Henry 15 October Elizabeth Bruce 12 November Telumah 12 November Semiramis 18 August This page was last edited on 29 December 2022, at 13:54. Albert 17 February Telegraph 25 April In 1907 they landed in New York from their German and Italian services the following number of emigrants: Emigrants Landed in New York by the German Steamship Companies. Sophie 12 October 1840 Copyright 1996-2023 Cyndi Ingle, CyndisList.com. Howard 6 September Philadelphia 10 October Goethe 25 July Europe 29 May SS General Werder 1 April Constitution 15 November Washington 29 September Astracan 23 December Deutsches Auswandererhaus Bremerhaven / German Emigration Center Bremerhaven, Europe's largest and most modern theme museum on the topic of emigration and winner of the prestigious award, FamilySearch - Germany, Bremen Passenger Departure Lists, 1904-1914 Johann Friedrich 19 June Caspar 22 September Ajax 11 September Isabella 28 August In order to do this, the companys capital was increased from sixteen and one half to twenty-two and one half million marks; it had to be scaled down to fifteen million in 1877. Plato 30 October Mandatory passports were required only in times of crises, when there were epidemics and political or military conflicts. Elise 17 March Astracan 23 December Weser was an ocean liner built in 1867 for North German Lloyd. Ship Sirius 23 September Online searchable database of passenger lists. Rainbow 26 August Since 1907 the Hapag has also shared this service. Clarissa Perkins 11 July Sir Isaac Newton 30 October Semiramis 18 August Knickerbocker 9 September These records, created by the Deutsches Ausland-Institut, were subsequently transferred to the Bundesarchiv. In 1888 the Carr steamers were purchased; the 1886 agreement with Sloman ran on until 1907, when his steamers also were bought. Louise 13 October Active 23 July Trenton 16 December Bark Pallas 6 July Especially was this true for the years 1865- 66-67. Bark Meridian 16 September Bremen, German Empire Genealogy FamilySearch Philadelphia 11 May Contact Us. Amelia 4 August Stephani 14 October In 1856 the companys first steamer, the Borussia, was put into service, though the struggle for supremacy between sailing and steam vessels was by no means decided. Ship Olbers 8 November Brig Reform 29 November, 1851 SS Leipzig 24 December, 1871 Eutaw 15 September Telumah 12 November Everhard 30 December This page was last edited on 29 December 2022, at 13:55. Elise 8 September The saving in time which the steamers affordedthough slight at firsttheir greater steadiness and safety, conspired to give them the preference in the Hapags fleet. However, they only included those immigrants where the place of origin was given (most passenger lists in this time frame do not have this information), so they are only partially useful. Other European emigrants sailed from Le Havre, France; Bremen and Hamburg, Germany; and Antwerp, in Belgium. Agnes 29 December Olbers 12 December Ship Isabella 4 October, 1838 Isobella 27 April [1] It is a convenient abbreviation to employ, just as the Lloyd is a convenient abbreviation for the great Bremen company, the North German Lloyd. The ships will have special provision for wild animals, whose food, supplied by the shippers, will be carried free. Bremen Packet 16 October Ship Copernicus 2 June Emma 7 October Howard 1 May The ship room occupied by American goods cannot be filled for the return voyage with German goods. Ajax 11 September Rainbow 26 August Edwina 30 June Bachus 12 September (Nauticus, 1909, page 298.) Caspar 29 June Ships are so equipped that certain decks may serve as cargo space for the east-bound trip and in Bremen and Hamburg be transformed into steerage quarters for the west-bound. Amelia 4 August This page was last edited on 5 December 2022, at 21:20. Isabella 28 August The ships will exchange oil, tobacco, flour, machinery, cotton goods and food productspractically every ship will be a department store afloatfor mahogany, palm oil, rubber, ivory, cacao, and copper. Charlotte 22 April Isabella 28 August Cordova 24 November Condor 9 August Sophronia 13 September Condor 9 August Bachus 12 September Brig Anna Louisa 31 July Copernicus 18 December Ship O. Thijen 23 June Howard 22 October Olbers 12 December Ship Aurora 19 September History of Emigration from the German Ports of Hamburg and Bremen with a discussion of how the two major steamship companies competed with one another for the immigrant trade. A P Sharp 12 November Inez 2 December Elise 8 September The "Ordinance Concerning the Emigration Traveling on Domestic or Foreign Ships" of 1832 in Bremen was the first state law to protect emigrants. Westphalia 31 December Germany now exports largely to the United States, but her exports are primarily manufactured articles of high specific value and small bulk. Elizabeth Bruce 12 November Philadelphia 4 January Diana 3 June In 1898 a freight line was established to China and the Far East and the Hamburg Kingsin Line (1871) of the same destination was purchased. Barque Sophie 12 November Barque Eberhard 8 November Johann Georg 5 June Astracan 23 December SS Donau 31 March Grace Brown 17 July Elise 17 March However, about 3000 lists survived for the period from 1920-1939. All Rights Reserved. Diamant 17 October Elise 19 July Louis 25 June ISTG Vol 19 - Bremen Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild Bremen List of Passengers arrived from Foreign Ports, In the Port of Galveston, during the Second Quarter (10 May), 1871 (John Hellmers, Master) 1844 Bremen 21 November Washington 26 October Diana 5 August She was sold to Italy in 1896 and was renamed Seravalle, being scrapped in that year. Ship Elise 8 September Latrobe 2 August Heretofore all trade between the United States and the west coast has been carried by way of Hamburg and Liverpool. Timoleon 22 November After a years fighting, the German East African Line, which had suffered heavily during the year, entered the community. Thus all German lines to Africa are united. The Hapag has no connection with the Hamburg-Australian ; there was long, apparently, an understanding between the Hapag and the Lloyd that Australia should be left to the Lloyd, in return for which the latter kept her hands off Africa. Henry 15 October Vesper 13 September Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild 5 May 2010. Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild is independently owned. Diana 3 June Emigrants could have remained in Hamburg for a while. Stephani 30 December This can help you identify other generations of your family. For a comprehensive understanding of emigration and immigration records, study the article Germany Emigration and Immigration. So the Hapag and the German Levant Line instituted the direct connection themselves and continued it for three years. Identifying your sources helps others find the records you used. Clementine 22 June anyone without the express written consent of the Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild LLC. SS Deutschland 14 March Stephani 30 December Luise 3 June Diamant 17 October Garonne 21 August Maria Francisca 10 December This was true not only for German nationals, but also millions of inhabitants in Austria, Hungary, and other Central European nations seeking opportunities or refuge in the New World. Bremen Passenger Lists 1920-1939 Most of the Bremen, Germany passenger departure records were destroyed. Cyndi's List - Ports of Departure - Bremen, Germany SS Baltimore 20 March Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild is independently owned. Washington 29 September Friederich Jacob 9 December This database also includes transcriptions of card indexes for Bremen passenger lists from 1907-1908 and 1913-1914 (also see . Bremen Emigration and Immigration FamilySearch Overseas Passenger Fares and Emigration from Germany 395 . B. Bohlen 11 June Marianne 16 October The initial letters of the official name spell the word Hapag and it is as Hapag that the line is popularly known. ISTG - Germany Departures - Immigrant Ships which include use of any spider, robot, retrieval application or any device The GG Archives is the work and passion of two people, Paul Gjenvick, a professional archivist, and Evelyne Gjenvick, a curator. Northern and eastern Germans tended to leave through Hamburg. Sophie 16 June Therefore, if your ancestors emigrated to the U.S. from Germany, they could be found on a passenger list coming from Liverpool, England (if, in this case, the ship left from Bremen, Germany then continued on to Liverpool, England before arriving in Baltimore). Martha 1 September Herschel 15 August SS Ohio 1 November Ship Virginia 7 November Bark Weser 26 November, 1867 Garonne 21 August Sarah Ann 6 October Freight could not be profitably transported by steamers until the introduction of the compound engine, which greatly reduced the quantity of fuel to be carried; before this time so much of the carrying capacity of the ship had to be devoted to coal-bunkers that freight had to pay rates which could not compare with those offered by the sailing vessels.[6]. Ernst and Gustav 30 June Elizabeth Bruce 12 November Caspar 22 September Howard 1 May Brarens 18 January A P Sharp 12 November Condor 9 August SS Baltimore 14 August, 1870 In the case of emigrants to the U.S., that next best source is the U.S. Customs Passenger Lists. Marianne 20 July Emma 7 October Stephani 12 July Pay special attention to how the name should have been pronounced and try variations on the pronunciation. Eliza Thornton 30 October ISTG - Bremen Departures - Immigrant Ships Washington 26 October Trenton 16 December Lists of emigrants are often published. SS Weser (1867) - Wikipedia Luise 3 January Meta 4 January Virginia 26 June 1844 Previous to this, barracks were constructed to house the emigrants but the conditions were deplorable and disease spread quickly. Telumah 12 November For example, from 1841-1846, 115,000 emigrants left Europe via Bremen; however, only 11,000 emigrants departed via Hamburg. SS Aller 01 December Europa 23 June Foreigners and servants were registered and those in need of passports. Admiral Branning 1 November New Orleans, Louisiana Passenger Lists - How to Find Them - German Roots President 17 July Kepler 17 December Luntine 23 June Plato 30 October Stephani 12 July Caroline 23 July Paoli 20 December General Washington 24 November. Galliot Themis 24 July Friederich Jacob 9 December Early in the century Bremen had recognized the future of the emigrant trade. Europa 18 January Ernst and Gustav 4 November Washington 25 February Sir Isaac Newton 30 October SS Salier 8 July Latrobe 2 August Mary Phillips 9 September Johann Friedrich 19 June Inez 2 December Antilope 13 August The rates offered by the competing companies had drawn freight away from the sailers, and the Hapag did not let it return. Delivered to ship breakers for scrapping in April 1961. Emma 12 March Paoli 20 December Any description of the development or present status of Hamburg lines must center in the Hamburg-American Line. Ship Hermine 27 August, 1857 Garonne 21 August Westphalia 17 February SS Main 6 October, 1878 Pauline 9 October Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild. Favorite 12 November Ship Hermann 6 November Rajah 28 October Overseas Passenger Fares and Emigration from Germany in the Mid - JSTOR Republic 13 June As many as one-fifth of the passengers did not survive the crossing to America. SS Baltimore 14 December Diana 11 November Sarah Ann 6 October Brarens 18 January Steamer Ohio 31 July In the ports controlled by the Hanse city of Bremen, ship . Edwin J. Clapp, The Port of Hamburg, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1912, p. 82-91. Sophie 19 August Astracan 23 December On June 19, 1858, at 6 o'clock in the afternoon; the "Bremen" left the wharf at Bremerhaven on her maiden voyage to New York, carrying 100 tons of freight, 1 cabin and 93- steerage passengers. Margaretha 1 September [5] GGA Image ID # 141409098a. to retrieve any portion of the site. . Emigration from the German Ports of Hamburg and Bremen - Gjenvick Diana 3 June Among other things it required the ship owners to maintain passenger lists. SS Saale - Wikipedia This website requires a paid subscription for full access. Alfred 30 October These books index the names of passengers from passenger lists of ships that arrived in New York from Bremen. Bark E. Beaulien 6 January Bark Creole 30 September Arab 8 September Stephani 3 June SS Berlin 11 April, 1882 Many cards are not in sequence. To improve Hamburg's reputation as an emigration port, the Senate passed laws to protect emigrants and guaranteed sufficient food, space, and medical care on the journey. Book: New World Immigrants a Consolidation of Ship Passenger Lists and Associated Data from Periodical Literature by Michael Tepper (Editor); GPC 1988. Sir Isaac Newton 30 October Bark Eduard 22 October Edward 24 July Bark Mississippi 10 June In 1987 and 1990 those lists were given back to the Bremen Chamber of Commerce. Eutaw 15 September ISTG Vol 12 - Barque Georg & Johann Neptune 23 November Ship Joseph Holmes 20 September SS Oder 30 September Eliza Thornton 30 October Herschel 15 August SS Neckar 14 April, 1888 anyone without the express written consent of the Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild LLC. These have been transcribed and put online here. Only a few Germans emigrated from other European ports. Brig Bremen 18 July Friedrich Leo 2 August The part the German lines play in the transportation of these hordes is exceptionally large. German Departures - 1850s - Immigrant Ships Bark Adonis 1 June Copernicus 18 December Emma 7 October Charlemagne 15 July Neptune 14 July SS Bremen (1928) - Wikipedia The SS Bremen was built by F. Schichau of Danzig for the Norddeutscher-Lloyd line. Rainbow 26 August Clarissa Perkins 11 July This page was last edited on 15 September 2022, at 09:20. Republic 13 June Goethe 7 July Ship Aequator 5 September Grace Brown 17 July SS Leipzig 30 August SS Baltimore 21 March Ship Olbers 3 June Charlotte 20 September Bark Stella 15 October, 1869 Constitution 23 June Our research into the RMS Laconia and SS Bergensfjord, the ships that brought two members of the Gjnvik family from Norway to the United States in the early 20th century, has helped us design our site for other genealogists. Gustav 23 October Favorite 18 June Marianne 20 September Louise 21 May Ellen Brooks 28 October Diana 5 August Created & Maintained by the ISTGImmigrant Ships Transcribers Guild LLC The New Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild logo was designed by Patty MacFarlane. Conditions improved for emigrants in 1870 with the commission of new steamships. SS Berlin 5 December, 1872 Ajax 11 September Alfred 30 October Washington 25 February Johann Friedrich 19 June This second rate-war gave the Hapag its present brilliant manager, Albert Ballin, who was taken over from the Carr line; and it taught the company the raine of timely compromise in ocean warfare. The records of departures from these ports are called passenger lists. Bark Johanna 18 May, 1876 Post 23 June Maria Francisca 10 December Paoli 9 August These sources may be passenger lists, permissions to emigrate, or records of passports issued. Hualco 21 August 1842 For more information, see Germany Probate Records. Charlotte 1 June Germany, Bremen Passenger Departure Lists - FamilySearch Kepler 17 December 1841 Lucilla 3 August Ann 1 September The extent of original materials at the GG Archives can be very beneficial when researching your family's migration from Europe. SS Adolphine 18 January Until 1850, Bremen was a more popular port than Hamburg. Diana 24 November Ann 1 September Philadelphia 10 October Ship Olbers 21 January Bark Edmund 23 June In 1847, the Hamburg American Parcel Joint-Stock Company (HAPAG) was founded in Hamburg, which put a number of new ships into service. Sources are passenger lists. Trenton 16 December Autoleon 3 September Ship Itzstein & Welcker 6 January Louise 13 October Kepler 17 December Isabella 28 August Charles 28 August They are transcribed also. Arab 8 September The S.S. Bremen: Last Voyage of a Luxury Liner Mary Phillips 9 September Latrobe 2 August Bark Industrie 31 October Diamant 17 October Until 1850, Bremen was a more popular port than Hamburg. Where family registers were kept, the departure was sometimes noted there. Post 23 June . ISTG - Bremen Departures - Immigrant Ships Paoli 9 August This page has been viewed 197,393 times (0 via redirect). Stephani 8 February For more details, see several Wikipedia articles: Records that document emigration from Germany include passenger lists, passports, permissions to emigrate, German and French emigration indexes, published emigration lists, police registration records, and other departure documents, as well as sources in the emigrant's new countries. Schooner Leo 25 June He speaks of clippers, those magnificent sailing liners, first built in America, whose length is to their breadth as 8:1. Bremen 21 November Brarens 18 January Bark Constitution 31 May After ten years of service, she had almost 190 transatlantic voyages completed. Margaretha 1 September Favorite 18 June
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