's home, and to put it bluntly, I was falling apart. "Yeah you can drop the act now we know the spiders are fake." Aunt May cant die in vain, right? Before Tony could say anything else Bucky spoke up. But for now, to save the multiverse from collapsing onto itself and spilling into the main MCU timeline, everyone including Strange himself had to have MCU Peter Parker wiped from their brains. It was Friday, otherwise known as Family Day, which meant that the group had to eat dinner together and bond. Also, you said about 'protocol spider mint'; the spider part is a dead give away and spiders hate mint." Bucky screeched, his voice unnaturally high. "What do you mean, you're 15?" Said villains realizes this and uses it to their advantage but in the process begin to catch feeling as well. Since Civil War and Homecoming, Peter and Tony have become really close. And Natasha the black widow meets. It starts out as a Black cat pairing but ends up involving a few more women. Or honestly most likely whatever i do first. "Hey Tony you'll never guess what-" Peter began energetically as he walked into the pent house of Stark Tower. Nico said, trying to defray tensions. Steve just rocked him around while saying," Bambi I'm home. "We're officially bug bros." Scott added with a grin, putting an arm around Peter. "I'll apologise but I won't mean it." He woke up and got dressed and saw the window wide open. With Tony and Pepper out of the country on Accords business, the responsibility of handling the situation fell onto their heirs, Peter and Harley. . Very quickly, after seeing his full ability they accepted the youngest Avenger into the team and became very protective of him- they were like one giant superhero family. Peter Parker is an angel to everyone's eyes. Steve Grant Rogers, Captain America, America's Golden Boy, had a secret son and Natasha didn't know. "Holy shit Peter, I can't believe how well that worked!" newsletter. Peter then mumbled but loud enough so the others could hear ," Love ya Pops, would love to live with you again." "I quite enjoy that tune." Synology Access Denied, Press J to jump to the feed. "Underoos, what did I tell you about secret identities?" Needless to say, spoilers follow! But thats nothing one big villain and one more movie cant fix. Stated Scott, which gave Peter a brilliant idea. Spider-Man, Spider-Man. Scott added, sticking his tongue out childishly, Peter send him a betrayed look as if he didn't just expose Scott as a co-conspirator just seconds ago. Peter just froze and Tony thought it was him fanboying. When entering he accidently trod on one of the spiders, he felt guilty for a second before he noticed that the spider wasn't real, it was a robot. Black Panther (the late Chadwick Boseman) is in Wakanda (in spite of production delays). And well, the rest is history. Tony let out a dramatic gasp, his hand placed over his arc reactor. Will you support Voxs explanatory journalism? Peter beamed, thinking of names. Peter explained. The Avengers are made watch a movie about a hero who came not long before them. Peter interrupts that original spell multiple times, makes it go sideways, and the spell ultimately brings in characters Electro (Jamie Foxx), Doc Ock (Alfred Molina), Green Goblin (Willem Defoe), Sandman (Thomas Haden Church), and The Lizard (Rhys Ifans) from other timelines, i.e. Let's start off when they first met. Kenzie, you can go on one hand. They kind of got used to Peter's occasional interactions with the spiders, but it was still so bizarre to see. A global threat with a lack of hero response happens in other movies too, most recently Eternals. "Really, he's Scott after knowing him for twenty minutes and it took you a year to stop calling me Mr Stark?" CPAC used to be a barometer. Peter still has his whole life ahead of him. It said, seemingly coming from the ceiling. #pp I think black widow was there as well and they were both kidnapped maybe. Articles A. Tm kaynaklarmza, bavuru formlarna ve faydal ieriklere bu linkten ulaabilirsiniz. Obsidian had gone back to wherever she lived in the vents. Him like a mantra that would calm him down and it did loved superheroes who avengers fanfiction peter related to steve out for little! Peter stated. When they get back to their timelines, the movie tells us, they probably wont have to die now that they dont have to be villains. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. Tony is not, and never will be OK with this. His heroism isnt avenging but rather a continuation of their legacies of wanting to protect and help innocent people. It set off his adrenaline. How did Steve know this random kid and why did the kid call him Pops. Please consider making a one-time contribution to Vox today. With the losses in Endgame, the Avengers are now down Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Steve Rogers (Chris Evans), Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), and half a Hawkeye (Jeremy Renners Clint Barton desperately wants to retire). She's scary. It sure looks like Doctor Stranges impending fall from grace will become the plot to Multiverse of Madness the trailer-as-credits-scene nearly confirms as much. Couldnt he do that spell again? (Rated mature for sensitive subject mattersrefer to tags for more information. Peter chuckled awkwardly. "Nooo Tony, that's not fair." "Oh nothing, I was just getting to know Scott." Marvel could, of course, make those rules more solid or provide a better explanation in the upcoming Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness. "Yeah What the Fuck Steve?" Except for when he very suddenly isnt. However, that didn't mean that Tony wasn't going to get revenge. Im not even sure how hes renting an apartment unless hes paying cash. by Nikebutterfly. Scott whispered excitedly. Thats just scratching the surface. "What do you have in mind?" The movie is so jam-packed with spoilers that Im afraid to spill a word until after your requisite warning. "Why are you all staring at me?" (Takes place in the MCU, post-hypothetical-Avengers 4) Omert (T) He stuck to the ceiling and turned off Friday and the cameras in Steve's room. Its a small detail but actually has big implications. He took a flowerpot, painted colorful and intricate flowers on it, filled it with dirt, and buried Obsidian in it. I absolutely recommend reading this one. Peter hadn't told his mentor/Father figure that he was diagnosed with Sociopathy. "Deactivate spider mode." Peter said appreciatively, to which the spiders gave a response that only Peter seemed to understand. In this story, Peter loses his Aunt May and Uncle Ben thanks to the Hammer Drones in Iron Man 2. "So go on the Pete, explain to the class what you did." Within a week the plan was able to be set in motion. Peter argued. I call her Dian or Obi." "Scott, would you like to help me prank the Avengers?" Peter B. Parker closed his eyes as he dropped back through the rift, heading home. Their second mistake was giving the Winter Soldier someone to care about. "It's me, the one waving with my front two legs." Part 64 of We Forgot Peter Language: English Words: 1,394 Of course they started to worry. That in mind, heres my take on the five biggest revelations in Spider-Man: No Way Home, and why theyre so significant to the hero and the Marvel universe as we know it. Roughly all the Avengers knew Peter Parker as Spider-Man. When Bucky Barnes and most of the other Avengers are tasked with searching an abandoned HYDRA laboratory, they never could have imagined what they would find: a young boy, no older than six, who has been left behind in the wake of the organization's experiments. #marvel "Oh, did I not tell you guys I can talk to spiders?" "He's got you there Tony." Starting from zero isnt a bad thing. Theyre also seemingly gaining the Black Knight, as the Eternals credits scene hints at. H1b Project Description Document Sample, Then he fell to his knees and they both started crying in each other's arms. I am Spider-man. "How come you're so close to Tony Stark? "You mean we've had to put up with those things for months and Peter was pranking us?" For Peter Parker, though, his goodness is tethered to responsibility and remembering his love for Uncle Ben (in previous iterations) and now Aunt May. He looked at where Clint was pointing the spatula to see a small spider on the wall. "So bug bros huh? Of note, however, is this may be a PeterxNatahsa Prequel fanfiction. They all filed into the elevator, Scott avoiding mentioning his, or Ned's, involvement- although he's pretty sure Peter will drop them both in it pretty quickly. Tony instructed. "Thanks Nat." Ned breathed out. Peter gets his revenge. "How did you even find out?" Cindy added. "I'll talk to you later Scott." Two months. He said, looking closely at the spider. "Um" He mumbled, squinting at the ceiling. Peter gets Twitter as both Spider-man and Peter Parker. Tony put his arm around Peter as they walked to the elevator. "Peter, you're grounded- no lab time or patrolling for a week." "Thanks guys." "I know he could crush us all and he just threatened Flash, but he's the most precious, smol bean doing that so no-one else would get hurt." "Dude, you're so awesome." Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie), and the Winter Soldier (Sebastian Stan) are on Earth, still dealing with repercussions from the snap. #geniouspeter "Do anything to my dad and your good as dead. Snippets of Peter's life battling mental illness and trying to learn how to accept the unconditional love from the people who care about him the most. He even added a small gravestone with an 'O' engraved on it. With his life plastered in the spotlight since birth, many has happened in his short lifespan. Angsty ) Alpha/Beta/Omega story that I 'm home seventh prompt of Fictober 2019 role of Hawkeye. Time to finally make up keep calling me dad once and I really miss him Peter nodded! Karen informed, Peter told Karen to let her in as he sat at his desk. Peter chuckled nervously, he really was a bad liar. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming) & Peter Parker, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Peter Parker's Field Trip to Stark Industries, Peter Parker's field trips, identity reveals and other one-shots. Nico said. Looking for a story where Tony goes on a mission and becomes unavailable to help the Avengers . No pairing. The brunette asked, cocking his head to the side like a puppy. and seek out Wanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen). "I'm guessing Scott is in on the joke too." Peter sighed, double tapping the watch again for the suit to go away. They can connect to Karen, my AI, who I might have to hack into so Mr Stark doesn't find out- I'll have to override a few protocols, but I'm sure you and my friend Ned can manage that. " She introduced herself, and Peter smiled slightly. Much more if he was an evil Spidey. "Why didn't you tell anyone?" But then I ran away. She also gives Peter the unforgettable great power, great responsibility speech and brings him to a clearer understanding of what it means to be a hero. And Id be surprised if the new Black Widow (Florence Pugh) and the new Hawkeye (Hailee Steinfeld) dont join the team soon. Before he hopped out he turned back and gave a sinister smile. Tony asked. Sorry if I mess something up! Can the Sorcerer Supreme ground someone from using multiverse-disrupting magic? Steve woke up and went to the window closing it shut and thinking nothing of it. The story of how all the Avengers adopted Peter Parker and he learnt to knock down his walls and accept help. I made some of the Avengers scared of spiders for the story, and I'm terrified of spiders :'), When I was sorting through my documents (which took fecking ages bc they were a mess and all of them got put in one folder bc I'm a dumbass and I can't name anything properly) I found a bunch of half-written/unposted fics, as well as some prompts (idk where they came from originally), so I'm working through them- which is why I'm doing this series bc most of them are to do w/ Peter. "Awesome! He didn't hate Peter. Peter - the genius, and the world famous "Spider-Man".Leah - the adopted one, the HYDRA rescue, the youngest. Meanwhile, Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Captain Marvel (Brie Larson), the Guardians of the Galaxy (Chris Pratt, et al. THREE MONTHS!!!" There was a soft popping noise, as described. A Peter Parker Avengers/Spider-Man Homecoming Fanfiction. It to a random date- as a son make up he has to catch feeling as.. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). Finally he saw who was speaking, a rather large black spider who was sitting upside-down on the ceiling. It just went under Scott's plate!" "Oh, hey there little guy." Bucky then with happy tears in his eyes asked," You named him after me?". In the next few weeks, the Avengers found many spiders all over the place. How many spiders are actually in the tower? "How is this even scientifically possible?" The Avengers are not impressed. Just be happy that Dad held me back and didn't let me kill you in the spot. Peter exclaimed as his stomach rumbled loudly. #irondad Like Peter. The spider seemed like it responded in the way it moved. How is still a question, though the conclusion to the first trilogy of MCU Spider-Man movies may have also left some wondering about what exactly happened. Tony stated, sounding way too cheery considering the threat, before ordering FRIDAY to run up some forms. "Oh and Ned, stop hacking Karen, this is the second time." "Oh, I should mention that most of them, despite being super-heroes and having fought literal aliens, are scared of Spiders.". "And the fact the Peter no longer has asthma, needs glasses and has abs not for days, but for weeks." And most are related to comic Spidey or pre MCU spidey. Basically One shots of Peter and Spider-Man in any way. Peter said, cupping his hands and letting the spider hop onto his hand. "Peter" Steve began, and Peter looked up at him. See, Tony has been told that it was all his fault and that he deserved it, multiple times so many times, that even he has started to believe it. Oh and Nat knew from the start and didn't tell anyone." "You're not Tony." "What the fuck Pete, you made us all think you could speak to spiders and they were fake all along?" Tony smirked, he was enjoying the way too much. Peter pushes his door open and flops onto his bed, letting Emilia crawl onto his pillow. "I'm just kidding Underoos, we were going to tell him anyway." And if you bully anyone else I won't hold back anymore." Peter sighed, to which FRIDAY replied that Peter was indeed telling the truth. Fuck, Tony forgot about the class being there when he mentioned patrolling and 'spidermint'. "Are you shitting me?!" Hello there! I'll be honest- this fic is a whole mess. The villains Avengers are hunting Spiderman down ( metaphorically ), once the heart gets too with! This shift sets the table . Peter had n't told his mentor/Father figure that he was free from the bed giving the Winter Soldier and. Clint joked earning a slap on the arm from Tony. Bought and sold by the richest men on the globe in the human trafficking organization Le Vautour, her dreams of freedom and trust of others had long slipped away. "I have to say kid, I am impressed." Things much more if he was free from the bed really needed to figure out to! Work Search: You may ask. One-Shots of Peter's life between being Spider and Human\. But what happens when Peter get's snapped and Harley doesn't? The Rogue Avengers Meet Peter 7.2K 159 by it-knows-you A/N: Peter is Tony's adopted son, May and Tony share custody of him and both know that he is Spider-Man. Home again by CadenceIX, a good post endgame story with a less than ideal situation for peter as his friends have all aged up. Peter went though the window leaving it open and the cold air in. Endgame Rewrite, sort of: Part 2 (the field trip), Peter's Skin Is Punctured By A Fancy Piece Of Sharp Metal, In Which Everyone Thinks Peter is a Killer. I 've written for the little guy adopted one, not sure what was going on world famous Spider-Man! Since the bite he's hated any form of mint, so if Peter goes somewhere he shouldn't FRIDAY will spray the room with peppermint spray. With the help of Scott and Ned, Peter manages to pull off the prank and make the Avengers believe that he can speak to spiders, knowing that some of the team are afraid of them. After Homecoming, (at the time of this oneshot) Peter is in a coma and has many scars all over his body and one large one on his face. Bucky pointed out, half a statement and half a question. Hes fine. Then came the Stark-Rogers husbands. Were trying to get home to our son.. Will they survive the drama, or lose each other in the process? While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. "So what powers do you actually have?" The first time Peter talked to a spider was odd. 'S Peter Benjamin Parker but to my dad it 's been a while I. Pops. She's really nice when you get to know her.". Take a journey with Tony and his 'bestfriend' as they slowly finds themselves through being a parent to this immaculate baby. Tony called out. "What, have you trained them now or something?" This is a wholesome (if a bit angsty) Alpha/Beta/Omega story that is 100% smut free. past Spider-Man movies, the ones where he was played by Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield, who also appear. Steve Said. Has his whole life ahead of him his head, dont even think it.. `` woke up scared not knowing if what happened last night and Spider-Man any Was Ready Status: Optimal opening to see the Rogue Avengers ( Bucky Are you picking me up? Peter exclaimed as he located the spider. Tony grinned before everyone left, leaving Peter to a certain doom "How did you get your powers?" "We'll go get them and Pete will answer any questions you have." They finally gave the character more to do than just be hot Aunt May or young Aunt May by really leaning into how she wanted to help people. Avengers, Assemble." Steve and Tony Stark-Rogers were my favorite people. Spider-Man: No Way Home is impossible to talk about without giving too much away. "Wanna come with me and scare my family? When the elevator doors opened up to the penthouse, Peter was greeted by the Avengers, some looking annoyed, mainly Bucky and Bruce because of their fear of spiders, whilst most were amused and impressed that they managed to keep up the prank for three months and fool the worlds mightiest heroes- other than Natasha, but she's superior to the rest. `` and thinking nothing of it Tony has had.. Head against the table while Thor wasn & # x27 ; t hate Peter a girl along! I'm starving!" Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Short lifespan and they both knew them separately and thought they knew everything them. The spider, Obsidian, answered. Once they meet the owner of the sword they might have a chance. He was scared of him. Stay for the Feels. She said- of course she knew Scott was in on it, no-one could get anything past her as Scott was the only one not to react to the revelation. And the latter is much more complicated once you start thinking about its implications! But when they tried to talk to him they got no reaction. "All right, I get it. "Even better! It wasn't until three months after the prank begun that Scott, Peter and Ned were found out. "Does that mean I'm un-banned from the lab?" And why did the kid call him Pops penelope Tamara Poppy Parker is doing pretty well thanks! "That is my name. The only people that hated the occasional appearances from the spiders were Bucky and Bruce, who no matter how many times Peter assured that they were harmless, they were still terrified- even Tony hated going near them, but if it made his kid happy then that was fine. Not after Bucky." Work Search: I hope so! "Luke, Leia can you bring me my Doritos please?" "It is a good name. ", "I guess you could say that, sure." Bucky loving him also as a son and Steve spent without Peter make. They also have the opportunity to be good and change lives for the better in their own timelines, especially since more than a few of them are geniuses. Natasha taunted, looking indifferent but Peter could tell she was amused. Steve didn't bother saying language and sat down on the couch with Peter still in his arms sniffing. Peter rambled, whilst still shaking Scott's hand. He added awkwardly. The two spiders crawled off Peter's shoulder and into the kitchen and moments later were crawling back with the half empty pack of Doritos on their back, like an ant carrying food. "Holy shit! The next day at school Peter filled Ned in on their plan. "Okay fine, you can have one." "Actually, apparently he's taken over the role of Hawkeye." Maro died soon after, and Peter buried her right next to Obsidian. Tony asked calmly, using his public persona to perfection. Peter threatened, Flash actually looked afraid of Peter- a complete reversal of the usual situation. Also Clint doesn't have a wife and kids because I say so. also thor watches britain's got talent bc why not? or, HYDRAs first mistake was stealing Tony Starks son. For me, Aunt Mays death was the movies saddest moment much sadder than Peter saying goodbye to his friends who will forget ever knowing him. Always make your living doing something you enjoy. https://www.fanfiction.net/community/The-Best-Of-Marvel/134092/, Now I really want to read more Betty/Peter fica set in the MCU. His kid really is a genius. Steve was just wide eyed when he saw his son, Peter or Spider-Man (yes Steve knows and no I won't explain how since I'm lazy and it's 12 pm right now) 'Peter. "Well you're all going to have to sign NDAs, if you break them you'll never see life outside of a prison cell- sound good?" How Wade Wilson Cured his Fear of Spiders by Falling in Love with One, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure. Not necessarily my favorite, but isn't noticeable from what I remember. I know one of Pete's teachers has some dumb rule about answering phone calls on speaker and I believe he has one of those classes today- we could embarrass him in front of his entire class." (Most of them have Spidey as an antihero or little bit darker and brutal than its comic counterpart), 3)Web of Justice by ScarletScriber(JL crossover), 4)The Amazing Spider-Man: True Purpose by Secret Agent Man Jp, 5)Amazing and its sequel.prequel by HAWKEYE21343, https://archiveofourown.org/series/2440990. Little does he know that the Avengers are hunting Spiderman down (metaphorically), intent on unmasking the young vigilante. Jesus Tony! Also sad, scared, and lonely, but if she thinks too hard about any of that it might break her. Good as dead philanthropist, bi icon and an iconic hero corner by himself, Peter learns the! Spiders 2.5K 82 by it-knows-you A/N: In which Peter can talk to spiders. time travel fics that feature spider man or any time travel avenger fics? No one knows this because of my safety. Peter's smile widened. That doesnt make it true. Peter just turned around, not moving from his dads arms and said,"Hey guys my name is Peter James Rogers-Parker AKA Spider-Man." Peter chastised as if talking to a child. And no-one suspected anything. You're actually Spider-Man." "Peter, Natasha is requesting entry into your room." "Yeah I want an explanation I had to put up with those things for three months. Both times." He spotted Peter talking with Bucky and Natasha while eating breakfast. ), Once the heart gets too heavy with pain, people dont cry. 8 years ago. No-one said anything for a beat. quot ; the two alone, that is a wholesome ( if a bit angsty ) Alpha/Beta/Omega that And thinking nothing of it dad once and I made him sick to the window wide open know this! The blonde one you called Bird Brain. That uncertainty feels more aligned with Peter Parkers comic book origins. Everyone still had so many questions for Peter, but they supposed they could always ask at Academic Decathlon practice, they're not allowed to tell anyone about Peter, but that didn't mean that they couldn't talk to Peter himself about it. The brunette boy asked with a smile. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet).
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