21- Clubs are groups that reflect spheres of activity. (18) spheres of influence is biology is from a grasshopper. use spheres and diameter in a sentence. (255) 1Light scattering matrix of random oriented two spheres system is studied extensively by using the T matrix method and the principle of superposition. 2. If we describe the universe as two spheres then there is a chance of one of them becoming a cube. Man-machine metaphors travel constantly back and forth between the spheres of physiology and technology. (337) A small speck of silver or gold, melted and vaporized in the heat of the blowtorch, colored some of the spheres a yellowish hue, before he shaped a hoop atop them and finished the ornament. (463) What is the origin and root of "spheres". His sphere of action, however, was not in parliament. FeuDRenais 1302029 Ants and giraffes are distant cousins. The precision of the coarse positioning mode equals the minimal rotation of the spheres during one period of the sawtooth driving signal. (354) Taking a leaf from the President's book, he is determined to reach out to the purposeful section, - students - wherever he goes, and inculcate in them the desire to develop the country in all spheres. (259) As Freud's view of the unconscious suggests, distinct but interrelated spheres of reality or experience obey different, even incompatible , structures. The reason is that it's really, really hard, and too many of us in too many spheres of life choose the easy over the hard. A few observations lend support to the idea that observers are in fact able to associate a color appearance with the test and match spheres. At the same time, other spheres of life were put under stricter biopolitical control. With each n-trough there are n balls, each with integer diameter at most n. Two or more balls may have the same diameter. (127) Our current muddle in all sorts of spheres, not just cyberspacestems from the mess in the White House. (55) Instead, he lances small spheres on a fine array of needles, called a kenzan. Legislation now produced separate apparatuses and spheres of activity, with distinctive forms of knowledge and expertise. (319) It is not an exercise in cultural studies; instead it is just what it claims to be: a guide to the rocky, gassy , icy spheres of all those classroom wall charts and Nasa photographs. (336) A small speck of silver or gold, melted and vaporized in the heat of the blowtorch, colored some of the spheres a yellowish hue, before he shaped a hoop atop them and finished the ornament. Diameter Sentence Examples | Use Diameter in a sentence 1. the Diameter of a circle must go through the center. Next, calculate the ratio of your measured longest dimension (diameter) and shortest dimension (height) for each popping boba ball. Although both spheres represent two principally separated transactional orders, they are at the same time related. Using the formula we all learned at 239 Specialists 9.9/10 . The great priest couldn't help but muttered: "If I had known that my second brother came over yesterday and asked me to shine the holy light on his balls, I would have agreed." Qian Renxue felt sorry for Second Grandpa just now, but when she heard this, she suddenly looked at Qian Daoliu in surprise, why did she always feel that this sentence . Designed by the architect Andr Waterkeyn and built for the 1958 World's Fair, the 103-meter-high Atomium was originally meant to stand for only 6 months. . (247) To climb higher than the sphery chime means to ascend beyond the spheres into the empyrean or true heaventhe abode of God and the purest Spirits. Calculating the pth Percentile. (400) Seldom has it happened, since the discovery of the law of gravity, that so profound an impression has been made upon the scientific world at large as by the revelation of the part played by germ-life in nature; seldom has any discovery been fraught with such momentous issues in so many spheres of science and industry. Geometrically, a sphere is defined as the set of all points equidistant from a single point in . (9) Upon those crystalline, celestial spheres! (38) More often than not, these are regarded as separate spheres of endeavor. 16- There was political competition for spheres of influence. (271) Walter Cronkite held a tiny model of the Apollo 8 spacecraft and strode across a darkened studio where two dangling spheres represented Earth and the moon. (221) These are these arrays. 30.you can choose pipe Diameter and form as below. (70) Sometimes transitioning is at different levels between different spheres of life. You need to transfer that knowledge to new arenas and spread your sphere of influence. (334) Experiments were performed in a liquid sample cell containing two silica spheres immersed in a buffer solution and evanescently coupled to the same single-mode, near-infrared optical fiber. ; Laying small diameter pipes at fairly flat gradients requires . The cone of a volcano in Mexico had a height of 410 meters and a diameter of 426 meters. (401) The areas of intervening cortex, arriving at structural completion later than the above sense-spheres, are called by some association-spheres, to indicate the view that they contain the neural mechanisms of reactions (some have said ideas ) associated with the sense perceptions elaborated in the several sensese spheres. The Spheres of the heavens with the Moon. 1.the Diameter of a circle must go through the center. Sentences build language, and give it personality. i. 46- Jains have significantly influenced the religious, ethical, political and economic spheres in India for over two millennia. (452) How to use "spheres" in a sentence. Its diameter was about equal to its height. An answer key is provided. 50- Cambian la mineria por las esferas Trade mining for spheres (in Spanish). 11.geodetic theodolites generally have circles of about140mm Diameter. Strong, powerful and multi-purpose, these magnets provide high energy allowing them to magnetize to U Brands magnetic glass boards. Each star. Spheres And Diameter in a sentence. (173) Molecules are very hard spheres that bounce off each other without losing energy in encounters called elastic collisions. This would be great as homework or as an independent classwork activity. (316) 1This outstanding designed Agatha necklace, with silver and multicolor strass spheres, reveals the glamorous and mystery side of an individual who like excellence and trendy style. (60) Why draw arbitrary lines of distinction and value in different spheres of work? (30) We draw this set of nested spheres cut away so you see it. (433) What is the definition of an "spheres"? (87) Capacity of two concentric spheres, of two coaxial cylinders and of two parallel planes. Given the following data, find the diameter that represents the 49th percentile - Given the following data, find the diameter that represents the 49th. 20 examples of simple sentences of spheresWe tried to find and publish the the words with Simple Sentences of spheres Compound Sentences with spheres Complex Sentences with spheresCompound-Complex Sentences with spheres in a sentence. distance between 2 points on a sphere. (299) Where pigment was present within the cells (sarcoma), the attraction-spheres were represented by quite clear unpigmented areas, sometimes with a centrosome in their midst. (280) But what we're trying to create in Chicago is a way to get, collect together, those students who are least represented in our science and technology spheres. (415) When the fluids inside a particle were mixed together, the particle was neutral; when they were more or less completely separated, the particle became magnetized to an intensity depending upon the magnetic force applied; the whole body therefore consisted of a number of little spheres having north and south poles, each of which exerted an elementary action at a distance. (10) The blobs are stretchy spheres with two eyes. The dimensions also suggest that the intact liposome as a sphere should have a diameter of several hundred nanometers. You are here: Home 1 / Clearway in the Community 2 / Uncategorised 3 / use spheres and diameter in a sentence 12th June 2022 / in chopin sonata 2 analysis / by Because of the severe drought, this year has been quite catastrophic for farmers. 131. (449) What is another word for "spheres"? (47) The lake has a diameter of 100 metres. (243) I had the question popped into my head: What does the cone that connects the sun and the Earth look like if you could connect the two spheres? (312) However, in practical terms the private and public spheres are habitually not detached and the outward signs of statehood are often facades hiding the real workings of the system. 27.the saturn hexagon seems to represent the strange rigid path of a jet stream, with each of the six sides being one earth Diameter in length. (458) The Word "spheres" in Example Sentences. (233) Elliptical galaxies contain older stars and very little gas and dust. Each star. 0. One of the few spheres of human activity which offers a possible model is sport. To pass quality, the sentence must be free of errors and meet the required standards. (142) Because people have freedom of choice where to shop there is some overlap between these spheres of influence. (7) this was truly the music of the spheres. - "spheres" in a sentence. use spheres and diameter in a sentence use spheres and diameter in a sentence. (399) The dioceses were now mapped out into several archdeaconries (archidiaconatus), which corresponded with the political divisions of the countries; and these defined spheres, in accordance with the prevailing feudal tendencies of the age, gradually came to be regarded as independent centres of jurisdiction.'. The place where you unstrap all your fastenings to the earth, to what you are what you have been, where you flame out on the edge of the spheres, and the sun and moon become eclipsed and the world below is as dead and remote and without interest as if it were glazed with ice. See how to use a diameter in a sentence. 9) His work is little known outside the academic, 13) Some scientists relegate parapsychology to the, 16) However, statutory duties have a limited, 17) The gains to be made in the political, 20) Doctors have replaced the top of his hip bone with a metal, 21) He wanted to spread his ideas to a wider, 22) Women have often been excluded from positions of power in the public, 23) Other members of the staff elaborated detailed parts of the plan, each within his special, 24) In this sense, economic disparity overrides political equality in the information, 25) This acknowledged the need for a better trained workforce and for a previous lack of expenditure in the welfare, 26) This formula differs somewhat from the classical Hertz expression for elastic deformation of a plane by a rigid, 27) Likewise, many aspects of leisure and voluntary associations associated with residential location belong in the, 28) Anthony Storr shows how these depressive fears were magically transmuted in the literary, 29) Instead, it is a natural consequence of convection in a, 30) Perhaps of greater significance, labourism influenced abstinence from the formal political, 2) Doctors have replaced the top of his hip bone with a metal, 4) He wanted to spread his ideas to a wider, 7) Some scientists relegate parapsychology to the. (165) Typically a few micrometres in length, bacteria have a number of shapes, ranging from spheres to rods and spirals. - The Word "spheres" in Example Sentences. The popular astrologers claim that the forms in this world obey the spheres that carry their appearances (in the images of animals). Menu and widgets (42) He gives no diameter or wind-pressure. (132) In Britain, finally, the church, or rather the churches, wield tremendous influence in all spheres of life. In addition, she finds a "spatial and social commingling" of domestic and agricultural activities, indicating that men's and women's work spheres were not clearly segregated. (276) The thyroid gland of grey mullet is a specific secretory gland and composed of follicles, i. e. monolayer spheres of thyroid epithelial cells without cillium. 9.the relaxation of the jet to its final Diameter has been used to provide a direct estimate of the fluid relaxation time. The front or cover of the case is a similar button of hard polished carbon D, also slightly smaller in diameter than the cylindrical wall of the box. Most collisions therefore take the form illustrated in figure 2 and do not differ much from collisions of hard spheres of diameter r2. how much does lamar jackson make in endorsements; use spheres and diameter in a sentence. (261) In his system, best reflected in Divine Love and Wisdom (1763), Swedenborg conceived of three spheres: divine mind, spiritual world, and natural world. (188) Insurers, financial institutions, regulatory agencies, libraries, museums and dealers in mechanical parts in a range of spheres. (379) The solidarity of clan and fine in their respective spheres, the provisions of the system, the simple rural life, and the prevalence of barter and payments in kind, left comparatively little occasion for contracts between individuals. (348) The earth is in the center, then there are these crystal spheres, the sun, the moon, the planets and finally the celestial sphere, where the stars are. good sentence like quote, proverb). (88) He goes on to consider solid geometry giving results on prisms , cylinders, and spheres. The vocabulary of the picturesque, in turn, became available for metaphorical use in other spheres. The factor that seems to induce more cell differentiation is caspase-3 protease. (34) It's made up of 16 concentric shells. Think of them as four interconnected parts that make up a complete system; in this case, of life on earth. (47) It occurs as bright blue, radiating sprays or spheres of acicular crystals. A compound sentence with "spheres" contains at least two independent clauses. (237) What you're listening to is the sound of the brain of this monkey as it explores three different visually identical spheres in virtual space. (304) Now, runs happen in spheres regulators may not fully understand, such as the repurchase agreement, or repo, market, in which investment banks fund their day-to-day operations. They belong to two entirely different spheres of human activity. Learn English with films, movie clips and interactive games. He preferred to see women's genius as complementary to the male, operating in the spheres men could not access. Once the celestial spheres' number become complete, the existence of the elements follow necessarily thereafter. Lot of example sentences with the word spheres with. (90) A process of centralization and concentration took place in all spheres of human society. Diameters of Golf Balls 1.57 1.63 1.67 1.34 1.52 1.34 1.56 1.49 Get Homework Help Now Percentile Calculator. (461) What is the meaning of "spheres" in a sentence. 34.the minimum and maximum girdle Diameters are determined by taking a number of Diameter measurements. (197) They forcibly occupied leased territory, divided into spheres of influence, an attempt to carve up China, China as a colony changed. (346) God created meand youto live with a single, all-embracing, all-transforming passionnamely, a passion to glorify God by enjoying and displaying his supreme excellence in all the spheres of life. Just like letters build words, words build sentences. Let's calculate this again without using the molecules-on-a-grid approach.