Xhosa is an unusual and attractive sounding language, though difficult to master. https://www.ethnologue.com/language/xho, Online Xhosa lessons and is made by putting the tongue just behind the front teeth. [citation needed], Khoisan was proposed as one of the four families of African languages in Joseph Greenberg's classification (19491954, revised in 1963). South African Culture and Tradition Explored. Xhosa is spoken as a first language by 8.2 million people and by 11 million as a second language in South Africa, mostly in Eastern Cape Province and Transkei. Ewondo, are about 8.2 million native speakers of Xhosa, and another 11 million Language use is quite strong among the 20,000 speakers of Naro,[clarification needed] half of whom speak it as a second language. Nama is used in education and in the media. In, Sands, Bonny. The release of the forward closure results in a pop-like sound. Nande, Other figures are the huge lightning bird (impundudu), and the gentleabantubomlambo aquatic human-like beings who accept into their family those who drown. Download your free PDF guide with 125 Italian travel phrases. The Xhosa language is properly referred to as isiXhosa. 9 reasons youre not fluentYET & how to fix it! Xhosa has several dialects, including Mpondo (Pondo), Xesibe, Bomwana, Gaika, Gcaleka, Thembu, Mpondomise, Ndlambe (Ethnologue). ), Africa: Journal of the International African Institute. https://www.memrise.com/course/1572/xhosa-an-intro/ Xhosa, along with Zulu and other indigenous languages of South Africa, has been a source of many words that were borrowed by South African English and that do not occur in other varieties of English in other parts of the world. [12], Xhosa is the most widely distributed African language in South Africa, though the most widely spoken African language is Zulu. Additional phonemes use sequences of multiple letters. (Let's learn together!). Snyman, Jan Winston. Hadza (Hatsa), one of the East African Khoisan languages, is a remarkable exception to this, having retained its vitality through a pattern of stable bilingualism with Swahili, the dominant Bantu language in the area. Xhosa nouns belong to 17 different classes, roughly based on semantic categories, e.g., there are classes for human beings, animals, plants, objects of various shapes, etc. in a spirit of brotherhood. Xhosa is a Bantu language spoken in South Africa, mainly in the Xhosa beliefs dictate that people turn to a diviner or healer, usually attired in a headdress and shawl of fur, when needing advice on how to deal with the spirits, help with illnesses, or to ward off evil from unnatural forces such as thetokoloshe a potentially malevolent goblin who attacks at night. The official name of the language is isiXhosa, with the key word Xhosa being derived from the Khoisan Language. The murmur no longer shifts to the following vowel. 2. Thus, the word for people is abantu in all these languages. women are easily recognised by their heavy dress, matching turban and coloured dots decorating their faces. Like other Bantu languages, Xhosa is rich in expressions, idioms, and proverbs. Kirundi, The Tanzanian languages, Sandawe and Hadza, use only three basic clicks: |, , and !. The various parts of the sentence must agree in both class and number.[12]. Xhosa is a member of the Southeastern, or Nguni, subgroup of the Bantu group of the Benue-Congo branch of the Niger-Congo language family. Others think that Xhosa-speaking children should be taught in their native language in the early grades. The verb is modified by affixes to mark subject, object, tense, aspect and mood. In keeping with many other Bantu languages, Xhosa is an agglutinative language, with an array of prefixes and suffixes that are attached to root words. Xhosa (formerly spelled Xosa) is an official language of South Africa, natively spoken by around 7.9 million people which is about around 16% of the population of South Africa. All Khoisan languages but two are indigenous to southern Africa and belong to three language families. In Nguni. Palatalisation is a change that affects labial consonants whenever they are immediately followed by /j/. . Copyright The Intrepid Guide Ltd 2022. A certain amount of intermarriage with the Khoisan people they found here also gave rise to clans like the Gqunkhwebe. In, Treis, Yvonne. The number of Khoisan speakers has declined drastically in the last three centuries due to European colonisation, demographic pressures and changing lifestyles. When aspirated clicks (ch, xh, qh) are prenasalised, the silent letter k is added (nkc, nkx, nkq) to prevent confusion with the nasal clicks nc, nx, nq, and are actually distinct sounds. The Tuu family consists of two language clusters, which are related to each other at about the distance of Khoekhoe and Tshukhwe within Khoe. The ceremonial slaughtering of animals is one of the many ways by which ancestors are invoked. All click and most non-click consonants appear at the beginning of words and are followed by a vowel. [8] Xhosa is spoken as a first language by approximately 10 million people and as a second language by another 11 million, mostly in South Africa, particularly in Eastern Cape, Western Cape, Northern Cape and Gauteng, and also in parts of Zimbabwe and Lesotho. There are five places of articulation at which click consonants occur. Below are some common words and sentences in Xhosa. High tone is represented in writing by an acute accent over the vowel, i.g., , low tone is indicated by by a grave accent, i.g., . Foreign language learning is real world education, /c, , , , x, , / have no equivalents in English. Masaaba, You can unsubscribe at any time. The Khoisan language groups are different in structure and vocabulary although the groups are closely related, unlike the Bantu languages such as the Xhosa and Zulu which are similar to one another. http://www.salanguages.com/isixhosa/xhowrd.htm Can you reproduce these click types? 1: . Forming part of Durban's vibrant Golden Mile, the Bay of Plenty lies at the heart of the beachfront, with high-rise hotels and apartment buildings making the most of the stunning sea view. Long vowels are phonemic but are usually not written except for and , which are each sequences of two vowels with different tones that are realized as long vowels with contour tones ( highlow = falling, lowhigh = rising). 2. 2014 - 2023. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. The debate about these relationships remains a prominent feature in the linguistic study of Khoisan languages, and the disagreements that sustain it have never been satisfactorily resolved. Kamba, Khoisan languages are best known for their use of click consonants as phonemes. Elsewhere many bilingual Khoisan speakers have tended to shift rapidly to the dominant language, thus ceasing transmission of the mother tongue to children and leaving it to contract and die, sometimes quite abruptly. Xhosa verbs are highly inflected. Venda, So by clicking on these links you can help to support this site. Xhosa is listed amongst South Africa's 11 official languages and is spoken by approximately 18% of the country's population (plus-minus 7.9 million individuals). aquatic human-like beings who accept into their family those who drown. 1991). The Kxa family is a relatively distant relationship formally demonstrated in 2010.[11]. It is closely related to Zulu, Swati, and Ndebele. Includes English and Italian translations with pronuncation guide. 2000. Haya, Planning a trip? Family words | In, Winter, J.C. 1981. Omissions? The origin of Khoisan click consonants and their peculiarly African provenance therefore remains a mystery. Adjectives, possessive pronouns and demonstratives agree with the noun they modify in class and number. The /i/ vowel is long in the penultimate syllable and short in the last syllable.[16]. If you like this site and find it useful, you can support it by making a donation via PayPal or Patreon, or by contributing in other ways. In fact, these differences are so pronounced as to suggest that in a linguistic discussion the term Khoisan should be used only in a loose typological sense to refer to a group of languages that share some features of sound structure (mainly involving clicks) and not as the name of a language family in the strict sensesuch as Indo-European, Sino-Tibetan, or Bantuin which some shared features are found at all levels of structure and these features are assumed to have been inherited from a common ancestral language. In all of the Southern African Khoisan languages, a simple rule applies to using the sound. This process can skip rightwards to non-local syllables (i.e. There are two groups of languages in southern Africa that have clicks: the Khoisan languages and certain languages of the Niger-Congo family, most notably Zulu and Xhosa. The sound system of Nama is characterized by an abundance of click consonants. Aspirated clicks become prenasalized ejected clicks. 1988. There are books, 4 Before monosyllabic stems in some words. The name Khoisan is a compound word formed with the native words khoi "person" and san "forager", meaning 'persons who forage in the bush" or "bushmen". "Die Khoe-sprachigen Buschmnner der Kalahari." Northern Sotho, Kuria, Xhosa has the following clicks consonants which can be modified in a variety of ways, such as aspirated, breathy-voiced or nasalized. Thus, a more correct spelling is Khoesaan. Day 1 and 2 highlights of the Africa Green Economic Summit Amongs https://t.co/Un48auA2t0, South African Tourism's initiatives and projects within the "growing green economy" are highlighted through partner https://t.co/BlBqEBi0pj, Were proud and excited to be associated with @CapeTownEprix in hosting the first ABB FIA Formula E World champions https://t.co/0prwWK7DrC, It is great to hear you are feeling our vibe Mpho! The town itself receives an abundant supply of water from an underground source, which is referred to as All trademarks and web sites that appear throughout this site are the property of their respective owners. The basic clicks are four: dental (|), alveolar (! The pocket of air produced by the resulting enclosure is rarefied by the sucking action of the tongue. Nkore, In the Marvel Cinematic Universe films Captain America: Civil War, Black Panther, Avengers: Infinity War, Avengers: Endgame, and Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, the language spoken in the fictional African nation of Wakanda is Xhosa. Total number of users in all countries is 19.2 million (Ethnologue). The Khoisan. All rights reserved. . isandla/izandla (hand/hands). It is also taught in universities. Dental clicks are represented by the letter c, alveolar clicks are indicated by q, and lateral clicks are written with the letter x. Vowel length is not always represented in writing. The term is a compound adapted from the words khoekhoe person and saan bush dweller in Nama, one of the Khoisan languages, and scholars have applied the wordseither separately or conjoinedto refer to economic, social, physical, and linguistic features of certain aboriginal groups of southern and eastern Africa. However, there is no scientific proof to support this hypothesis since all languages use sound symbolism to a lesser or greater extent. No idea what a clicking language is? The first Bible translation was in 1859, produced in part by Henry Hare Dugmore. She hypothesizes that this took place within efforts to prevent the spread of English during European colonization and prevent the entrance of the majority into the middle class.[7]. Duala, Ethnologue lists 27 Khoisan languages which are spoken by half a million people or less. These famous click sounds are found in Khoisan languages (alternative names include Khoesaan or Khoesan). Xhosa is also heard in Johannesburg and the Western Cape. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xhosa_language Unfortunately, many of these languages have left behind no written records, so their loss is permanent. All languages use sound symbolism to some extent, and, while there are indeed examples of clicks functioning in this way (for example, !, the word for the clicking noise made by the knee joints of a walking eland [Taurotragus oryx], contains an appropriate click in one Khoisan language), their normal linguistic function is as unremarkable as the function of more familiar consonants such as b or s in any language. http://www.southafricalogue.com/travel-tips/south-african-phrases-xhosa.html, Basaa, It has therefore been recognized that the Xhosa language formed after historical interaction with the Khoisan. Nyemba, [1][2] Khoisan is defined as those languages that have click consonants and do not belong to other African language families. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this post. Mwani, Only phonemic, and thus reflected orthographically, for. Learning materials, Information about the Xhosa language The Khoisan people, who at various points have been referred to using the derogatory terms 'Bushmen' and 'Hottentots', as well as Kung, Kxoe, Khoi Khoi, Ovahimba, San, Vatua and !Xu, are an ethno-linguistic group that has traditionally been marginalised throughout South African history. With about 800 speakers in Tanzania, Hadza is no longer seen as a Khoisan language and appears to be unrelated to any other language. In Haacke, Wilfrid and Elderkin, Edward Derek (eds. The prenasalized versions have a very short voicing at the onset which then releases in an ejective, like the prenasalized affricates, while the phonemically nasal clicks have a very long voicing through the consonant. If you want detailed destinations guides, languages learning tips, and travel phrase guides, then you've come to the right place! A certain headdress will be a worn by a newly married girl, while a woman who has just given birth to her first child will wear a different, Xhosa beliefs recognise the presence of ancestral spirits and a supreme authority. http://www.freelang.net/dictionary/xhosa.php Italian for Confident Conversations (A2-B2). Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Photography and infographics cannot be used without permission.Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy | Terms and Conditions, Language Learning for Travellers & Heritage Learners, Italian Travel Phrases Cheat-Sheet! They are marked with an apostrophe //. A dental click sounds like tsk, tsk! Isewell [CC BY-SA 2.5], via Wikimedia Commons. Because I believe in uTalk so much, I reached out to them and weve teamed up to offer you an exclusive 30% OFF reader discount across all of uTalks 140 languages! The pocket of air produced by the resulting enclosure is rarefied by the sucking action of the tongue. Some support the use of English and see its use in education as de facto segregation. Starostin (2013) gives the following classification of the Khoisan "macrofamily," which he considers to be a single coherent language family. Although mutually intelligible, they are considered to be separate languages for political and cultural reasons. The first printed Not all languages using clicks as phonemes are considered Khoisan. On commence, ce tour d'horizon des onze langues officielles en Afrique du Sud par le xhosa. ", Commission for Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Community Rights, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Khoisan_languages&oldid=1132757639, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from July 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2019, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2019, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Ehret, Christopher. [14] Also, a small community of Xhosa speakers (18,000) live in Quthing District, Lesotho.[15]. An alveolar click sounds like the popping of a cork made by putting the tongue just behind the ridge in back of the front teeth. It forms part of the ornamentation that reflects the different stages of a womans life. The Khoisan languages were once spoken across all of southern Africa from southern Angola in the west to Swaziland in the east and the Cape of Good Hope in the south (see the map). Enchantment winds through the Xhosa language, dress and rituals. Tuu: A New Name for the Southern Khoisan Family, in Tom Gldemann (ed.). Note: all links on this site to Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.fr are affiliate links. Punu, What separates her from other instructors is her ability to explain complex grammar in a no-nonsense, straightforward manner using her unique 80/20 method. #CapeTownEPrix The following table lists the consonant phonemes of the language, with the pronunciation in IPA on the left and the orthography on the right: In addition to the ejective affricate [t], the spelling tsh may also be used for either of the aspirated affricates [ts] and [t]. Vowels can be either short or long. Xhosa: [noun] a member of a Bantu-speaking people of Eastern Cape province. Kikuyu, What I love most about uTalk is that you can jump around their extensive library of topics and choose what you want to learn, when you want, and at your own pace. The 'X' in Xhosa, for example, represents a type of . Northern Ndebele (Zimbabwe), https://www.twinkl.co.za/resources/south-africa-resources/isixhosa-foundation-phase-english-south-africa-suid-afrika/2, Online Xhosa dictionaries Shona, Maore, At the secondary level, instruction in schools serving Xhosa-speaking students is in English. Xhosa is categorized as a Bantu language and is representative of the south-western Nguni subfamily group. Believed to be the oldest of the four language families, it is the smallest of the four and is found mainly in Southern Africa. This click is like the sound people make to call horses. "Khoisan." Michele creates language learning guides and courses for travel. Nama, in particular, has a long tradition of literacy. Similarly, the tenuis (plain) clicks are often glottalised, with a long voice onset time, but that is uncommon. The rest of the elements are placed to the left or to the right of the verb root. Nguni - a group of southern Bantu languages . South Africa is the native land of Xhosa, which is spoken chiefly in the Eastern Cape Province. Starostin (2013) accepts a relationship between Sandawe and Khoi is plausible, as is one between Tuu and Kxa, but sees no indication of a relationship between Sandawe and Khoi on the one hand and Tuu and Kxa on the other, or between any of them and Hadza. XXhosa tradition is an extremely powerful social force binding together these people of Eastern Cape province, most evident in Xhosa beliefs revering their ancestors. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Xhosa is, to a large extent, mutually intelligible with Zulu and with other Nguni languages to a lesser extent. Digo, Christian missionaries during the early 19th century. It is closely related to Zulu, Swati, and Ndebele. The South African Broadcasting Corporation broadcasts in Xhosa on both radio (on Umhlobo Wenene FM) and television, and films, plays and music are also produced in the language. Is Xhosa a Khoisan language? Ganda/Luganda, Today, the Khoisan languages are spoken only in southwestern Africa, in the region around the Kalahari Desert extending from Angola to South Africa, and in one small area of Tanzania. Genetically, the Hadza people are unrelated to the Khoisan peoples of Southern Africa, and their closest relatives may be among the Pygmies of Central Africa. The name Khoisan derives from the name of the Khoe-Khoe (also known as the Hottentot) group of South Africa and the San (Bushmen) group of Namibia. A system for writing Xhosa using the Latin alphabet was devised by Let me know using thecomments section below or join me on social media to start a conversation. secondary schools. In, Khler, O. No part of this site shall be reproduced, copied, or otherwise distributed without the express, written consent of SouthAfrica.com. [citation needed]Presently, approximately nine million Xhosa . Subscribe using the form below to have all of my posts delivered directly to your email. They are currently restricted to the Kalahari Desert, primarily in Namibia and Botswana, and to the Rift Valley in central Tanzania.[2]. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. "Toward reconstructing Proto-South Khoisan." There are several places of articulation at which click consonants occur, as shown in the table below. 2003. Eastern Cape, Western Cape, Free State and Northern Cape. Ejective consonants are pronounced with simultaneous closure of the glottis, raising air pressure in the mouth, so when the sound is released, there is a noticeable burst of air accompanying the release. Impariamo insieme! It has therefore been recognized that the Xhosa language formed after historical interaction with the Khoisan. Traduzioni in contesto per "Xhosa" in inglese-ucraino da Reverso Context: Ubuntu is a concept and a term from several South African languages, including Zulu and Xhosa. [12] It is the second most common Bantu home language in South Africa as a whole. https://t.co/qATXK8AEqg, A room filled with great minds, sharing a valuable outlook on living the legacy of the @NelsonMandela Foundation. Xhosa has a Roman-based orthography which was developed by missionaries in the 19th century and adapted to represent the sounds of the language. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. used as a language of instruction in primary schools, and in some There are some exceptions, for instance, the Sandawe language in Tanzania whose speakers have maintained a relatively stable linguistic community. Some languages have become extinct and others are endangered. "Phonetic Correspondences among Khoisan Affricates." A palatal click is a sharp pop made by drawing the tongue down quickly from the roof of the mouth. For much of the 20th century, they were thought to be genealogically related to each other, but this is no longer accepted. Before the Bantu expansion, Khoisan languages, or languages like them, were likely spread throughout southern and eastern Africa. Bemba, Colours | They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. As a result of this contact, the Xhosa people borrowed some Khoisan words along with their pronunciation, for instance, the click sounds of the Khoisan languages. Release of the forward closure results in a pop-like sound. Each click can combine with a number of accompanying articulations such as voicing, nasality, aspiration, and ejection producing a potentially large number of consonantal sounds: Nama has 20, Gwi 52, Juhoan 55 and Xo 83. Xhosa - a Bantu language closely related to Zulu. Tower of Babel | Swahili, Archaeological evidence suggests that the Khoisan people appeared in southern Africa 60,000 years ago. The orthographic b in mb is the voiced plosive [mb]. Makhuwa, They are truly voiced only after nasals, but the oral occlusion is then very short in stops, and it usually does not occur at all in clicks.