Would tend to agree with you Graham, to what end does Putin need to invade Ukraine? The US CSG in the med training with Italy and Spain no doubt this is positioned close by aswell. How does that relate to this story? They now believe they have achieved their goal and no longer have to bowRead more , Err no. We reported earlier that amid ongoing tensions between Russia and Ukraine, the Russian navy has sortied 5 Ropucha-class landing ships and one Ivan Gren-class landing ship from their Baltic fleet, likely headed to the Black Sea. Idiocy. A multi-front assault might also involve a move into northeastern Ukraine, encircling but perhaps not entering cities where forces could get bogged down in urban fighting. I have little faith when the top brass commit to building frigates that have no ASW or AsUW capabilities. Yes China has been throwing money at increasing the capabilities and sheer size of its military in it race to become the worlds dominant hyper-power. The US Debt and How It Got So Big Updated December 30, 2021, https://www.thebalance.com/the-u-s-debt-and-how-it-got-so-big-3305778, i bet tyne sent shivers through the russian group. Putins Russia isnt anywhere nearly as big and powerful as the old Soviet military and couldnt go toe to toe with the US. With you on this DL, some interim AShMs on all T45/T23sbut Mr Wallace is here in Sydney at the moment. Putin cannot afford a hot war even less than we can. Ryabkov, referring to Moscow's version of events in which a Russian aircraft bombed the path of the British destroyer, said that in future bombs would be sent "not only in its path, but also on target.". Irish defence forces have been monitoring the activity of Russian warships that on Tuesday made a U-turn off the country's coast. RNs lack of AsUW is a gamble, otherwise why retain harpoon? 36 minutes ago. So the design probably dates back to the late 1960s / early 1970s, so getting a bit long in the tooth..! Er, US forces are in Poland and no doubt in the Ukraine. I see a German Navy Chief had to resign tonight, for making pro Russian comments. Inspite of their age, the Russian Ropucha class have been fitted with AK-630 CIWS, easily as good as Phalanx. A fleet of Russian warships and fighter jets, including the flagship aircraft carrier the Admiral Kuznetsov, has reached the North Sea and is headed for the English Channel, the UK's Ministry of . If you mean why T26 isnt fitted with ASROC, then that has been explained at length by many other commentators, and with very good reason. Kongsberg have said that the NSM will also get the receiver. I really dont disagree with you. They keep Russia's options open and therefore keep the defender guessing,' said Keir Giles, an Associate Fellow at Chatham House. Merkel should not have abandoned Germanys nuclear power generation capability, and become so reliant on Russian gas. Biden is shaping up to be just as bad and hopefully another 1-term wonder. The guided missile frigate Admiral Gorshkov has been closely monitored by Nato navies on its maiden voyage armed with 6,670mph Zircon weapons. Russia's Baltic Fleet vessels theKorolev, Minsk and Kaliningrad were today sailing south past the UK followed by Northern Fleet warshipsOlenegorsky Gornyak, Pyotr Morgunov, and Georgii Pobedonosets which passed the Great Belt Bridge in Denmark on Monday. Britain disputed the Russian version of events, with Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab calling it "predictably inaccurate". We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. That was due to the unusually large number of landing craft in the Baltic. Thanks Mark it just seems that the way that some outlets are reporting this ongoing story ,could in fact do more damage than good .As with some people on these threads ,that are goading eachother into what better weapons would do the most damage ,when the most destructive weapon is their Mouse/keyboard I know its just keyboard banter but my God theres some who really do want it too kick off. I think you have hit the nail on the head. Why would Poles help Ukrainians? Lots of disinformation out there I dont understand how Trump takes no blame on either side of the Atlantic for signing the peace deal with the Taliban of all groups but Biden blamed on this board with no push back. No-one will be able to fight back in an all in war today. I'm sure there will be no decision about [Ukraine] without [Ukraine],' he wrote. I would have personally expected more from an accomplished person such as Merkel and her predecessors in making sure there is no reliance on anything from a potential enemy, but as the Germans can be smart, they can be equally daft. To Decimate is as you put Dave 1 in 10 ,50% is half which is Dimidium, Cheers Tommo my googlefu is poor however, my google translate fu was non-existent , Over the last third of a century the pollies have dimidiumated the British Army . F35 will be able to carry 8 of these missiles internally. I was considering calling them coffins but ill go with obsolete. 'Clearly the preferable path, clearly the most responsible path and the one that we would prefer, but there is also the path if Russia chooses to renew aggression, of conflict, confrontation and consequences for Russia,' Blinken said. In total, the pair saw 14 ships, led by a Russian minesweeper, approach the coast off Odesa and then turn back toward Crimea. Please leave a comment below if you have something to say! The U.S. Coast Guard cutter Kimball and its commander, Capt. THey may have a go at making life uncomfortable for the US there as well. The Marshal Ustinov, a large cruise missile ship, is one of a. Giving his annual speech to the Royal United Services Institute, the Defence chief said: They are flexing their muscles in our own back yard with an ostentation they have not displayed since the Cold War. LONDON, June 24 (Reuters) - Russia warned Britain on Thursday that it would bomb British naval vessels in the Black Sea if there were any further provocative actions by the British navy off the coast of Russia-annexed Crimea. kill chain is very complex to find, track, and then engage a warship at range that doesnt want to be shot at. But what might a Russian attack look like and what could it seek to achieve? Their Intel also saying that they see no particular problem. But more significantly, the conclusion was the Belgrano would have been pummelled by the sheer weight of accurate fire that both Blake and Tiger could put down. TheRead more . This is howRead more , Thats reassuring.Thanks. As for Corbyn and Johnson, I generally agree I just wish people could see its kind of theRead more , Hi Ron-no need to apologise, I enjoy your posts and know that things for all of us can get robust at times. Do you regard all the military and NHS etc senior people joining companies after they retire that they may well have helped gain orders as corruption? However, it does look like everybody is going to fight back. Id call it a battle group wholly equipped with obsolete AFVs. The military ship activated its AIS tracker on Wednesday at 10am, making it visible on real-time marine traffic tracker. I didnt think anyone could be worse than Trump. H I Sutton 15 Mar 2022. So easy to detect and evasion not impossible but also easy for CIWS to lock onto. Yeah easily mistaken for Japanese torpedo boats a few thousand miles off course. The only Ukraine people fighting for their independence are those in the Donbas. Russian warships have been seen acting unusually off the south coast of Ireland. Actually having checked further the major problem the USA/Canada are having are the same that most countries are. He is testing NATO unity and Bidens willingness to risk the wrath of those voters while knowing any faltering step in those voters eyes be it commitment of weakness will bring back a Trump style Govt withRead more , I do wonder if another motivating factor could be something more base than that. As this is different from Davids comment below Ill go away and try to get some evidence. Whats the Latin 50% because decimate is only 1 in 10 (10%). The huge explosion at the military complex of Parchin, 30 kilometers southeast Tehran. Today : UK Navy Shocked, 7 Russian Warships off UK CoastNine Royal Navy warships are shadowing seven Russian warships after "unusually high levels of activit. Mr Prystaiko also slammed Berlin for pushing ahead with the controversial Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline that will circumvent Ukraine. Will it damage to a ship? If I see him Ill ask. It looks like a scene from 1984. General Carter, who joined the Royal Green Jackets in 1977, has been head of the armed forces since June 2018. Im not entirely sure how/where you have Ur info ref Astutes having v limited Comms when dived from? The Black Sea, which Russia uses to project its power in the Mediterranean, has for centuries been a flashpoint between Russia and its competitors such as Turkey, France, Britain and the United States. The Royal Navy has kept close watch as four Russian ships sheltered from rough weather in the seas off the east coast of Scotland. Erm, theres certain CO of a T23 on TV at the moment who disagrees with you not to mention Radakin hgiving HoC evidence, I havent see the show, so Ill take your word on it, Surely if Russia invades Ukraine theres gonna have to be big increases in defence and security spending were gonna have to reinforce all Eastern European alliance members for that matter any country world wide that feels threatened buy any powerful country, Hi Geordie, Youd think so. Its a gap that worries the ranks the most! Thu Feb 3 2022 - 19:50. But why would Russia deployed troops in Iraq 2003 to save Despot Sadams skin? The diplomat hit out at Germany for failing to match Britain's offer of military aid, with Berlin preferring to focus on the threat of sanctions. Some showed messages saying:'Be afraid and expect the worst.'. A distraction for poor ratings at home possibly. The Armys flip ups on procurement have disengaged us from effective land ops in NATO context. It remains unclear whether tanker Karma accidentally revealed its location. A Russian military ship armed with hypersonic missiles has sailed through the Strait of Dover, the narrowest part of the English Channel - only a few miles away from the English coast. He wasnt kissing his backside so much when he scrapped the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty! In new training drills yesterday, three dozen Russian warplanes including Su-34 fighter-bombers, Su-25 attack aircraft and MiG-31 fighter-interceptors flew from airfields in Perm, Krasnoyarsk, Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk regions. My good friend and neighbour, an ex USN chief engineer on subs is a mildly Right of Centre Republican but even he voted for Biden in the last election. Russian warships have been spotted off the British coast. Seems a bit left-field but the Swedes seem to be taking things seriously. Also most of that Russian buildup is into barracks so not suffering. That would make a great movie but better to follow the money trail back to Russia and other foreign powers. Mind you cant complain about my pension, thank God for SERPS. The SPEAR seems limited against a target like a ship. Those deliveries are ongoing, and there are more scheduled in the coming weeks.. No unvaccinated driver may cross the border and there are 10,000s of them. The US Coast Guard said Wednesday it is monitoring a Russian ship near Hawaii. Most of its armour is 25+ years old, its tube artillery is a similar age and is seriously out ranged by modern Russian systems and they have just announced a cut in numbers to about 75,000..! If anybody wants to do a deep dive into the political corruption the FBI has to tackle, I recommend bookmarking/following ericgarland on Twitter. When you consider bang for buck (price index), how long until Chinas defense budget alone will be equal? Is not the opposite more true? Russian warship spotted miles from UK coast with hypersonic cruise It was not immediately clear what equipment would be arriving today. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. Putin might be doing maskirovka. "I am sure that such a powerful weapon will allow us to reliably protect Russia from potential external threats and help ensure our country's national interests. Your posts are very aggressive. We must stand with our Ukrainian allies., Biden has also authorized $200 million in additional support to meet Ukraines emergency defense needs, according to a U.S. State Department spokesperson. Spot on post! There are thoughts elsewhere that these ships may, initially, be heading to Syria in order to collect troops and equipment for redeployment. When people toured the Viktor Yanukovych presidential palace, they were shocked at the grandeurRead more , Step back guys, the roots of this situation lie decades ago. The US defence budget is $777bn more than the rest of the world combined. READ NEXT:Army poised to send 'game-changing' tanks to Ukraine to smash RussiaBefore and after maps show Russia's territorial losses in UkraineUK tanks to cause 'real problems' for Russia on Ukrainian frontlineCleverly under pressure over German spy - Britain battles 'silent war'Putin replaces 'General Armageddon' after three months in top job. Clearly they have something on him-most probably a secret video of Trump in bed with some Russian beauty! The task group were joined by RAF Typhoon and F-35s jets, plus tankers RFA Tideforce and RFA Tiderace. Pretty much what their President told them on the TV a couple of days ago. The ships, which can each carry up to 25 armoured personnel carriers, were deployed three days ago but it remains unclear if they are heading for Ukraine. The only delusional people are the idiots who think Biden is doing a good job; hes lost Afghanistan, Ukraine next, and probably Taiwan in 2023 when this emboldensRead more . Find out more. I wonder if we could see a real boost in our defence budget? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Well done RN. return to the tri nations agreement of 1899!! All vessels travelling through the Bosphorus have to book passage where a Turkish pilot will board to insure safe passage, that includes men of war irrespective of nationality. The RN suffered badly in the Falklands through short sightedness and gaps in capabilities, and is sadly doomed to suffer again unless it takes the enemies and their capabilities and tactics seriously. good job that idiot trump doesnt have access to the red button or the west would be rubble. And if we enter a shooting war with Russia. Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Friday Moscow was not ready to wait forever for a response and that it wanted a detailed written response to every Russian proposal. Russia has repeatedly denied that it is planning an invasion and instead demanded that NATO bar Ukraine from membership. At least that is how Putin would see it. This stuff was going on long before sites like this were around to report it in the public domain. Surely he loses more than he gains. Its what happens after Russia invades that know one is sure about. Europe? The region has been on a knife-edge since the end of last year when Moscow moved as many as 100,000 troops, as well as tanks and missiles, close to the border.
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