To further awaken to the miracle that is you, get The Tao of Dating: The Smart Woman's Guide to Being Absolutely Irresistible, now available in book, ebook, Kindle, audiobook, and Sinai indestructible stone tablet. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. Now take whats left and live it properly. Marcus Aurelius. Step 1. The number of atoms making up the earth is about 1050. You are the result of the fusion of one particular egg with one particular sperm. He goes further back to look at the probability of all your ancestors successfully mating, and of all the right sperm meeting all the right eggs to make each one of those ancestors. First, let us figure out the probability of one turtle sticking its head out of the one life preserver we toss out somewhere in the ocean. So I got curious: Are either of these estimates correct? Id gladly take those odds over trying to become a millionaire in any other country. Are You a Miracle? On the Probability of Your Being Born If I had 400 trillion pennies to my name, I could probably build a decent-sized penny fortress with it. Just go have some fucking fun! The odds of being born are less than the total number of atoms in the known universe! Has anybody ever said to you Youre one in a million? Consider some of the contingencies and requirements for your existence as set forth by Mr. Binazir. dr ali binazir odds of being bornmartin et julien bouchet biathlon. The odds of you existing have been calculated by Dr. Ali Binazir. Say humans or humanoids have been around for about 3 million years, and that a generation is about 20 years. What would we come up with ourselves starting with first principles, making some reasonable assumptions and putting them all together? An unimaginably long time. Opportunity - Probability of right sperm meeting right egg: one in 400 quadrillion. But its not even remotely comparable with 10^2,685,000. What impresses me is that at the moment our parents came together to form us, the Creator of the Universe stopped what He was doing to give, to each and every one of us, a soul unique to itself. And the chances of that turning into another meeting is about one in 10 also. Half of those people, or 200 million, will be of the opposite sex. And to get even more woo-woo, I believe we each have a team of ancestors, Spirit Guides and Angels looking after us who love us so much. Are You a Miracle? chances of being born Archives - Happiness Engineering with Dr Ali Binazir So the probability of your parents' chance meeting resulting in kids is about 1 in 2000. They each roll the dice and they all come up with the exact same number for example, 550,343,279,001. Dr. Ali Binazir. And whats even more profound is that 10^2,685,00 is not even remotely comparable with eternity. A man will produce about 12 trillion sperm over the course of his reproductive lifetime. If the first shot fall into the black hole, it remains only the red, and not green or blue. Now things start getting interesting. Harvard alumnus and creativity consultant Dr. Ali Binazir tried to calculate the mind-boggling odds of one being born into existence on earth, and came up with interesting results. Well, the right sperm also had to meet the right egg to create your grandparents, too. Now lets say the chances of them actually talking to one another is one in 10. So the probability of your parents' chance meeting resulting in kids is about one in 2000. It was always likely that a living cell would jump out of that primordial soup because the conditions for that to happen must have existed somewhere; and, probably, in several somewheres. Having said that, Monsignor Popes reflection should spur us to consider that while the Mind of God could think of a nearly infinite number of souls to create, he chose to create you and I. What would we come up with ourselves starting with first principles, making some reasonable assumptions and putting them all together? Now go forth and feel and act like the miracle that you are. According to WolframAlpha, the total area of oceans in the world is 3.409108 square kilometers, or 340,900,000 km2 (131.6 million square miles, for those benighted souls who still cling to user-hostile British measures). Then he looked at the chances of them talking, of meeting again, of forming a long-term relationship, of having kids together, and of the right egg and the right sperm combining to make you. Maybe that one would have been better. Fortunately, just such a person is poised at the keyboard right now, so lets get started. Well, the right sperm also had to meet the right egg to create your grandparents, too. dr ali binazir odds of being born - It makes me want to practice love, forgiveness, gratitude, acceptance, service/charity, kindness, being humble while inherently owning my miraculous self. Its almost too big to process, just know that the odds that you exist at all are basically zero. The conclusion: The odds that you exist at all are basically zero., He illustrates it this way: It is the probability of 2 million people getting together each to play a game of dice with trillion-sided dice. Author and blogger Dr. Ali Binazir did the calculations last spring and decided that the chances of anyone existing are one in 102,685,000. Please pass this post along. You get the volume of planet Earth. It's the probability of 2.5 million people getting together -- about the population of San Diego -- each to play a game of dice with trillion-sided dice. As Borel pointed out such an event was so improbable as to be impossible. 7 distinct works Similar authors. There are only slightly more than 500 billionaires in America, making your odds of becoming one roughly one in 578,508. On my birthday, I had a strangely pertinent thought: what's the probability of being born? By that definition, I've just proven that you are a miracle. Remember the sperm-meeting-egg argument for the creation of you, since each gamete is unique? The chances of that turning into another meeting is about 1 in 10. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Our own galaxy, the Milky Way, has as many as 400 billion stars in it and at least 100 billion planets. 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. So far, so good. One in 400 trillion vs one in 700 trillion? Onward to freedom! You have the rarest of chances in the universe to experience what life feels like. Now before you start telling your parents that they could have traded any of your younger siblings for the lottery winnings, your siblings are miracles too! Thank you, Monsignor. Thats a pretty straightforward calculation. You are a representative of an unbroken lineage of life going back 4 billion years. Thats 150,000 generations. So I got curious: Are either of these estimates correct? Well surely reply you within 48 hours. Probability is a pure odd. To illustrate how precious each human being is, self-help author Mel Robbins said during a 2011 Ted Talk that the likelihood of you being born as you has been calculated at about one in 400 trillion. Our babys name creator can help you find a baby at 12 weeks old and unique name for your child. Binazir decided to test the Buddhist understanding against the modern scientific understanding. dr ali binazir odds of being born Multiplying it all together for the sake of completeness (Step 1 x Step 2 x Step 3 x Step 4): Probability of your being born: one in 10. First, let's talk about the probability of your parents meeting. This is true no matter how far back in your family's history you may wish to go. Dr. Binazir is an author and personal change specialist who studied at Harvard, received a medical degree from the University of California, and studied philosophy at Cambridge University. But lets make it longer. Namely, that every one of your ancestors lived to reproductive age -- going all the way back not just to the first Homo sapiens, first Homo erectus and Homo habilis, but all the way back to the first single-celled organism. I would call that a personal relationship with God. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. Its not cheesy to be grateful to be alive, if you look at the facts, it should be normal. Dr. Binazir puts it this way: "It is the probability of 2 million people getting together each to play a game of dice with trillion-sided dice. The odds of becoming a millionaire in America are between 6.4% to 22.3% according to data from the Federal Reserve Boards Survey of Consumer Finances. Step 4. The numbers are getting plenty huge as it is. A fertile woman has 100,000 viable eggs on average. Each sperm and each egg is genetically unique because of the process of meiosis; you are the result of the fusion of one particular egg with one particular sperm. To say that we are contingent beings is a vast understatement. It turns out that when taking into account the astonishing number of possibilities of parents meeting, grandparents meeting before them, and so on going back generations, and then adding the vast number of sperm and ova in possible combinations over decades of the marital act in all those generations, the odds of me existing just as I do are about 1 in 102,685,000. In other words, as this infographic figures it,. So now we must account for that for 150,000 generations by raising 400 quadrillion to the 150,000th power: Thats a ten followed by 2,640,000 zeroes, which would fill 11 volumes of a book the size of mine with zeroes. On one try.. *wink wink* Well, hello thereBom chicka wow wowits: The chance of every one of your ancestors outrunning dinosaurs, disease, war and pestilence to live to reproductive age and reproduce successfully is one in 10. In its Final Data report of U.S. deaths for 2010, the CDC reported assault (homicide) dropped off of the list of the 15 leading causes of death, becoming 16th, following pneumonitis due to solids and liquids.. Well, the right sperm also had to meet the right egg to create your grandparents. Think about yourself.You are here becauseYour dad met your mom.Then your dad and mom conceived you.So a particular egg in your momJoined a particular sperm from your dadWhich could only happen because not one of your direct ancestors, going all the way back to the beginning of life itself, died before passing on his or her genesSo what are the chances of you happening?Of you being here? was alerted to a fascinating article by Ali Binazir, who sets forth mathematically the probably that each of us exists. Thats just the observable Universe; we havent the faintest idea what is beyond what we can detect with our instruments. What would we come up with ourselves starting with first principles, making some reasonable assumptions and putting them all together? This basically ZERO CHANCE of BEING BORN shows me that WE ALL DESERVE having an EQUAL PLACE on Earth! And worry and fear? Probability of every one of your ancestors reproducing successfully: one in 10. If they met one new person of the opposite sex every day from age 15 to 40, that would be about 10,000 people. To complete the analysis: (102,640,000) (1045,000) (40,000,000) = 4 x 102,685,007 102,685,000. Again, it is similar to the probability of winning the Loto: while my chances of winning are very small, the probability of someone (or someones) winning are much higher. 530 Lovett Blvd, Houston, TX 77006 +1 (713) 942-9600; pricing strategy of samsung mobile phones. Its so unlikely, its almost impossible that youre here and taking a breath right now. If you need to flag this entry as abusive. 2019 Ali Binazir, M.D., M.Phil, All Rights Reserved. First, let us figure out the probability of one turtle sticking its head out of the one life preserver we toss out somewhere in the ocean. So let's say the probability of your parents meeting, ever, is 10,000 divided by 200 million, or one in 20,000. This is also true of their parents, and so on till the beginning of time. June 5. Popes point: that we are not accidents, that God chose to create you and [me]. No need for caution about drawing any conclusion other that the one he quite explicitly drew. The perfect deal in bridge is that each player receives all the cards in one suit. And the chances of that lasting long enough to result in offspring is one in two. You are a representative of an unbroken lineage of life going back 4 billion years. If even once the wrong sperm met the wrong egg, you would not be sitting here noodling online reading fascinating articles like this one. Probability of every one of your ancestors reproducing successfully: 1 in 1045,000. This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. This book will rapidly bring you up to speed on epidemiology and pandemic management. Lets say we have a insect thatmirabile dictuwe can send to the moon. Step 4. Lets say a life preservers hole is about 80cm in diameter, which would make the area inside, which we will conveniently round to 0.5 square meters.
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