Little is known of such matters, only that if this interpretation holds any truth then such aged beings may be far greater in magnitude and scope and beyond all hope of understanding. The possession lasts as long as the parasite is connected, although the parasite can detach itself to move to another host if it wishes. Yibb-Tstll, the watcher Sanity Loss: 1D6/2D10 Sanity points to encounter YibbTstll; 1D4/1D10 to encounter its blood in a sentient external form. Sold separately, the Malleus Monstrorum Keeper Deck provides over 60 monsters on handy tarot-sized cards for quick reference. Archaeologists may encounter remnants of this Old Ones worship as well as living cultists ready to help or hinder their efforts. In terms of cultists, they must interpret their messages like any other human, often foisting their own predilections when garnering a meaning. Other names: Star Eater, Strange Devourer, Unspeakable Beast. POW MP STR CON SIZ DEX HP DB Build MOV Armor Dhyighash 480 96 290 100 290 75 39 +6D6 7 1 0 Glagga 140 28 270 300 300 60 60 +6D6 7 4 0 Krnk 300 60 340 340 350 30 69 +8D6 9 6 12 Lysh 200 40 200 300 300 35 60 +5D6 6 7 0 Mtlblys 300 60 320 300 340 05 64 +7D6 8 1 35 Nour 200 40 200 250 300 60 55 +5D6 6 10 0 Prktha 350 70 190 230 320 60 55 +5D6 6 7 0 Shinjh 300 60 200 300 350 70 65 +6D6 7 5 8 Thahash 300 60 240 260 300 50 56 +6D6 7 6 3 Urafty 400 80 240 300 320 50 62 +6D6 7 3 0 X-2634 350 70 n/a 340 400 90 74 n/a n/a 20 0 Yko 180 36 230 220 300 60 52 +6D6 7 1 0 173 CHAPTER 2 m a l - P - and likely to cause dangers to the fabric of our cosmos unless magically contained. Those shan on Earth are just as likely to call upon and venerate Baoht Zuqqa-Mogg in their devotions. While nothing can completely negate the pheromones or its fragrance, such equipment may award a bonus die to rolls to resist their effects. May take on a form that somewhat resembles the viewer, incorporating aspects but massively twisting and distorting them for horrific effect (thus, if seen by a human, the Old One may appear with an ugly skull-like face, or become a massive boneless humanoid writhing about on the ground). Certain texts tell of unions between Pan and humanity. One must assume that this entity remains in a state of sleep or stasis, able to interact with life in and around the water in which it lies, but unable to move from the water, although this is pure conjecture. Kill Light: diminishes or dampens light in the vicinity (costing 2 or more magic points). Those held may, on the following round, be bitten (3D6+4 damage) or flung (2D6 damage). Ubbo-Sathlas whereabouts are equally confusing with differing opinions claiming it lies in a secret cavern beneath the planet, perhaps accessible via the subterranean world of Kn-yan or Nkai, or that it dwells in Yquaa, a hereto undiscovered place near to the ancient and now lost Mount Voormithadreth (in Hyperborea, said to have existed in what is now the Arctic region), or that it still dwells below Mount Voormithadreth. From the spawn of Abhoth to yuggs, the monsters of the Mythos are herein described, their lore and statistics updated and revised for the Call of Cthulhu 7th edition game. Despite such cataclysmic concerns, some hold that the laws of our universe are like rubber, able to reshape and withstand the appearance of this Outer God, and that Azathoths presence acts to regulate such cosmic occurrences. Then the liberated Old Ones would teach them new ways to shout and kill and revel and enjoy themselves, and all the earth would flame with a holocaust of ecstasy and freedom. Encounters Of all the deities of the Cthulhu Mythos, Nyarlathotep is the one most likely to actively interfere with the workings of humanity, appearing in a human-seeming guise or otherwise to sow the seeds of chaos and despair. The head extended from the body, quivering jelly-like, and formed of thick fleshy coils in which many weeping eyes of varying sizes popped open. The profile shows these as: formless / satyr / monstrous. The Manuscript suggests that Saaitii was from without and came to this planet to take form, and thereby chose a form inspired by hogs (albeit a twisted and horrifying version of one). Not added . Look on this wall of white fire and feel the frost upon your flesh! The text alludes to Yu-mengtis dwelling in a placed called the Chamber of Filth, said to be an encasing sphere that keeps this entity apart from the world, which may possibly be some form of pocket dimension designed to confine and restrict the entity. At the heart of the town is a square in which stands the Moon-Lens, a 50 foot (15 m) tall metal pylon. Too many pages are all text. Whether Elder magics hold this entity to its dwelling beneath Mount Antarktos is uncertain, as the explanation could equally be the gods desire to possess or protect the Black Cone (whatever it may be). An unusual deity that causes consternation and argument among scholars. The section in Nameless Cults goes on to say that in times past many youths were sacrificed to the god in monthly ceremonies, held at the waning of the moon, designed to honor and appease. On Earth, this avatars arrival may have caused some humans to conceive or misattribute the manifestation to known earthly gods, such as Babalon, the Red Goddess; Babylon the Great, from the Book of Revelations (17:5), or Isis of the Ancient Egyptian pantheon; and so on. The victim may attempt to break free with an Extreme STR or Hard DEX roll. If successful in this endeavor, the petitioner is granted knowledge of the Keepers choosing (suggest using the Augury spell as a template for this). Combat Attacks per round: 1 (withering touch) Attacks by touching a target with its shadowy skeletal hand, causing 1D100 POW to be drained. Such tasks may appear crazed and bewilder witnesses or could have some underlying logic to them (presumably achieving something to the benefit of the Mother of Pus). It may have looked something like a crocodile to some, but, for me, it was a terrible fusion of human and dragon, wrought from the nightmares of the fantastical. Those who access Daoloth in this manner may ignorantly repeat the process numerous times, with each experience strengthening the link between them and the entity, which may have severe repercussions, such as allowing a portion of the deity to pour into their minds and completely possess thema Splinter of Daoloth embodied in human flesh (see page 76). DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS have not yet seen beyond the veil to horror hidden behind, a great number (mistakenly) believe that this human form is Shub-Nigguraths true form, with much time taken to understanding the gods creed, anticipating its wishes, and devising means to summon the Lady to them. If reduced to zero hit points, Nyogtha drains into the ground, leaving behind an acrid smell. Crush (mnvr): tentacle-like arms shoot forth to coil around the target, who suffers 19D6 damage while being transformed into crystal (their body shattering like glass). Powers The Hunt: those who have been marked by Iod find themselves hunted by the Old One in their dreams as well as in life. Great Weeping: both eyes constantly weep. In addition, each night, they suffer horrible nightmares (provoking an automatic 1D6 Sanity loss on waking), and the loss of 5 points of POW every night as Chorazin as it eats away at their will power. A piece of art, a strange idol, or some curious act may provide the gateway into the depths of the Cthulhu Cult and its jigsaw operation. Be careful. Malleus Monstrorum - Cthulhu Mythos Bestiary - Slipcase Set, [Malleus Monstrorum - Cthulhu Mythos Bestiary - PDF], [/malleus-monstrorum-cthulhu-mythos-bestiary-pdf/], [Malleus Monstrorum - Cthulhu Mythos Bestiary - Slipcase Set], [/malleus-monstrorum-cthulhu-mythos-bestiary-slipcase-set/], Cannot order from your warehouse? Thus, encounters with Azathothusually through its dreams touching humanity in some waymay appear to be random, nonsensical, and dark. One sect, calling themselves the Cult of the Sacred Light, worship this avatar; it is uncertain whether any others even know of its existence. It reforms in 1D100 days somewhere in space. Yet, despite such fervid cultists, the Great Old Ones have little regard for humanity, which as a species is negligible and unimportant. Powers Earth Crawling: uses its four arms in a whirlwind-like fashion to cut through the earth and rock, propelling it through the ground at MOV 18. VOLUME II CHA23169-H $44.99 V olume Ii deities of th e mY tHOs For more information about Chaosium and Chaosium publications, please see our website at Printed in Lithuania Mike Mason, Scott David aniolowski, 23169-H LOc Muzy, and Paul Fricker. Certainly, rituals to summon this avatar are jealously kept, and it is likely that inter-personal or cult rivalry might breakout if one group possessed this summing ritual, with the other groups keen to obtain it at all costs. If such a bond is established, the artifacts owner finds they become immune to cold (and, in fact, seem to delight in being cold), but, additionally, they come to hear the Great Wind-Walkers howl in their head whenever the Old One is abroad upon the Earth. Said to be a plant-like entity due to its physicality resembling a great bulb surrounded by stems, vines, and roots. ) 184 Yegg-ha (?) Those falling insane become agents for the Old One (temporarily if indefinite insanity is cured, or permanently otherwise). Fighting Grab (mnvr) Aberrant Growths: those who experience direct contact with the Mother of Pus (which can be a momentary touch with a finger or hand) should make a combined POW and CON roll at Hard difficulty. With every movement it made came a sickening slapping and squelching sound. Ancient secrets, whispered lore, and collected facts concerning the alien and otherworldly horrors of the Cthulhu Mythos. Such groups are generally small, with many originating within a family unit and the beliefs being passed down the generations. A deity whose outstretched hand grants an end to the misery and the slings and arrows of life. 19 Moderate: incendiary bomb, bucket(s) of water, strong poison. Thus, we assume like other Old Ones, that Yigs form is mutable. Such beauty appears in no way artificial but is earthy and natural, almost magical. It seems certain that some link does exist, but as to what it actually is remains conjecture at this time. Man rules now where They ruled once; They shall soon rule where man rules now. Loc Muzy, Mariusz Gandzel & Claire Delpe. If failed, the person begins to develop aberrant growths on their body, with the first signs occurring 1D4 days after contact. Does it possess armor? Each item should be considered enchanted and able to affect those usually immune to mundane weapons. Kevin Ross: Bugg-Shash, Byatis, Gol-goroth, Zu-che-quon, The King in Yellow, and Tulzscha. Certainly, if reports are to be believed, the entity has remained on Cykranosh far longer than any other planet, which may be due to the indigenous humanoid-like people of Saturn worshipping Hziulquoigmnzhah as a god. This information is distinct to the main entry as, for the most part, an entity will interact in scenarios through its inherent powers, magic, cults, and Sanity effects more than through its combat profile. Seemingly, the entity has been summoned to Earth but few times, with each arrival leaving sorrow in its wake. Hypnotic Gaze: a human looking into the eyes of Byatis is compelled to approach the alien deity should they fail an Extreme POW roll. One reference in the Necronomicon speaks of the Seeds of Ahtu and suggests this avatar is but one seed and that there are many more spread across the cosmos, perhaps one on every planet? A common strand among the tales is this entitys preference to work from a distance, using go-betweens or else telepathically communicating rather than physically manifesting when summoned. Inherent within such sights is the boon of Cthulhu Mythos wisdom (+1D10 skill points) and its curse (1D10+1 Sanity points). In addition, the New York subway incident of 1921, where (allegedly) mustard gas was released, may have originated from the hand of a Kassogtha worshipper. Then, the hosts flesh begins to rot, with the body becoming a mass of weeping sores, wounds, and necrotizing flesh (APP is reduced by 1D6 points per day; interpersonal skills may suffer from increased difficulty and/or penalty dice). KRUSCHTYA EQUATION, THE The Kruschtya Equation is a mathematical equation which, when solved, causes Nyarlathotep to manifest. It calls to me and I shall answer. In addition, further depth is provided to the cults associated with each entity, the possible blessings bestowed upon such followers, and ideas for how these beings might be encountered or come to influence events in scenarios and campaigns. DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS Great Wisdom: Yibb-Tstll knows many things and may grant insight to a worshipper or another who offers something in return. For some, snakes were born of Yig; the entitys blood flowed into the earth, causing early life forms to become snakes. Should the POW roll be fumbled, the affected person becomes enslaved to Vulthoom and acts under its direct will (the only cure being death or the negation of the effect through magic). Scott David Aniolowski and Stphane Gesbert: Lilith. Kassogtha, Nctosa & Nctolhu, and Utulls-Hrher copyright 2020 Joseph S. Pulver, Sr. Used with permission. Obviously the art isn't the primary reason most buy books like these, but awesome, original artwork is a big part of the . Title: Call of Cthulhu - Malleus Monstrorum Slipcase Set Publisher: Chaosium Inc Authors: Mike Mason, Scott David Aniolowski, with Paul Fricker Artist: Loc Muzy Year: 2020 Genre: Lovecraftian bestiary for Call of Cthulhu Pages: Two volumes, 480 pages total Price: $89.99 for the physical two volume hardcover slipcase or $39.99 in PDF at DriveThruRPG Check out Sami's review of the PDF . The lore surrounding these artifacts is vague and sometimes contradictory, but most seem to agree that they could play a role in certain ceremonies designed to temporarily or permanently free the Great Wind-Walker. Rlim Shaikorth, the white worm Little is known of Saaitii, otherwise called Sal-Oo-Tep, with never-ending debate by scholars as to its proper classification. Cthulhu Mythos skill points: assume 5- or 10-point increments at a time. Instead, if they survive the encounter (pulled away from touching its hand), they remain in a semi-hypnotic state, seemingly oblivious to the world around them. The mi-go are a pragmatic species known to sometimes assimilate aspects of the cultures they study or harvest. 60 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS Cult This entity is said to be revered by some isolated communities in Polynesia, Hawaii, and along the coastal regions of the Arctic, who refer to the deity with a variety of names, usually transformed into local dialect though associated myths. While only delivering one or two attacks per round means they are deadlier. Certain texts on divinatory practices may unwittingly allude to the entity or its power, causing some to be able to access a portion of Daoloth and thereby gain insight into future events in a prescientlike experience. If a paralyzed victim is rescued, STR points return at a rate of 2D10 points per game month of bed-rest; during this time, the victims hit points can never exceed one-fifth of their current STR. Combat, in this sense, is more akin to the deity absentmindedly throwing THE GIFTS OF GODS Specific and unusual powers may be bestowed by a Mythos god on a human or alien follower, with suggestions for these noted in the entries. The entitys communication appears to be psychic, with those receptive hearing a voice that promises great things if they can open a way to let the voice in. The victim may attempt to break free with a successful Extreme STR or DEX roll; limbs may be severed if targeted (imposing a penalty die to the attack roll) and if suffering more than 6 damage. Toad Like: physical characteristics take on a permanent toad-like or monstrous quality (may adversely affect APP). It is said the lloigor found some affinity for this being, while the sorcerer-scientist serpent people attempted to harness the Old Ones energies, with a few of their kind turning from Yig in devotion to Ghatanothoa. All things surrounding Cythulos should be laced with a sense of the cosmic, whether that be cosmic indifference or cosmic wonder. Immune to all physical attacks; substances able to extinguish chemical fires inflict 1D8 damage per round. What the victim sees and experiences while in the other body determines how much additional Sanity may be lost. Given the connection, one may suppose that some followers of Tsathoggua are aware of and give attention to Ossadagowah in their rituals, and, given suitable encouragement, such worshippers could raise Ossadagowah above Tsathoggua in their devotions and foster the growth of its cult to new levels. The letter Y is pronounced as it is in yore. OI is pronounced as in noise. 252 Entity Pronunciation Abhoth AB-hauth Aforgomon a-FOER-goe-mon Ahtu AL-Mo-zz Aphoom-Zhah AH-foom ZHAH Arwassa ahr-WAH-sah Atlach-Nacha AT-lach NACH-ah Azathoth AZ-ah-thoth BMoth BEE-moth Baoht Zuqqa-Mogg BOT ZOO-kah-mog Bast BAST Bugg-Shash BUG SH-ASH Byatis BEE-yat-is Chaugnar Faugn SHOG-ner FAHN Chorazin CHOR-ah-zin Cthugha kuh-THOOG-hah Cthulhu kuh-THOO-loo Cthylla kuh-THILL-a Cxaxukluth AX-uh-klut Cyegha sigh-AE-guh Cymaeghi sigh-MAY-gli Cythulos sigh-thu-LOS PRONUNCIATION GUIDE OF MYTHOS NAMES Entity Pronunciation Entity Pronunciation Dagon & Hydra DAE-gon & HIGH-druh Qyth-az Quee-et-az Daoloth DAE-oe-loth Quachil Uttaus KWAH-chil oo-TOSS Eihort IGH-hort Rhan-Tegoth ran-TEE-goth Fthaggua fuh-THAG-wah Rlim Shaikorth rlim SHAE-koerth Ghatanothoa gah-tahn-oe-THOE-ah Saaitii Sa-EYY-TEE Ghizguth GIZ-gooth Sebek SEB-bek Ghroth Gg-ROTH Shub-Niggurath shub-NEE-ger-ARTH Glaaki GLA-AK-ee Shudde Mell shood-ih-MEL Gnophkehs nauf-KAEZ Tawil atUmr ta-WIHL at-OOM-er Gol-goroth GOL-goe-roth Trunembra TROO-nem-brah Groth-golka groth-GOEL-kah Tsathoggua zah-THOG-wah Hastalk has-TAHL-ik Tulzscha TULZ-SHA Hastur has-TOOR Ubbo-Sathla OO-boe SAT-lah Hziulquoigmnzhah ZOO-lih-kwoy-MOEZ-ha Utulls-Hrher OO-tuls-HE-RER Idh-yaa ID-yah Vorvadoss VOER-va-does Iod IGH-od Vulthoom vuhl-THOOM Ithaqua ITH-uh-kwah Xada-Hgla ZAE-dah-GLAE Kassogtha kas-SOG-thah Ygolonac ee-GOE-laun-ahk Kruschtya Equation ROOSH-tih-YAH Yegg-ha yeg-HA Lilith lil-LEETH Yibb-Tstll yib-TIS-tuhl Mguleloc Mm-GUL-i-LOCH Yidhra YID-rah Madam Yi Madam Yee Yig YIG Mhithrha meeh-ITH-uh-RAH Yog-Sothoth YAHG-sau-thoth Mordiggian mor-DIJ-ih-an Yolanda Yo-land-RAH Nctosa & Nctolhu en-TOW-sah & en-CHOL-hoo Ythogtha yih-THOG-thah Nodens NOE-denz Yumengtis You-meng-TIS Nug & Yeb NOOG & YEHB Zathog ZATH-ahg Nyarlathotep NIGH-ar-LAT-hoe-tep Zhar & Lloigor ZAR & LOI-gore Nyogtha nee-OG-thah Zoth Syra & Yoth Kala ZOTH SEE-rah & YOTH-Kal-a Ossadagowah oe-sah-DAH-gwah Zoth-Ommog ZOTH-oe-mogg Pharol FAR-el Zu-che-quon ZOO-shae-kwan 253 M o n s t e r M a s t e r Powers Name s h e e t Damage Bonus Attack Description SAN Loss STR CON SIZ DEX INT POW MOV Build Skills Hit Points Powers SAN Loss Hit Points MOV Build ) ) ) ) ) Spells Attack DEX INT POW / / / / / Damage Bonus Description STR CON SIZ %( %( %( %( %( Damage Armor Magic Points Name Skill Skills Skill %( %( %( %( %( Armor Magic Points Spells copyright 2020 Chaosium Inc. This effect lasts while in its presence, and once away from the Charnel God, those affected lose any penalties within 1D10 minutes. Certain tomes, perhaps the foremost of which is the Necronomicon, describe Great Cthulhu as a high priest who will somehow play a major role in the breaking of the Elder wards that appear to bind and imprison numerous Old Ones and their like. Mundane weapons (incl. According to some sources, Kassogtha shares some relationship with Great Cthulhu, with more than one tome speaking of these deities creating or unifying to form or breed the entities commonly known as Nctosa and Nctolhu. Those encountering such creatures may become diseased within a number of hours equal to one-fifth of their CON (if failing a CON roll). If a victim survives the injury, they may recover and never become an undead servant. Those receiving such a message should make a Sanity roll (loss will vary depending on the information, suggest from 1/1D6 to 1D4+1/2D10 points). Grab (mnvr): a held victim may break free with an Extreme STR or Hard DEX roll. During the 17th century, the entity came to Earth and has returned numerous times thereafter. Nyarlathotep, the crawling chaos Sanity Loss: no Sanity loss to encounter a typical human avatar; 1D10/1D100 to encounter a monstrous avatar. The true outcome of such tasks is likely to remain obscure, with the humans nothing more than lab rats in Nodens eyesit matters not if they survive, just that they complete the job allotted to them. 192 monstrosity (a POW or Hard POW roll may negate the effect), while at other times the milk is said to have amazing healing properties (restoring lost limbs and so on)the effect is determined by the Keeper, but should remain more or less consistent (i.e. Occasionally, two or more may gather, with the entirety of the cult only coming together once every 10 years or so to undertake some grand magical working. There are no credible accounts suggesting it has been summoned to Earth as yet. RPG Accessory: Treasure Trove CR 13-16 Deck (5E) RPG Accessory: Spectacular Settlements (HC) Ancient Warfare Magazine: Volume 14, Issue #5. Once on Earth, Ghatanothoas presence reverberated, calling out to entice new worshippers to this strange god. If reduced to zero hit points, Cythulos turns into a thick blue liquid that then burns through the ground. Evidence suggests this Old One originated on Yuggoth (Pluto) and later traveled to Earth (some three million years ago), establishing a domain in what is today Alaska. The Old One does not appear to have any alien cults devoted to it. Used with permission. UPDATE 07/25: I am now able to discuss every single game that was listed on The Trove and more! TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: CHAUGNAR FAUGN STR 325 CON 700 Hit Points: 90 Damage Bonus (DB): +6D6 Build: 7 Move: 20 SIZ 200 Possible Blessings Mesmerize: able to hypnotize others (winning an opposed POW roll) to question them or to perform tasks (not harmful to themselves). They detail a cult that worships the Skinless One, an entity somehow connected to another being of godhood known as Nyarlathotep. Mundane weapons may cause harm but are destroyed after the first successful hit (some enchanted weapons may negate this effect). Its flesh was a pale gray-yellow color, at times smooth but changing to form reptilian-like scales. 2 talking about this. A seemingly mindless entity composed of jelly-like liquid the consistency of thick mud. If unsuccessful, they cannot be saved and they become one with the deity. Able to use radios, televisions, and other receivers, the avatar spreads the words of sleeping Cthulhu, corrupting innocent minds and turning them into believers who would work the Great Old Ones will. The small creatures moved constantly, and the negative finally won. Other names: Azoth, Aztot, the Black Sun, the Blind Idiot God, Demon Sultan, the Well of Chaos. He knows where the Old Onesbroke through of old, and where They shall break through again. For others, they see the deity as a doorway, whose touch grants transcendence from this life to another. No human cults exist on Earth at this time, but it is feasible to expect some folk (perhaps those with associations to Great Cthulhu) to come to know the deity and, in so doing, begin to worship what they might consider to be the wife of Cthulhu and mother of the star-spawn. Malleus Monstrorum is a two-volume bestiary for the Call of Cthulhu RPG, published by Chaosium. Thus, the cult of Utulls-Hrher seems to grow by assimilating and reshaping other cults. Possible Blessings Eyeless: cultists of Zu-che-quon pluck out their own eyes in an act of fealty, with their god bestowing enhanced sensory faculties in return. Such thinking, perhaps best rendered by the elusive wizard known as Jacobi Tynd, suggests this entity is a living embodiment of cosmic entropy, destined to destroy all things, including all gods. Behind such facades, though, lurks within the monstrous and dark-hearted soul of the Crawling Chaos; thus, at times, the mask may slip and reveal a glimpse of the cold horror within. It reforms in Azathoths Court in 1D100 hours. Perhaps a portion, something like a wall of cold flame or a sphere of cold, might be sent in respect of a summons, like a herald or a mouthpiece for the god. A Luck should be made, with failure causing the consumer to grow weeping eyes across their body, which results in the loss of 1D6 Sanity points per day until permanently insane. The Red Queen has no organized human cult, yet her influence draws people to her, quickly establishing a group of followers and admirers over whom she wields considerable power. A single large eye could partially be seen within the morass, fashioned so that it seemed to follow the viewers gaze at all times. Download the conversion guide. In the main, individuals wanting to alter the course of their life or obtain some historic truth are the primary followers of Daoloth. If you have corrections or additions to any credits given here, please contact us at [emailprotected] TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD 6 INTRODUCTION 7 CHAPTER 1: UNKNOWABLEABOUT THE GODS OF THE MYTHOS 9 Classifications9 Human Perceptions of the Mythos 11 Using Mythos Gods in Games 12 Designing Mythos Gods16 The Entries17 Deities by Type 20 CHAPTER 2: DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS 23 APPENDIX A: PRONUNCIATIONS OF MYTHOS NAMES252 Monster Master Sheet 254 Minion Master Sheet255 INDEX 256 USEFUL INFORMATION Hit Point Losses by Damage Type19 Hit Location Table 27 FOREWORD Novice Keepers and those new to the Cthulhu Mythos may feel, at first, a little overwhelmed by the sheer volume of entities. how to hang curtains on aluminum patio, barcelona: a love untold lines about sagrada familia, jewel osco hr department phone number,