It is remarkable that only 25 years after the Scapular vision, Blessed Pope Gregory X was buried St. Alphonsus Liguori. In 1762, there was no escape and he was constrained by formal obedience to the Pope to accept the Bishopric of St. Agatha of the Goths, a very small Neapolitan diocese lying a few miles off the road from Naples to Capua. At all events, it proved disastrous in the result. He fell into a clairvoyant trance at Arienzo on 21 September, 1774, and was present in spirit at the death-bed in Rome of Pope Clement XIV. and reportedly performed miracles. APA citation. Soon after, Falcoia made known to the latter his vocation to leave Naples and establish an order of missionaries at Scala, who should work above all for the neglected goatherds of the mountains. Here St. Alphonsus teaches that those who refuse to bow to the will of God only double their afflictions. In 1950 he was named patron saint of moralists and confessors by Pope Pius XII. Our founder, St. Alphonsus Liguori | The National Shrine of St. John The Saint Alphonsus de Liguori Collection [30 Books] Besides his Moral Theology, the Saint wrote a large number of dogmatic and ascetical works nearly all in the vernacular. First Station: Jesus Is Condemned to Death V. We adore you, Christ, and we praise you. Regrettably, I can't reply to every letter, but I greatly appreciate your feedback especially notifications about typographical errors and inappropriate ads. He was somewhat worldly and ambitious, at any rate for his son, and was rough tempered when opposed. The other was not to be long delayed. Filangieri forbade any change of rule and removed Falcoia from all communication with the convent. He was taught by tutors before entering the University of Naples, where he graduated with doctorates in civil and canon law at 16. Of extraordinary passive states, such as rapture, there are not many instances recorded in his life, though there are some. In 1762 he was appointed Bishop of Sant'Agata dei Goti. According to this view he chose a different formula from the Jesuit writers, partly because he thought his own terms more exact, and, partly to save his teaching and his congregation as far as possible from the State persecution which after 1764 had already fallen so heavily on the Society of Jesus, and in 1773 was formally to suppress it. It is true that theologians even of the broadest school are agreed that, when an opinion in favour of the law is so much more probable as to amount practically to moral certainty, the less probable opinion cannot be followed, and some have supposed that St. Alphonsus meant no more than this by his terminology. The eighteenth century was not an age remarkable for depth of spiritual life, yet it produced three of the greatest missionaries of the Church, St. Leonard of Port Maurice, St. Paul of the Cross, and St. Alphonsus Liguori. Liguoris extensive works fall into three genres: moral theology, best represented by his celebrated Theologia moralis (1748); ascetical and devotional writings, including Visits to the Blessed Sacrament, The True Spouse of Jesus Christ (for nuns), Selva (for priests), and The Glories of Mary, the latter of which became one of the most widely used manuals of devotion to the Virgin Mary; and dogmatic writings on such subjects as papal infallibility and the power of prayer. On 3 October, 1731, the eve of the feast of St. Francis, she saw Our Lord with St. Francis on His right hand and a priest on His left. The eighteenth century was not an age remarkable for depth of spiritual life, yet it produced three of the greatest missionaries of the Church, St. Leonard of Port Maurice, St. Paul of the Cross, and St. Alphonsus Liguori. He was thinking of leaving the profession and wrote to someone, "My friend, our profession is too full of difficulties and dangers; we lead an unhappy life and run risk of dying an unhappy death". Federal Tax Identification Number: 81-0596847. [4] He was ordained on 21 December 1726, at the age of 30. Moral Theology (Liguori) - Wikipedia Fearful temptations against every virtue crowded upon him, together with diabolical apparitions and illusions, and terrible scruples and impulses to despair which made life a hell. The Holy Father addressed the faithful taking part in the General audience of Wednesday, 1 August [2012], in Piazza della Libert, the square outside the Papal residence in Castel Gandolfo. "What document is that?" This submission altered the original rule, and as a result Alphonsus was denied any authority among the Redemptorists. Miraculous Stories of the Blessed Virgin Mary : Saint Alphonsus De In the eight years of his career as advocate, years crowded with work, he is said never to have lost a case. Dedicated to Fr. He wrote sermons, books, and articles to encourage devotion to the Blessed Sacrament and the Blessed Virgin Mary. On the other hand, ever since the Fall of Man, the will of man has been his greatest danger. He who ruled and directed others so wisely, had, where his own soul was concerned, to depend on obedience like a little child. The question as to what does or does not constitute a lie is not an easy one, but it is a subject in itself. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. The chapels were centres of prayer and piety, preaching, community, social activities, and education. Traditional Stations of the Cross by St. Alphonsus Liguori Alphonsus was what we call a "gifted" student today. The Neapolitan stage at this time was in a good state, but the Saint had from his earliest years an ascetic repugnance to theatres, a repugnance which he never lost. Mimoires sur la vie et la congrigation de St. Alphonse de Liguori (Paris, 1842, 3 vols.). Not less remarkable than the intensity with which Alphonsus worked is the amount of work he did. The early years, following the founding of the new order, were not promising. God, however, intended the new institute to begin with these nuns of Scala. He said himself that he was so small at the time as to be almost buried in his doctor's gown and that all the spectators laughed. The family was an old and noble one, though the branch to which the Saint belonged had become somewhat impoverished. His friend the Grand Almoner betrayed him; his two envoys for negotiating with the Grand Almoner, Fathers Majone and Cimino, betrayed him, consultors general though they were. Finally, St. Alphonsus was a wonderful letter-writer, and the mere salvage of his correspondence amounts to 1,451 letters, filling three large volumes. Quite recently, a duet composed by him, between the Soul and God, was found in the British Museum bearing the date 1760 and containing a correction in his own handwriting. He had nearly completed his ninety-first year. Then God called him to his life work. [7] At 27, after having lost an important case, the first he had lost in eight years of practising law, he made a firm resolution to leave the profession of law. In fact, despite his youth, he seems at the age of twenty-seven to have been one of the leaders of the Neapolitan Bar. His devotion to the Blessed Sacrament and to Our Lady was extraordinary. SVO), gives an extremely full and picturesque account of the Saint's life and times. Home | St. Alphonsus Rock St. Alphonsus, however, did not in all things follow their teaching, especially on one point much debated in the schools; namely, whether we may in practice follow an opinion which denies a moral obligation, when the opinion which affirms a moral obligation seems to us to be altogether more probable. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. St Alphonsus Mary Liguori and Prayer | EWTN On 6 April, 1726, he was ordained deacon, and soon after preached his first sermon. St. Alphonsus Ligouri ''Rock'' Church, Saint Louis - Tripadvisor In 1732 he founded the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, or the Redemptorists, at Scala. Castle, Harold. In a civil action a serious preponderance of evidence gives one side the case. Holy Name of Jesus & St. Alphonsus Liguori | The Eucharistic Miracle at Sarnelli was almost openly supported by the all-powerful Tanucci, and the suppression of the Congregation at last seemed a matter of days, when on 26 October, 1776, Tanucci, who had offended Queen Maria Carolina, suddenly fell from power. When he was preparing for the priesthood in Naples, his masters were of the rigid school, for though the center of Jansenistic disturbance was in northern Europe, no shore was so remote as not to feel the ripple of its waves. Alphonsus's temperament was very ardent. Alternate titles: Saint Alfonso Liguori, Saint Alfonso Maria de Liguori, Saint Alphonsus Maria deLiguori. She was declared Venerable 11 August, 1901. His best-known musical work is his Christmas hymn Quanno Nascetti Ninno, later translated into Italian by Pope Pius IX as Tu scendi dalle stelle ("From Starry Skies Thou Comest"). Confident that some special sacrifice was required of him, though he did not yet know what, he did not return to his profession, but spent his days in prayer, seeking to know God's will. He was declared "Venerable", 4 May, 1796; was beatified in 1816, and canonized in 1839. Alphonsus was a lawyer, and as a lawyer he attached much importance to the weight of evidence. In 1871, he was declared a Doctor of the Church. From the year 1759 two former benefactors of the Congregation, Baron Sarnelli and Francis Maffei, by one of those changes not uncommon in Naples, had become its bitter enemies, and waged a vendetta against it in the law courts which lasted for twenty-four years. Even where he is not that, he may generally be trusted, as he was a Boswell in collecting facts. He first addressed ecclesiastical abuses in the diocese, reformed the seminary and spiritually rehabilitated the clergy and faithful. Were the vehement things in his letters and writings, especially in the matter of rebuke or complaint, to appraised as if uttered by an Anglo-Saxon in cold blood, we might be surprised and even shocked. But one may easily overcrowd a narrow canvas and it is better in so slight a sketch to leave the central figure in solitary relief. There are many editions of the Saint's Moral Theology; the best and latest is that of P. GAUDI, C.SS.R. Riding and fencing were his recreations, and an evening game of cards; he tells us that he was debarred from being a good shot by his bad sight. The third book deals with the Ten Commandments, the fourth with the monastic and clerical states, and the duties of judges, advocates, doctors, merchants, and others. Alphonsus Liguori, CSsR (27 September 1696 - 1 August 1787), sometimes called Alphonsus Maria de Liguori or Saint Alphonsus Liguori, was an Italian Catholic bishop, spiritual writer, composer, musician, artist, poet, lawyer, scholastic philosopher, and theologian. The Glories of Mary ( Italian: Le glorie di Maria) is a classic book in the field of Roman Catholic Mariology, written during the 18th century by Saint Alphonsus Liguori, a Doctor of the Church . His father opposed the plan, but after two months (and with his Oratorian confessor's permission), he and his father compromised: he would study for the priesthood, but not as an Oratorian, and would live at home. Here with 30,000 uninstructed people, 400 mostly indifferent and sometimes scandalous secular clergy, and seventeen more or less relaxed religious houses to look after, in a field so overgrown with weeds that they seemed the only crop, he wept and prayed and spent days and nights in unremitting labour for thirteen years. He finally agreed to become a priest but to live at home as a member of a group of secular missionaries. Both of them were canonized on the same day as the Holy Doctor, 26 May, 1839. A pure and modest boyhood passed into a manhood without reproach. Now the saint has a very great momentum indeed, and a spoiled saint is often a great villain. On 1 April, 1733, all the companions of Alphonsus except one lay brother, Vitus Curtius, abandoned him, and founded the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament, which, confined to the Kingdom of Naples, was extinguished in 1860 by the Italian Revolution. At the time of his death, there were 72, with over 10,000 active participants. He founded the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (the Redemptorists). Alphonsus Liguori was not a favorite with the windbags of his day. [4], Liguori learned to ride and fence but was never a good shot because of poor eyesight. Neapolitan students, in an animated but amicable discussion, seem to foreign eyes to be taking part in a violent quarrel. After a short interval--we do not know exactly how long--the answer came. At the age of sixteen, on 21 January, 1713, he took his degree as Doctor of Laws, although twenty was the age fixed by the statutes. Liguori suffered from scruples much of his adult life and felt guilty about the most minor issues relating to sin. A star preacher, he called his fellow sermonizers on the carpet for sermons of "empty, rumbling rhetoric" or "flashy . These form the first book of the work, while the second contains the treatises on Faith, Hope, and Charity. The foundation faced immediate problems, and after just one year, Alphonsus found himself with only one lay brother, his other companions having left to form their own religious group. The editor of New Advent is Kevin Knight. His austerities were rigorous, and he suffered daily the pain from rheumatism that was beginning to deform his body. Died: August 1, 1787. (27 September 1696 - 1 August 1787), was an Italian Catholic bishop, spiritual writer, composer, musician, artist, poet, lawyer, scholastic philosopher, and theologian. ); JOHNSTON, The Napoleonic Empire in South Italy, 2 vols. He submitted the new Rule to a number of theologians, who approved of it, and said it might be adopted in the convent of Scala, provided the community would accept it. He was now free, subject to the approval of the Bishop of Scala, to act with regard to the convent as he thought best. Printable Catholic Saints PDFs The rudder is humility, which, in the intellect, is a realization of our own unworthiness, and in the will, docility to right guidance. In the end the Rule was so altered as to be hardly recognizable, the very vows of religion being abolished. PDF Eucharistic Miracle of PATIERNO (NAPLES) - Our Lady Of Peace Shrine And The latest life, BERTHE, Saint Alphonse de Liguori (Paris, 1900, 2 vols. In 1762 Pope Clement XIII made him bishop of Sant Agata del Goti near Naples; he resigned in 1775 because of ill health. "St. Alphonsus Liguori." St. Alphonsus Liguori, in full Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, Alphonsus also spelled Alfonso, (born September 27, 1696, Marianella, Kingdom of Naples [Italy]died August 1, 1787, Pagani; canonized 1839; feast day August 1), Italian doctor of the church, one of the chief 18th-century moral theologians, and founder of the Redemptorists, a congregation dedicated primarily to parish and foreign missions. In September of the next year he received the tonsure and soon after joined the association of missionary secular priests called the "Neapolitan Propaganda", membership of which did not entail residence in common. Bishop, Doctor of the Church, and the founder of the Redemptorist Congregation. Alphonsus was preaching missions in the rural areas and writing. Unable to be idle, he had preached to the goatherds of the mountains with such success that Nicolas Guerriero, Bishop of Scala, begged him to return and give a retreat in his cathedral. [4] Myopia and chronic asthma precluded a military career so his father had him educated in the legal profession. He suspended those priests who celebrated Mass in less than 15 minutes and sold his carriage and episcopal ring to give the money to the poor. [5], By May 1775, Alphonus was "deaf, blind, and laden with so many infirmities, that he has no longer even the appearance of a man", and his resignation was accepted by the recently crowned Pope Pius VI. To follow an opinion in favour of liberty without weighing it, merely because it is held by someone else, would have seemed to Alphonsus an abdication of the judicial office with which as a confessor he was invested. In case things became hopeless in Naples, he looked to these houses to maintain the Rule and Institute. The dissensions even spread to the nuns, and Sister Maria Celeste herself left Scala and founded a convent at Foggia, where she died in the odour of sanctity, 14 September, 1755. Saint Alphonsus Liguori (1696-1787) was a Neapolitan who founded the Redemptorist Order of priests, a congregation dedicated to providing parish missions, especially to the poor in rural areas. At three different times in his missions, while preaching, a ray of light from a picture of Our Lady darted towards him, and he fell into an ecstasy before the people. So indeed it proved. In addition his father made him practice the harpsichord for three hours a day, and at the age of thirteen he played with the perfection of a master. His promotion to the episcopate in 1762 led to a renewal of his missionary activity, but in a slightly different form. The Saint's complete dogmatic works have been translated into Latin by P. WALTER, C.SS.R., S. Alphonsi Mariae de Liguori Ecclesiae Doctoris Opera Dogmatica, (New York, 1903, 2 vols., 4to). Testa, the Grand Almoner, even to have his Rule approved. (1913). Saint Alphonsus Liguori | EWTN Deposed and excluded from his own congregation, Alphonsus suffered great anguish. Even the baleful shadow of Voltaire falls across the Saint's life, for Alphonsus wrote to congratulate him on a conversion, which alas, never took place! Some persons, boasting of being free from prejudices, take great credit to themselvesfor believing no miracles but those recorded in the holy scriptures, esteeming all others. a fresh vision of Sister Maria Celeste seemed to show that such was the will of God. at last came peace, and on 1 August, 1787, as the midday Angelus was ringing, the Saint passed peacefully to his reward. It was this which made him the prince of moral theologians, and gained him, when canonization made it possible, the title of "Doctor of the Church". Revelations from God, the Saints, and the Angels through the Miracle of Saint Joseph, started in 1967 and continuing to this day. By AClarke625. The Fathers in the Papal States, with too precipitate zeal, in the very beginning denounced the change of Rule to Rome. He founded the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (the Redemptorists). In 1725, while still a novice, she had a series of visions in which she saw a new order (apparently of nuns only) similar to that revealed to Falcoia many years before. St. Alphonsus Liguori: Doctor of The Church - Catholic Tradition Alphonsus's father, Don Joseph de' Liguori was a naval officer and Captain of the Royal Galleys. Saint Alphonsus Liguori. This was in 1780, when Alphonsus was eighty-three years old. In liturgical art he is depicted as bent over with rheumatism or as a young priest. According to him, those were paths closed to the Gospel because "such rigour has never been taught nor practised by the Church". A final attempt to gain the royal approval, which seemed as if at last it had been successful, led to the crowning sorrow of Alphonsus's life: the division and apparent ruin of his Congregation and the displeasure of the Holy See. [11], Liguori was consecrated Bishop of Sant'Agata dei Goti in 1762. Today I would like to present to you the figure of a holy Doctor of the Church to whom we are deeply indebted because he was an outstanding moral theologian and a teacher of spiritual . Suddenly he found himself surrounded by a mysterious light; the house seemed to rock, and an interior voice said: "Leave the world and give thyself to Me." To this altered Rule or "Regolamento", as it came to be called, the unsuspecting Saint was induced to put his signature. In 1762 he was appointed Bishop of Sant'Agata dei Goti. In 1724, soon after Alphonsus left the world, a postulant, Julia Crostarosa, born in Naples on 31 October, 1696, and hence almost the same age as the Saint, entered the convent of Scala. It was approved by the king and forced upon the stupefied Congregation by the whole power of the State. Liguori was a prolific and popular author. The family was of noble lineage, but the branch to which Liguori belonged had become somewhat impoverished. [9], In 1729, Liguori left his family home and took up residence at the Chinese Institute in Naples. He was helped in this by his turn of mind which was extremely practical. Saint Alphonsus Maria de' Liguori, C.Ss.R. The Saint's mother was of Spanish descent, and if, as there can be little doubt, race is an element in individual character, we may see in Alphonsus's Spanish blood some explanation of the enormous tenacity of purpose which distinguished him from his earliest years. Furthermore, St. Alphonsus was a great theologian, and so attached much weight to intrinsic probability. Blessed Clement Hofbauer joined the Redemptorist congregation in the aged Saint's lifetime, though Alphonsus never saw in the flesh the man whom he knew would be the second founder of his Order. This Novena for the Holy Souls in Purgatory was written by St. Alphonsus Liguori (1696-1787), a bishop and founder of the Redemptorist order, and one of the Doctors of the Church. The Saint's own letters are of extreme value in supplementing Tannoia. His works have gone through several thousand editions and have been translated into more than 60 languages. Most were in favour of accepting, but the superior objected and appealed to Filangieri, Falcoia's colleague in establishing the convent, and now, as General of the "Pii Operarii", his superior. Moral Theology (also known as the Theologia Moralis) is a nine-volume work concerning Catholic moral theology written between 1748 and 1785 by Alphonsus Liguori, a Catholic theologian and Doctor of the Church.This work is not to be confused with Theologia moralis universa ad mentem S. Alphonsi, a 19th-century treatise by Pietro Scavini written in the philosophical tradition of Alphonsus Liguori. Actually, the document was a new rule devised by one of his enemies, thus causing the followers of the old rule to break away. One branch of the new Institute seen by Falcoia in vision was thus established. Pope Benedict XIV gave his approval for the men's congregation in 1749 and for the women's in 1750. Though St. Alphonsus was founder and de facto head of the Institute, its general direction in the beginning, as well as the direction of Alphonsus's conscience, was undertaken by the Bishop of Castellamare and it was not till the latter's death, 20 April, 1743, that a general chapter was held and the Saint was formally elected Superior-General. The version with Italian lyrics was based on his original song written in Neapolitan, which began Quanno nascette Ninno ("When the child was born"). They followed this gifted preacher from church to church and town to town to hear him give a message of hope in Christ for all people. Under the government of the Marquis della Sambuca, who, though a great regalist, was a personal friend of the Saint's, there was promise of better times, and in August, 1779, Alphonsus's hopes were raised by the publication of a royal decree allowing him to appoint superiors in his Congregation and to have a novitiate and house of studies. Alphonsus the Patron. He started again, recruited new members, and in 1743 became the prior of two new congregations, one for men and one for women. In The Catholic Encyclopedia. It may be he was even too anxious, and on one occasion when he was over-whelmed by a fresh refusal, his friend the Marquis Brancone, Minister for Ecclesiastical Affairs and a man of deep piety, said to him gently: "It would seem as if you placed all your trust here below"; on which the Saint recovered his peace of mind. She was told to write it down and show it to the director of the convent, that is to Falcoia himself. It would be a sacrilege to say otherwise." The eighteenth century was one series of great wars; that of the Spanish, Polish, and Austrian Succession; the Seven Years' War, and the War of American Independence, ending with the still more gigantic struggles in Europe, which arose out of the events of 1789. Since its publication, it has remained in Latin, often in 10 volumes or in the combined 4-volume version of Gaud. [10] He tried to refuse the appointment by using his age and infirmities as arguments against his consecration. Alphonsus Liguori, Saint | Catholic Answers At his General Audience, 30 March 2011, in St. Peter's Square, the Holy Father presented Saint Alphonsus Liguori, Doctor of the Church. St. Paul of the Cross (1694-1775) and St. Alphonsus, who were altogether contemporaries, seem never to have met on earth, though the founder of the Passionists was a great friend of Alphonsus's uncle, Mgr. Feast Day: August 1. Entdecke ST. ROSE VON LIMA, SCHWESTER MARY ALPHONSUS katholisches heiliges Buch in groer Auswahl Vergleichen Angebote und Preise Online kaufen bei eBay Kostenlose Lieferung fr viele Artikel! The suffering which this brought on Alphonsus, with his sensitive and high-strung disposition, was very great, besides what was worse, the relaxation of discipline and loss of vocations which it caused in the Order itself. "I know his obstinacy", his father said of him as a young man; "when he once makes up his mind he is inflexible". Raised in a pious home, Alphonsus went on retreats with his father, Don Joseph, who was a naval officer and a captain of the Royal Galleys. He answered emphatically: "Never! In 1749, the Rule and Institute of men were approved by Pope Benedict XIV, and in 1750, the Rule and Institute of the nuns. His spirituality was both affective and active, centered above all on the passion of Jesus Christ as the principal sign of our Savior's love for us. While affecting to treat the novice with severity and to take no notice of her visions, the director was surprised to find that the Rule which she had written down was a realization of what had been so long in his mind. There he met Bishop Thomas Falcoia, founder of the Congregation of Pious Workers. Thank you. Even if there be some exaggeration in this, for it is not in an advocate's power always to be on the winning side, the tradition shows that he was extraordinarily able and successful. St. Alphonsus Liguori - Blessed Are They - U.S. Catholic The Decree of 1779, however, seemed a great step in advance. Shrines were built there and at St. Agatha of the Goths. The Glories of Mary - Wikipedia He was born Alphonsus Marie Antony John Cosmos Damien Michael Gaspard de Liguori on September 27,1696, at Marianella, near Naples, Italy. Saint Alphonsus Liguori 1696 - 1787. Saint Alphonsus Liguori's Story Moral theology, Vatican II said, should be more thoroughly nourished by Scripture, and show the nobility of the Christian vocation of the faithful and their obligation to bring forth fruit in charity for the life of the world. Author and Publisher - Catholic Online But when the question was put to the community, opposition began. (Rome, 1896). He had a tender charity towards all who were in trouble; he would go to any length to try to save a vocation; he would expose himself to death to prevent sin. Catholic Encyclopedia. The foundation of all subsequent lives is the Della vita ed istituto del venerabile Alfonso Maria Liguori, of ANTONY TANNOIA, one of the great biographies of literature. The basic elements of an Act of Spiritual Communion are an Act of Faith, an Act of Love, a desire to receive Christ, and an . In 1949, the Redemptorists founded the Alphonsian Academy for the advanced study of Catholic moral theology. Hi readers, it seems you use Catholic Online a lot; that's great! About 1729, however, Filangieri died, and on 8 October, 1730, Falcoia was consecrated Bishop of Castellamare. In April 1729, the Apostle of China, Matthew Ripa, founded a missionary college in Naples, which became known colloquially as the "Chinese College". He was not afraid of making up his mind. The Ceremonies of the Interment. "The life of St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori" (1855)John Murphy & Co., Baltimore, 1855, "Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori", St. Alphonsus Liguori Parish, Peterborough, Ontario, The life of St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, Bishop of St. Agatha of the Goths and founder of the Congregation of the Holy Redeemer, Tannoja, Antonio (d. 1808), John Murphy & Co. (1855), "CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: St. Alphonsus Liguori", "Alphonsus Maria de Liguori", Saint Alphonsus Mary de Liguori Parish, Makati City Philippines, "1st English Translation of St. Alphonsus Liguori's Moral Theology",, Liguori, Alphonsus.
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