St. Paul Executive Order 2022-2. Executive Order 2021-39 (Face covering requirement indoors at City-controlled facilities). 2. This guidance is data-driven and subject to change. There continues to be community acquired COVID-19 cases in Saint Paul. On March 10, 2021, the Saint Paul City Council adopted Ordinance 21-10, Creating Chapter 223 of the Legislative Code relating to Guaranteed Income Program (Title XXIII). For non-emergency information. This Declaration has now expired. The Planning Administrator, through the Director of the department of planning and economic development, in continuing response to the directive in the Emergency Declaration, has advised that certain City zoning ordinances require zoning permit applicants to first obtain the consent of owners of property located near the zoning applicants property in order for their zoning applications to be considered by the City. h. All Establishments obtaining a C-19 Right of Way Obstruction Permit must agree to defend and indemnify the City as required by Saint Paul Leg. Executive Order 2020-4 (Alternative Care Sites0, Executive Order 2020-44 (delaying effective date for Plastic packaging 236 Leg Code), Executive Order 2021-33 (Face covering requirement indoors at City-controlled facilities). 12.29, I issued an Emergency Declaration, declaring a Peacetime Emergency due to the civil unrest occurring throughout Saint Paul. Minneapolis Emergency Regulation No. This updated information included a recommendation for fully vaccinated people to wear a mask in public indoor settings in areas of substantial or high transmission. In subsequent months, the decline in metropolitan areas continued to exceed the decline outside of metropolitan areas; and, WHEREAS, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities COVID-19 Hardship Watch, [w]hile the economy has added jobs in recent months, there were still 5.0 million fewer jobs in September 2021 than in February 2020. An impacted license holder who cancels their license in order to conserve resources will need to go through the license application process, which includes public notice when they wish to begin the licensed activity again. 12.31, Subd. Code 65.157) and supportive housing facilities (Leg. Melvin Carter III, Mayor of the City of Saint Paul, on May 27, 2020, pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 13.06, do hereby issue the following Executive Order: On March 13, 2020, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz issued Executive Order 20-01 Declaring a Peacetime Emergency and Coordinating Minnesotas Strategy to Protect Minnesotans from COVID-19 pursuant to Minn. Stat. St. Paul refuses to drop mask mandate for students Todays renewed measure comes in close consultation with public health partners at Saint Paul-Ramsey County Public Health amid high infection rates of Delta and Omicron variant cases in Saint Paul. Saint Paul businesses impacted by the Governors Executive Orders contribute to the vitality of Saint Paul, provide employment opportunities and services to residents, grow the Citys tax base, and increase our sense of community. The now 21-month health emergency has impacted the residents and businesses of Saint Paul. On May 29, 2020 the Saint Paul Fire Chief reported that between May 28, 2020 and May 29, 2020, the City received over 300 calls for service, 126 of which were related to fire calls and 55 of which were confirmed fires. respecting the conduct of persons and the use of property during emergencies; the repair, maintenance and safeguarding of essential public services; emergency health, fire and safety regulations; and all other matters which are required to protect public safety, health and welfare in emergencies.. Under the authority given in Minnesota Statutes 12.29, declares that a local emergency continues to exist within Saint Paul, on January 3, 2022, with all the powers and responsibilities attending thereto as provided by Chapter 12, Minnesota Statute, and Saint Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 13. I, Melvin Carter III, Mayor of the City of Saint Paul, on January 13, 2021, pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 13.06, do hereby issue the following Executive Order: On March 13, 2020, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz issued Executive Order 20-01, declaring a Peacetime Emergency and coordinating Minnesotas strategy to protect Minnesotans from COVID- 19 pursuant to Minn. Stat. "Food Establishment" means a retail operation that prepares, serves, or otherwise provides food or food and beverages, for human consumption, including but not limited to restaurants. 3 and Saint Paul Legislative Code 13.02. 12.29; which the City Council consented to on March 17, 2020, and which I have extended on several occasions; and, WHEREAS, Saint Paul Leg. THEREFORE, MAYOR MELVIN CARTER III, OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DECLARES, REQUESTS, AND DIRECTS AS FOLLOWS: I, Melvin Carter III, Mayor of the City of Saint Paul, on May 29, 2020, pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 13.06, do hereby issue the following Executive Order: On May 29, 2020, pursuant to Minn. Stat. In many instances the Third-party Food Delivery Platforms and services, without the local restaurants knowledge or consent, will purport to sell meals from the local restaurant to consumers, and sometimes charge exorbitant fees to the already struggling local restaurants during the time of the declared emergency and the operational restrictions attendant thereto. Civil unrest erupted in downtown Minneapolis including looting and the destruction of public and private property. Saint Paul bars and restaurants impacted by the Governors Executive Orders contribute to the vitality of Saint Paul, provide employment opportunities and services to residents, grow the Citys tax base, and increase our sense of community. 2. PUBLISHED: March 10, 2022 at 10:15 a.m. | UPDATED: March 11, 2022 at 11:16 a.m. With COVID-19 case counts and hospital admissions dropping, St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter and Minneapolis. According to SP-RCPH, data available as of June 1, 2021 show that: These promising public health metric trends combined with ongoing efforts to increase vaccination rates across the City of Saint Paul with SP-RCPH demonstrate progress toward ending this pandemic. On April 9, 2020 I issued Emergency Executive Order 2020-5 to allow an individual with responsibility for a portion of the skyway system to close their portion of the skyway for which they are responsible at 7 p.m. provided that notice of the revised skyway hours are posted in conspicuous locations. Since the beginning of the pandemic there have been more than 5,617 COVID-19 hospitalizations and 1,090 COVID-19 deaths in Ramsey County. On November 10, 2020, the Chair of the Skyway Governance Advisory Committee, the President of Greater Saint Paul BOMA and the President of the St. Paul Downtown Alliance met and discussed skyway use and the 7:00 p.m. closing hours. . Executive Order 2020-4 suspending certain zoning regulations for alternative care sights will expire on May 19, 2020. Such amended Emergency Plans must describe how such Additional Emergency Work meets a need related to COVID-19 and either protects, or provides direct support to work that protects, the health, safety and welfare of city employees and/or the general public. "Purchase price" means the menu price of an Online order, excluding taxes, gratuities, or any other fees that may make up the total cost to the customer of an Online order. That the consent petition requirement under the following zoning ordinances are hereby suspended effectively immediately as of the date and time of execution of this Emergency Executive Order, the effect of which shall continue until as provided herein: All Temporary C-19 Right of Way Obstruction Permits that expired on October 20, 2020 are hereby reinstated. Outside of those areas, the decline was only 13 percent. Individuals At City-Controlled Property: Must wear a face covering at all times when social distancing of at least 6 feet is not maintained. For these reasons, downtown leaders have expressed concerns regarding the safety of downtown residents, businesses and the skyway system infrastructure and requested that the skyway system be closed from 2:00 p.m. on June 5, 2020 through 6:00 a.m. on June 6, 2020 in order to protect the residents and these major assets. All Priority Two services are Essential Governmental Operations and will continue without interruption to preserve the essential elements of the financial system of government, and to continue priority services. Any such complaint shall be made in writing to the Department of Safety and Inspections, shall provide authorization for the Third-party Food Delivery Platform to divulge a record or other information about a subscriber or customer to the city and shall include all information relied upon by the Food Establishment. The 80 EPL hours will be prorated for part-time employees, as well as non-benefits earning employees, based on the average number of hours worked per pay period since the first full pay period of 2020. Civil unrest has arisen nation-wide since Mr. Floyds death. Several downtown hospitality businesses remain closed or have reduced hours and several other businesses with office workers are still working remotely. All Businesses: Strongly encouraged to continue to require that all individuals wear a face covering indoors at all times when social distancing of at least 6 feet is not maintained. Completed Vaccination Series means two weeks following completion of any CDC approved vaccination series, including: A 2-dose series of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna), or A single-dose COVID-19 vaccine (Johnson & Johnsons Janssen vaccine). THEREFORE, I, Melvin Carter, Mayor of the City of Saint Paul, do hereby issue the following Emergency Executive Order: I, Melvin Carter III, Mayor of the City of Saint Paul, on May 24, 2021, pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 13.06, do hereby issue the following Executive Order: WHEREAS, on May 20, 2020, the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development released industry guidance that allowed bars and restaurants to safely reopen on June 1, 2020, subject to certain restrictions; and, WHEREAS, on May 27, 2020, Governor Walz issued Executive Oder 20-63 that included restrictions for outdoor service provided by restaurants, food courts, cafes, coffeehouses, bars, taverns, brewer taprooms, micro distiller cocktail rooms, farm wineries, craft wineries, cideries, golf courses, and other Places of Public Accommodation offering food or beverages (including alcoholic beverages) for on premises consumption; and, WHEREAS, on May 27, 2020, I issued Executive Order 2020-10 which eliminated certain City requirements to facilitate commercial uses of outdoor spaces, and this Order has since been amended several times; and, WHEREAS, on several occasions I have extended and amended Executive Order 2020-10, the most recent amendment being Executive Order 2021-5 signed January 19, 2021; and, WHEREAS, on May 6, 2021, Governor Walz announced a three-step timeline to end nearly all state COVID-19 restrictions by May 28; and, WHEREAS, the Governors timeline removed state limits for outdoor dining as of May 7, 2021, and ended the state outdoor mask requirement except at large venues with over 500 people; and, WHEREAS, beginning May 27, 2021, at 11:59 p.m., the Governors timeline lifts all state capacity restrictions, party size limitations, and distancing requirements at restaurants and bars; and, WHEREAS, notwithstanding the Governors timeline to end nearly all of the states COVID-19 restrictions, Saint Paul businesses remain impacted by reduced business related to COVID-19; and, WHEREAS, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, more than 4 in 10 Minnesota small business owners expect that it will be six months or more before their business returns to its normal level of operations; and, WHEREAS, even though the spread of COVID-19 has slowed and vaccinations are becoming widely available, the impact of COVID-19 pandemic will continue to be felt; and. and all other matters which are required to protect public safety, health and welfare in emergencies.. Further notice from the City. All Individuals regardless of vaccine status at City-Controlled Property: Must wear a face covering indoors at all times. This civil unrest included mass protests in Minneapolis on May 26-30, 2020 which caused injuries, looting and the destruction of public and private property. The above-referenced Executive Orders are extended. This does not include the Saint Paul City Council. This Declaration has been extended and remains in effect. Minneapolis, St. Paul mayors lift mask mandate Civil unrest has arisen in the Twin Cities metropolitan area and across the country since Mr. Floyds death. It is down from Jan. 21-27's 500 per 100,000, the week after the mandate went into effect. The former St. Paul mandate required masks in businesses licensed by the City of St. Paul. WHEREAS, on March 15, 2020, I declared under the authority given in Minnesota Statutes 12.29, that a local emergency existed within Saint Paul, effective March 15, 2020, with all the powers and responsibilities attending thereto as provided by Chapter 12, Minnesota Statutes, and Saint Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 13; and, WHEREAS, on June 8, 2020, I declared under the authority given in Minnesota Statutes 12.29, that the local emergency continued to exist within Saint Paul, effective June 8, 2020, with all the powers and responsibilities attending thereto as provided by Chapter 12, Minnesota Statutes, and Saint Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 13; and, WHEREAS, on September 8, 2020, I declared under the authority given in Minnesota Statutes 12.29, that the local emergency continued to exist within Saint Paul, effective September 8, 2020, with all the powers and responsibilities attending thereto as provided by Chapter 12, Minnesota Statutes, and Saint Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 13; and, WHEREAS, on November 30, 2020, I declared under the authority given in Minnesota Statutes 12.29, that the local emergency continued to exist within Saint Paul, effective November 30, 2020, with all the powers and responsibilities attending thereto as provided by Chapter 12, Minnesota Statutes, and Saint Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 13; and, WHEREAS, on March 1, 2021, I declared under the authority given in Minnesota Statutes 12.29, that the local emergency continued to exist within Saint Paul, effective March 1, 2021, with all the powers and responsibilities attending thereto as provided by Chapter 12, Minnesota Statutes, and Saint Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 13; and, WHEREAS, on June 1, 2021, I declared under the authority given in Minnesota Statutes 12.29, that the local emergency continued to exist within Saint Paul, effective June 1, 2021, with all the powers and responsibilities attending thereto as provided by Chapter 12, Minnesota Statutes, and Saint Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 13; and, WHEREAS, on August 31, 2021, I declared under the authority given in Minnesota Statutes 12.29, that the local emergency continued to exist within Saint Paul, effective August 31, 2021, with all the powers and responsibilities attending thereto as provided by Chapter 12, Minnesota Statutes, and Saint Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 13; and, WHEREAS, on November 29, 2021, I declared under the authority given in Minnesota Statutes 12.29, that the local emergency continued to exist within Saint Paul, effective November 29, 2021, with all the powers and responsibilities attending thereto as provided by Chapter 12, Minnesota Statutes, and Saint Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 13; and, WHEREAS, on January 3, 2022, I declared under the authority given in Minnesota Statutes 12.29, that the local emergency continued to exist within Saint Paul, effective January 3, 2022, with all the powers and responsibilities attending thereto as provided by Chapter 12, Minnesota Statutes, and Saint Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 13; and, WHEREAS, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to present unprecedented and rapidly evolving challenges to our City. The reinstated requirement for licensed businesses takes effect on Thursday, January 6, 2022 at 5 p.m. Reinstating the masking requirement is an important step in keeping our communities safe amid the surge of COVID-19 cases in Saint Paul,said Mayor Melvin Carter. WHEREAS, Ordinance 20-36, Section 2 allows City officials authorized to arrange for the use of Freedom House as a temporary day-use service facility and winter weather sheltering facility for the unsheltered but does not address severe weather such as tornadoes or high wind; and, WHEREAS, the City has approved an expansion capacity for other shelters available to homeless individuals currently during cold weather emergencies; and. Executive Order 2020-10 is hereby extended, subject to the following amendments: I, Melvin Carter III, Mayor of the City of Saint Paul, on November 13, 2020, pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 13.06, do hereby issue the following Executive Order: WHEREAS, on August 14, 2020, September 22, 2020 and October 30, 2020, I signed Executive Orders which extended Executive Order 2020-10 subject to certain conditions, and, WHEREAS, Saint Paul businesses remain impacted by the Governors Executive Orders and reduced business related to COVID-19 and the need to find creative solutions to support Saint Paul businesses throughout the winter remains; and, WHEREAS, during the 2020 Regular Session of the Minnesota Legislature, the Minnesota Legislature enacted 2020 Laws of Minnesota, Chapter 103 S.F. Any Establishment that currently has a Seasonal Outside Service Area License or a Right of Way Obstruction Permit may open for outdoor seating under the terms of that license or permit following any necessary alterations required by the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to present unprecedented and rapidly evolving challenges to our City. For Establishments holding a liquor license, submit an application and obtain a license for a Temporary C-19 Seasonal Outside Service Area which will have the requirements and criteria of Saint Paul Leg. Requests the City Council convene at its earliest convenience to discuss the situation and this declaration. Executive Order 2020-10 is hereby extended, subject to the Governors Executive Order 21-01 and any other local, state or federal law impacting food and beverage service for onsite consumption. The traffic in skyways remains very low and is not expected to increase significantly after Labor Day. I, Melvin Carter III, Mayor of the City of Saint Paul, on September 27, 2021, pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 13.06, do hereby issue the following Executive Order: I, Melvin Carter III, Mayor of the City of Saint Paul, on March 17, 2020, by the authority vested in me by Saint Paul Administrative Code Section 13.02, issue the following Executive Order: The City of Saint Paul, along with the State of Minnesota are preparing for the impact of COVID-19 commonly known as the Coronavirus. WHEREAS, while not required, masks are strongly encouraged for all residents of the City of Saint Paul whether on City-Controlled Property, in a City-Licensed Business or other facility, regardless of vaccine status when social distancing of at least 6 feet is not maintained. Code Chapter 13.06(b) provides that, whenever necessary to meet an emergency the mayor may by executive order promulgate regulations for which adequate regulations have not been adopted respecting all other matters which are required to protect public safety, health and welfare in emergencies. This state of local emergency may not be continued for a period in excess of three days except by or with the consent of the Council of the City of Saint Paul. I, Melvin Carter III, Mayor of the City of Saint Paul,on October 12, pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 13.06, do hereby issue the following Executive Order: Saint Paul Leg. This declaration supersedes all prior declarations. The announcement of the lifted requirement from St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter comes as COVID-19 cases and . All City services identified in Paragraph 4 above that can be reasonably accomplished virtually or through telework will be so accomplished. 12.29, which the City Council consented to on March 17, 2020, and which I have twice extended, and such extensions were approved by the City Council on June 10, 2020, and September 9, 2020; and, WHEREAS, according to guidance from the U.S. Department of the Treasury, local governments are authorized to expend CARES Act funds to provide emergency financial assistance to individuals and families directly impacted by a loss of income due to the COVID- 19 public health emergency; and, WHEREAS, by using information provided by CollegeBound Saint Paul participants and CARES Act and other funding, the city is uniquely positioned to provide necessary financial assistance to low-income residents impacted by the COVID-19 public health emergency; and, WHEREAS, Saint Paul Leg. Priority Two services can be disrupted temporarily, if necessary, but must be re-established within a few days to preserve the essential elements of the financial system of government, and to continue priority services. Allowing Downtown building owners to close their area of the skyway at 7p.m. Effective January 19, 2022, any licensed business that is a space of public accommodation in the City of Saint Paul during any time that food and/or drink is sold or served indoors for consumption onsite shall limit admission of patrons to the area of the licensed premises where food and/or drink is being consumed, to only those persons who furnish proof of a completed vaccination series against COVID-19 or a negative COVID- 19 test obtained within seventy-two (72) hours of entry. Any Individual who fails to comply with this requirement will be asked to leave any city controlled property. These encouraging downward trends in case counts and hospital admissions, combined with 80% of residents ages 5 and up in Ramsey County having now received at least one dose of a vaccine, demonstrate our ongoing progress in this pandemic. For the avoidance of doubt, and unless otherwise notified by the City, Establishments may operate outdoors in the City right of way without COVID-19-restrictions on capacity, party size, or distancing. City of Saint Paul employees and visitors are not required to wear a face covering while outdoors, unless at an activity specifically designated and posted by the City as requiring a face covering. That Ordinance will take effect on April 22, 2021. Executive Order 2020-1 regulating large gatherings in the City of Saint Paul. In response to the civil unrest, on May 29, 2020, I issued Emergency Executive Order 2020-11 imposing a curfew in all public places in order to protect individuals and property. Public hearing and notice requirements are waived. the mayor may by executive order promulgate regulations for which adequate regulations have not been adopted . WHEREAS, compliance with the skyway hours of operation requires monitoring by both Saint Paul Police and building owners; WHEREAS, on April 9, 2020, I issued Emergency Executive Order 2020-5 to allow an individual with responsibility for a portion of the skyway system to close their portion of the skyway for which they are responsible at 7 p.m. provided that notice of the revised skyway hours are posted in conspicuous locations; and, WHEREAS, based on the easing of COVID restrictions statewide, the fact that the spread of COVID-19 had slowed, and the wide availability of vaccines and the recommendation of skyway stakeholders, I issued Executive Order 2021-23, which adjusted the skyway closure hours to keep the skyways open longer; and, WHEREAS, Executive Order 2021-23 was rescinded and replaced with Executive Order 2021- 40, which allowed for an individual with responsibility for a portion of the skyway system is permitted to close their portion of the skyway for which they are responsible no earlier than 11:00 p.m., provided that notice of the revised skyway hours are posted in conspicuous locations; and, WHEREAS, Executive Order 2021-40 was extended by Executive Order 2021-44, which was set to expire on January 14, 2022; and, WHEREAS, Executive Order 2021-44 was extended by Executive Order 2022-6, which was set to expire on February 23, 2022 and which would return skyway hours to normal; and, WHEREAS, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identified new variants of the COVID-19 virus which are present in the United States and medical experts determined that some of these variants are significantly more contagious than previously known variants. Minneapolis and St. Paul have not. Requests the City Council convene an emergency session at its earliest convenience to consent to this declaration. Both citywide mandates will go into effect Thursday, starting at 5pm. On July 29, 2021, the CDC COVID-19 data track changed Ramsey Countys level of community transmission to substantial, triggering the CDC recommendation for fully vaccinated people to wear masks in public indoor settings. Night-time Curfew: effective August 27, 2020 at 8:00 P.M, a curfew is imposed in all public places within the City of Saint Paul between the hours of 8:00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M. Travel Prohibited. WHEREAS, on February 24, 2022, pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code section 13.06, I rescinded Executive Order 2022-11 related to face coverings in City-Licensed Businesses and City-Controlled Property and replaced it with Executive Order 2022-14 which required the following: WHEREAS, at that time, the City of Saint Paul maintained the above-described face covering requirement in order to continue evaluating the spread of COVID-19 by monitoring case rates, positivity rates, hospitalizations, and vaccination rates; and, WHEREAS, amid promising downward trends of case rates, positivity rates, and hospitalizations in Ramsey County, data available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as of March 3, 2022 shows that the Community Level related to risk is Low, the reported cases per 100,000 is 118.11, hospital admissions per 100,000 are 6.1, and percentage of hospital beds occupied are at 5.9%; and, WHEREAS, these promising public health metric trends, combined with 81% of those eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine (5 and older) in Ramsey County having received at least one dose, demonstrate progress toward ending this pandemic; and, WHEREAS, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control determines the COVID Community Level in Ramsey County is Low as of March 10, 2022, based on COVID-19 hospital admissions, inpatient beds occupied by COVID-19 patients, and total new COVID-19 cases in the past seven days; and.
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